The Night To Remember (part 2)

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Manik's P.O.V.

"I love you, Manik" she said.

She said.


"I love you. I am sorry, i didnt tell you earlier, I dont want to rush into relationships, So maybe because of that, i didnt tell you...

I hugged her. And smiled. Finally, after so many days, minutes, seconds, she finally said. I dont want any explanations. I dont need anything else. She loves me. She confessed. God, kill me now and i wont complaint. Actually i would, because now i want to live. For her. With her. I would do everything for her. I love her.

"Manik, i am sorry"

I made a face and pulled her from the hug, still with the same face.

"Cummon, stop with the sorry. I am not angry. Infact you know how i am feeling right now??"

She is confused. She shook her head. Ofcourse how would she know, she is not me.

"I feel like i have won the GIMA award. Like i have won oscar for the best singer. Like i have won every damn price in the world. i am the only person who isnt affected by plague when the whole world is suffering. Like i won... you. You idiot, i love you."

"I love you too"

And the little blush. Awwwww....... she is so....chubby cheeks. I want to do something with her.

"Can i pull your cheeks, please" I asked.

She looks shocked at my little demand.


"Voh, look at you, you look so cute, when you blush. Please. Can i pull your cheeks" i demanded.

"Um...sure. But not too forceful. I get a red mark on it."

I jumped excieted, of course.  I will pull her cheeks.
I gently pulled her cheeks one time and the next. And the next and.... this time she held my hand.

"I permitted you for only one time" oh she gets fiesty easily.

"So what?? I loved doing it. You are so chubby. You know you have so full cheeks. I liked it." I said shrugging.

"Enough for today. Now that we still have 2 hr. Reservation left, can we enjoy our little karaeoke."

I chukled and nodded.

"I believe its my turn to select a song for myself??" I asked.

She nodded.
I went down to her level and placed the mike between us. I believe its the time that i can finally sing the song that i always wanted. Finally.

"Okay so, its a special song. I want to sing it with you. Please. I know you have already done your part but please...."

"You dont have to ask. You have the permission for now and for always. I will always sing a song with you."

She is really a great girl. I am lucky. I selected the song and played it. The lyrics appeared on the screen and as she understood what the song was she smiled.

"Its my favourate." She said. 

"Mine too" was my reply.

Closer by Chainsmokers

Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you
I drink too much and that's an issue
But I'm OK
Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them
But I hope I never see them

KAISE BATAAOON TUMHE...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें