Chapter Mu *New*

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Chapter Mu

The Titans were lead through a small corridor by two men with lab coats. They hadn't said a word, but rather communicated in a series of gestures. Beta had already tried reading their minds to find a location outside in the real world but quickly discovered that their minds had been wiped.

"Lets just play it cool guys and we'll be out of here before you know it," Alpha thought to the group.

"Everyone just stay focused. Nothing that man says is as simple as it seems." Shadow thought.

"I don't care who he is," Gamma thought back. "If this stands in the way of my freedom, there is nothing I wont do to get out of this place." They all nodded in agreement.

The two men stopped and backed up to the walls of the hallway. The Titans continued walking into the large room. The ceiling was several stories up while the maze itself only went a few feet in the air. The walls of the maze were made up of a silver metallic color with dim lighting inside the maze. The Titans approached the maze before a pair of figures appeared out of thin air.

The first was a tall man, taller than Alpha. He had shaggy black hair that spiked up in the front. He had his hands in his pockets and an air of almost boredom. He raised the back of his wrist and checked his watch before popping a bubble with his bubble gum. He glanced around the room and barely acknowledged the Titans standing in front of them.

Standing next to him was a woman, no older than Beta and about the same height with short curled blond hair. She, as opposed to her teammate, looked alert. She was sizing up her opponents, but she was in no wise scared. They both stared at the group before the man spoke.

"Short ones kinda cute," the man said. The Titans eyes widened and looked over at Gamma who had already started to fall through a portal. She reappeared in front of the man and spun a leg around to kick. Gamma saw him flash a quick grin before he teleported several feet backwards, narrowly dodging the blow.

"Hey, I meant it as a complement," he said holding up his hands in surrender.

"I think we got off to a bad start," the woman said. "My name is Penny and that's Chase."

"Penny and Chase?" Gamma said, portaling back to her teammates. "Ha! What kind of dumb names are those?" She said, staring down Chase. Penny saw the glare and quickly reacted.

"Don't mind him; he's taken anyway," she said with a wink. Gamma didn't let down the stare. The Titans knew she wasn't offended by the crude remark but rather that Chase referred to her as the 'short one.' She stared back at them with hate that could stop a train. Shadow put an arm on her shoulder. She still looked angry but calmed herself down.

"Let's just get this over with," Gamma said and slouched away. Shadow shrugged and followed behind.

"You might want to lay off the short jokes," Alpha said quickly.

"Playing nicely?" a voice boomed from the speakers above them. A moment later, several computerized lines of code appeared in mid air in the middle of the two groups. The code ended and disappeared to replace a man standing there smiling with is hands clasped behind him back. Victor looked from the Titans to Chase and Penny then back again.

"Glad to see you are all getting acquainted with each other," he said, looking from side to side. "Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon, Omega, Shadow meet Chase and Penny. Penny, Chase meet Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon, Omega, and Shadow. Now what we all know each other, lets not waste any time."

"What's the plan here Vic?" Chase asked. He turned and looked at him with look of venom. He had never liked being called Vic or any other variation of his name. Chase had realized this and had never stopped calling him Vic and on occasion, Tor. Victor sighed and continued as if he didn't hear him.

"Now, you both know how to play the game, some more than others, but I've added some bonus rules. Just because I'm feeling generous, the winner gets a get out of here free card. Now both teams have a teleporter." The Titans looked over at their opponents and Chase quickly raised a hand.

"And each team has a psychic," Victor continued. Beta and Penny both raised their hand.

"Did I ask for a roll call?" Victor asked angrily, Beta and Penny both lowered their hands and Victor continued. "As I was saying, both teams both have a psychic and person capable of teleporting. Unfortunately neither one of them can teleport with out a location in mind. Whoever wins, gets to hack into my mind and get the location to get out of here. Sound fair?"

"Do we really have a choice?" Chase asked.

"Not really and you know that! Haha!" Victor said. They all stared at him like he was insane. "Well, lets not waste any time. Lets get started. Newbies, you'll be the attackers. You guys just do what you do best," Victor said to Chase and Penny. They all nodded and Victor vanished into a wall of code before that too vanished.

"Well, may the best team win," Chase said extending a hand to shake. Gamma just stared at it before spitting on the ground and walking away.

"We plan on it," she said walking away into a portal and vanishing. The rest of the team just looked around awkwardly.

"She's normally a sweet little thing," Alpha started.

"There is just one tiny problem," Beta added.

"But she's got a short temper," Epsilon finished.

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