Chapter 1 : Justify Your Love

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"Grace, Camila, Douglas!" I yell. The three run in shortly and I smile at them. Grace and Camila were dressed up in their best dresses and Douglas had his tuxedo on. He looked like his father. Not Alec, Jonathan.

"Hey darling." Alec says walking into the kitchen. "Hi." I say as he kisses me. Alec lifts my onto the counter and hands me his tie. I quickly tie it before he helps me down.

Douglas was the oldest. He's five. Camila and Grace our two. Yup they're twins. Not to mention our little boy on the way.

"Let's go." I say grabbing my purse and the baby bag. "I got it." Alec says taking it from me. "Thanks." I say as we begin to walk to the car.

Alec buckles the kids in and I get into the passenger seat. Alec knew that Douglas is Jonathan's son, but Douglas always calls him dad. Since Jonathan never even cared to even meeting him either.

Today was the day. It was LA Kings against the Chicago Blackhawks. It was playoffs. I wanted the Kings to destroy the Blackhawks.

"Mommy did you know Auntie Michelle is coming today?" Douglas asks. "Well now she does." Alec says. "What was it supposed to be a surprise?" I ask.

Alec nods and I smile placing my hand on his thigh. "Very nice of you to fly out my sister." I say leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Of course." He says smiling.

I smile and we both turn back to the road.

We get to the Staples Center and I go to the Blackhawks locker room. "Well if it isn't Alina." Corey says smiling. "Are these the little ones?" He asks looking down at Grace, Camila, and Douglas.

I nod and he smiles. "What dat mommy?" Douglas asks hiding behind my leg. "This is mommy's old friend Corey." I say. Douglas nods, but doesn't move from the spot he's in.

"Not to mention your favorite." Someone says behind me. I turn and see Adam standing there smiling ear to ear. "Adam." I say surprised as I hug him. "Wait, where's Chase?" I ask. Everyone goes quiet and I give them a confused look. "Chase is in the hospital. He got diagnosed with liver cancer last year. He's on his last few weeks." Andrew says.

I frown and Camila pulls on my hand. I look down, "I wanna go wit da-da." She says in her baby English. I nod. "Hold on honey." I say. She nod and holds onto my leg.

"So these are the three musketeers." Andrew says smiling at them. "Four." I say pointing to my stomach. "No way." Andrew says excited. I nod and he smiles. "Congratulations." He says smiling.

"Thank you." I say smiling. "Which one is Jonathan's?" Corey asks. "Douglas." I say. Corey looks at him and Douglass waves at Corey.

"Yup that's Jonathan alright." Corey says. I nod and look down at the three of them. "How have you been?" Corey asks sitting down. "Good, I've been good. You?" I ask. He nods and smiles. "Good." He says.

"That's good." I say. "Hey babe." Alec says standing at the entrance of the locker room. I turn and smile.

"Wanna take one last go at it?" Alec asks. "Ya sure let me just drop the kids off." I say. He nods and I stand up. "Sorry boys, I'll see you after the game?" I ask. "Sure lets go out to dinner." Andrew says.

I nod and get the three children out the locker room. Alec picks up Camila and Grace, and I pick up Douglas.

"I'll take them." He says. I nod as we turn the corner. I place Douglas down and kiss Alec before walking to my office.

Oh ya, remember Louis Jackson? From the airport? I work with him now. He's my editor for social medias while I take the pictures. It would be my last day here. Of course I was sad, I made a living out of this place for the past five years.

It was just a matter of time.

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