Preparations for Date.

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3 days later.
Nandini is finally out of the hospital and all set to start the execution of her date plan. She have the support of Navya, Abhi, Arya and Fab 4 to complete the proposal.
The whole plan was to be kept a secret from Manik and hence everyone was ignoring him from the past 3 days. Also according to the promise made to Nandini, he was not allowed at the hospital. He also knew she must be planning something great and everyone was now involved in it thus he didnt did much to find out but inside he was hell curious and desperate to find out. Snapping everyone in his way includes the part of his behaviour with anyone who comes in his way. But got to give that much to him - HE DIDNT KILL ANYONE. YET. HOPEFULLY.
But yes for others, it was very amusing. They all talked about him in between the breaks when they are not planning for the date. It was as if they are planning the first birthday of the only new born in family. All at once ready with the materials and on their toes.

Nandini just had to give them orders and they followed them smilingly.
Nandini would be staying the night at Murthy Mansion because they didnt want Manik to see her.

The first phase of plan.

Get the message of the angel to the monster.
Cabeer was assigned this task. For this purpose he bunked the college. He went inside Manik's room and hide the notes as told.

Step 1 complete.

Second phase of Plan.

Get the dress delivered to the monster.
Dhruv bribed the delivery boy who happen to be his friend to deliver a parcel with notes to Manik just in time. At 7 pm. He was keeping a close eye on things.

Step 2 complete.

Third phase of plan.
Transport for the monster.
The driver of the day was Abhimanyu Thakkar. (Drum rolls)

Well basically Abhi had got the job to get Manik at the venue safely. Because Cabeer and Dhruv were assigned the task upto their talent. And sensing the heated scene between Aryaman and Manik, Nandini decided to play safe and picked Abhi for the job. Meanwhile Arya helped the girls shopping. Mukti instructed and kept an eye on boys. Other 2 were given the job of getting Nandini ready.
Nandini since couldnt do any job just sits at the wheelchair with her fractured leg and her now alright arm.

Fourth phase.

Venue setup.
Well they cant do anything in that matter because the owner isnt their father or their uncles to let them ruin it. Even with the money they offered. So it was now out of question.
The place was not like any restaurants. It was old, classic and colesely related to music and musicians because........................
( tell u soon )

Fourth step complete.

Manik's P.O.V.
F***KERS. B******D. A******S.
All of them. You know what they say about how someone doesnt need enemies if they have got such friends. Fab 4 is the same. Though i love them all. Bust times like these they are worth cursing.

Well, i cant blame them. I myself took the oath, i will let Nandini do everything and wont interfere. Nandini. Nandini Murthy. I am still surprised how she agreed at my stupid wish. I wouldnt have forced her for it. She knew this. Then why would she do all of this for me. Although it does make me happy. But does it say that she feels for me............... no Manik dont let your hopes high again. Maybe she just wants you as a friend. Last time you let your hopes high, she rejected you. I cant take that risk. Only i knew how i controlled myself from shacking her vigorously and asking what is the problem with me. But i cant, she is a girl. And if i ever hurt a girl, there would be no difference between me and Raj Malhotra. I would never be like him.

KAISE BATAAOON TUMHE...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें