Chapter 59 : On or Off

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Third Person POV"Keilani, wake up

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Third Person POV
"Keilani, wake up." Patrick says tapping Keilani. Keilani shifts in her chair before slowly opening her eyes. "Here." Jonathan says joining them as he hands Patrick a cup of coffee.

"Thank you." Patrick says giving him his best smile. Jonathan nods and sits between Keilani and David. "Are you okay?" Keilani asks stretching. Jonathan turns to her. "No."

"I'm not gonna lie, if anything bad happens to her. I'm nothing." Jonathan says sighing. "My life is over if anything happens to her." He adds.

"I, myself am feeling like crap." Patrick says leaning against the wall across them and sliding down it. "You look like crap too." Jonathan says as Patrick begins to have bags under his eyes, his hair hasn't had a proper haircut in awhile, and he smells.

"Thanks." Patrick says bringing his legs close to his chest as he sits on the floor. Jonathan looks at his watch. "This is taking too long. It's been four hours since we've heard anything." Jonathan says throwing his head back.

"Be patient." Keilani says grabbing Patrick's coffee. Patrick stares at her in shock and Keilani ignores it as she takes a sip of the coffee.

"I'm going home, I'm really tired. Plus Douglas and Andrée don't look comfortable." Bryan says standing me. Douglas was laying down on two chair, and Andrée slept in her car seat. "Okay thanks dad." Jonathan says hugging him.

Bryan nods. "I'll help you to the car." Jonathan says picking up Douglas and Andrée's car seat. Bryan smiles and they both leave.

"What happened?" Sam asks as he, Christine, Michelle, Cody, and Nolan walk towards us. Patrick quickly stands up and Christine pinches her nose in disgust. "You need a shower." She says. "I prefer staying here and making sure I get updates on Alina, but thanks on the advice." Patrick says.

"Can anyone answer my question?" Sam asks. "Sure we can, we're just debating if we should." Keilani says shrugging.

"Look smart mouth, you should be answering my questions because that is my sister." Sam says. Keilani glares at Sam. "Well you sure don't act like it." Keilani says stepping closer to Sam. "Oh really? Why don't you ask Patrick about his acting lately, because it seems like it's been really good for it to slip passed you." Sam says smirking.

Keilani's glare turns into confused look while Sam keeps his smirk on his face. "He's be a bit to close to the ice crew if you ask me." Sam says. "I know your lying, because the Sam I knew, wasn't a total douche." Keilani says.

"Or was I?" Sam asks raising an eyebrow. "See Keilani, you should of just told me what happened." Sam says smiling. "It's okay though, I'm sure we can find a nurse who can." He says before walking away and leading the rest of them.

Keilani turns to Patrick and Patrick tries to hug her, but she takes a step back. "Is he right?" Keilani asks crossing her arms. Patrick stay silent looking at the floor. "Is he!" Keilani yells. Shortly after that nurses, patients, doctors, and visitors begin to stare at the couple.

"What happened here?" Jonathan asks going them. "Not now." Keilani and Patrick say. Jonathan looks at the two before stepping away and towards David.

"So what happened?" Jonathan whispers to Davud. "Shh I'm trying to see what happens." David says looking at Patrick and Keilani.

"No of course he isn't!" Patrick says. "Then why didn't you answer right away." Keilani asks. "Keilani you know I wouldn't do such a thing." Patrick says. "And why should I believe you?" Keilani asks raising an eyebrow.

"Why? Keilani that's the must outrageous question you've ever asked me. The real question is why should you believe him?" Patrick asks.

"Stop changing the subject Patrick! Just tell me the truth!" Keilani says tearing up. "I'm not talking to anyone. You're the only person I love Keilani. You know that!" Patrick yells. "Right now I'm unsure of that." Keilani says.

"Keilani I'm talking to the ice crew to help out with our wedding. I need some tips from girls about what you like. Alina can't help me, my sisters barley know you and what you like, and it just happened that you are very close friends to the ice crew. So I went to them for help." Patrick says.

"Patrick, why are you using our wedding as an excuse? Even if that did happen you could of asked my brother." Keilani says with a sad look on her face.

"I'm not using it as an excuse, it's the truth." Patrick says. "Please stop. I've heard enough lies for the day." Keilani says slowly walking backwards away from him.

Then she disappears out of the hallway.

"Are you guys here for Alina Toews?" A nurse asks walking up to us. Jonathan nods and quickly stands up. "She's in her room now, Dr. Carey will be in there shortly to explain what happen." She says. Everyone walks to Alina's room in a hurry.

Patrick left earlier to go after Keilani, so it was now David, Jonathan, and now Corey.

They all walk into her room and take a seat by her bed. Dr. Carey walks in and Jonathan takes ahold of Alina's hand nervous about what he's going to say.

"Alina's tumor has spread. She will now have a hard time speaking, walking, and feel a lot more pain. We removed some of the tumor in her parietal lobe so it may help her out with language. Other than that she may only have a couple of years left. If she wakes up." Dr. Carey says.

Jonathan's face goes from nervous to anger than sadness. "What do you mean by a couple?" Jonathan asks standing up. "Two to three years." Dr. Carey says. "What do you mean by if she wakes up?" Corey asks.

"Alina has gone through hardcore surgeries for the past week. She's weak and tired. If she's too weak to even be awake or open her eyes, it means that she won't be able to live with her normal routine." Dr. Carey says. Jonathan stares at him confused, but doesn't say anything.

"Bullcrap." David says standing up in frustration. "You said you can save her. Do you know how important this woman is to all of us?" David asks pointing at Alina.

"Sir, I don't make promises I can't keep. So I know I didn't say anything about saving her. I may have said I can help live more years, but other than that no. And nod I don't know how important she is to all of you." Dr. Carey says.

"She has saved our lives at least once, and let me tell you, for a normal human being it's hard to be able to say 'I've save a life'. Besides being a doctor that is." David says.

Dr. Carey nods and looks down at his clipboard. "I'm trying my best to save her life. I'm also trying my best to give her the safest and best route I can give her, to insure her that I am trying my best to make her live another day." Dr. Carey says.

"So my wife is dying?" Jonathan asks still not taking anything in. Everyone turns to him and Jonathan has a worried face on. "Is she dying it is she not?" Jonathan yells.

"We are trying our best." Dr. Carey says. "That isn't going to make me feel better." Jonathan yells staring at him.

"Yes, she is."

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