A NEW DAY.. with old memories...

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Manik got a bottle of champeign for everyone. They sat in a circle. Nandini Manik. Alya. Dhruv. Abhi. Mukti. Navya. Cabeer. Nandini.

Manik popped the champeign open. He took a sip and paased it on to Alya. The circle goes and when it came Mukti, she by mistake pass it further to Navya and then stopped a moment. When she looked at Navya, she realised she doesnt drink. So she extends her hand more and pass it to Cabeer. But Navya held the bottle.

Navya - aaj hum bhi.

Everyone cheered and she took a long sip then shuddered.
Then the circle goes.

After sometime, every couple was seen in different corners cuddling in each other or talking. Manik and Nandini were the only ones left.  Looking at the sky with a comfortable silence sorrounding the atmosphere around them. A smile was on both the faces. Nandini was sitting hugging her knees and Manik too in the same way.

Manik - so??

Nandini - so...??

Manik - what happened to the trying part??

Nandini - i guess its still on.

Manik - hmm?? But we know very little about each other.

Nandini - so... then lets get knowing each other.

Manik - ok. But not here. Will you come with me somewhere.

Nandini - but... what about them.
Manik - arre we are here only. In the Mansion. But I wanna show you a place.

Nandini - Ok.

They both stood and walked off the tarrace. Nandini was following Manik down. Then they took a right from the second story. And entered thw corner most room.

It was dark till Manik switched the lights on. It was a beautiful room with a white and golden as the sorrounding everywhere. The walls were painted white but there were golden gliterry textures on it. The main wall doesnt had textures but it was painted off white and had so many pictures of a baby with Neyonika and many more people. Few of them were of Ratan and Ramaira Murthy with Manik. Then Amms, Krishnakant and Shanno with a teenage boy whose features were very similar to the boy standing at the door right now with Nandini.
There was a small bed which clearly tells that no man of 6 feet in height could sleep on it. Then there were musical instruments. An almirah which was black. It had a poster on it. A poster of various singing sensation and then up above the poster was FAB 5's poster on which it was written :-  Fab 5. Above everyone.

Everything was clean in the room except for the study table which had too many papers and diaries kept on it.

Nandini entered the room and carresed the pictures on the wall.

Manik - umm. I dont know why, but I wanted you to come here.
This was my room when I was small. I lived in here till I was in 10th grade.

Nandini - its very beautiful. Are these your pictures??

Manik - yaa. Mom insisted me to put them here.

Nandini - you didnt want to??

Manik - its not like that. I was growing and I didnt want my friends to see them. I wanted only to keep the pictures of my family. Not mine. I dont like them. I was a very fat boy in school. So... i hate these pictures.

Nandini - but I liked them. You were so cute.( chukling ) A big. Fatty giant.

Manik glared at her and she looked back at him with a smile. Then back again, where she saw her parents picture. She carresed them and Manik went near her.

KAISE BATAAOON TUMHE...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें