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Manik's P.O.V.
She couldn't possibly know, can she? I wouldn't have been that obvious? But, I can't lie, not to her. What's the next best thing I can do? I will answer her question with one of my own. It works.

"Why would you say that? Do you really think I would be happy to see you cry?"

She was silent and I felt awful to put her in this place. But then I remembered, If she left, I would be alone and that would be so much worse. I am sorry, love.
I stayed there, silent, waiting for a reply and she did.

"I just want to be alone."

Understandable. But that's exactly what she needs to learn. I will never leave her side.

"You don't have to be Nandini. I am here for you, always."

"Manik, please leave me Alone, I am upset, I don't want to say anything we both might regret."

I don't want to play my hand too hard. I have to back off for now.

"Alright. You take your time, but I am here for you Nandu, anytime you need me."

She nodded and I reached to hug her, but she stepped back, I found my arms left hanging, alone. I took them back and accepted a little defeat.
I will win you back Nandini, I will.

She ran out and I stood there baffled. Was I delusional? Does she even love me? Or am I running behind someone who doesn't even want me? I am being paranoid, aren't I? 
My phone vibrated, distracting me from my satanic thoughts, it was Cabeer. He wanted to see if Nandini was alright. I texted him back, "She will be". I will make sure she is fine. 

Next, I leave a text for Nandini for when she sees her phone, she should know that by now, I won't leave her to be alone. "You are not alone, Ms. Murthy, not when I am alive, please talk to me. All differences aside, I can't see you upset, give me a call, please."

Moving along through the campus, I found Navya, Abhi, and Aryaman by the watercooler, no sign of her insight. She really is upset, oh my, Nandini, you will be fine, I promise. I approach them, they can tell me where to find her. 

"Hi Guys," I said, approaching with caution, they are still angry at me about our fight. "Have you seen Nandini?" 

No replies, ignoring me, it seems, okay, at least they are not throwing punches my way. 

"Okay, don't tell me. Please tell her I am really sorry about her selection." Again, no response, it's like I am talking to a wall. I take a leave, so I don't escalate the matters, I still have classes to go to. I have flunked most, and even though I am the owner's son, it doesn't help with the attendance. Plus, Mom would be really upset, if I fail. So, I find the group and ask them to join me in the classes. 

It was a long session, and a really long day, studying music, in theory, is boring, and we all agree with that.  After the classes and the practice, I reach home after dropping the band at their places, and I found my mother outside the house, sitting on the stairs. I hop out of my car and sit with her. I ask her why she is sitting there? She tells me she was waiting for me. I smile at my mother. "Aapko pata hai n we have a really great living room inside the house, where you can wait for me very comfortably.", 

"Haa, it is very comfortable, but I didn't want to talk to you inside the house, Nandini is there, I don't want to listen to us."

"She is there?"

"Haa, she came by the office, crying, because she didn't get selected, she thinks, she made a mistake -" 

"-What? That's ridiculous, it's just one competition. There will be many."

KAISE BATAAOON TUMHE...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें