Chapter Ψ (Psi)

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Chapter Ψ (Psi)

Epsilon instantly turned invisible as well. He saw Dimasian clearly now that he was invisible as well. He ran up and slashed at him, Dimasian jumped back and out of the way. Zeet appeared and swung a fist at Dimasian. He jumped back and snapped open his large wings. He turned visible again and started flying up towards the ceiling. A portal opened up next to Dimasian and Gamma jumped through. She stuck out her leg and spun her body around, roundhouse kicking Dimasian. She kicked off of him and flew back into the portal. Alpha then jumped through and tackled Dimasian. He couldn't hold both of them up and they both plummeted to the ground. Alpha quickly released his hold on Dimasian and jumped to the ground. He landed and rolled to absorb most of the impact. Dimasian kept falling and about a foot before hitting the ground, stopped in mid air. Beta had her hand out stretched and fingers spread wide. She threw her hand to the side and he flew across the room smashing into the wall. He fell to his knees, breathing heavy. Omega ran up with blurred speed. He threw his arm forward to throw a punch. Dimasian raised his arm, blocking it, and grabbing his arm. Omega swung his other arm at his head, but Dimasian was too quick and grabbed his other arm too. Omega jumped up, pressing both of his feet on Dimasian's chest and kicked off. Omega's arms were released and he flipped back, landing on his feet. Dimasian flew back into the same wall he just hit a few second previous. He slowly got up to his feet.

"You guys aren't half bad." Dimasian said, placing his hand on a support beam. It glowed yellow for a second then broke off and became two large knifes. Alpha grabbed a pipe on the wall closest to him. There was a flash of light and the pipe broke off the wall and became a thinner longer pipe. Epsilon looked over at him and rolled his eyes.

"What?" Alpha asked.

"You don't have much of an imagination do you?" he asked Alpha.

"It works," Alpha said defensively. Epsilon didn't have a chance to response cause just then Dimasian jumped up into the air. He flapped his large dark wings a few times and folded them in and plummeted to the ground, knife pointed at Epsilon. Epsilon quickly raised his wrist blades above his head. He blocked the knifes and pushed Dimasian away. Dimasian slashed again and Epsilon raised his arm, the sound of metal scraping metal echoed through the room as the knife scraped along the blade. Epsilon jumped forward, thrusting out his own blade in the process. Dimasian jumped back and slashed forward, Epsilon dove to the left and Alpha ran up swinging his metal pipe. Dimasian went defensive and backed up. Gamma created a portal by his feet and swung her leg through it. Dimasian's knees buckled and he went flying to the ground.

"You're not half bad either...but you can never beat the Titans." Epsilon said. He raised his wrist blades and swung it down on Dimasian.

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