Chapter 2 : On My Mind

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The flash of a camera blinds me and I try opening my eyes to see who it was. The familiar laugh of Louis makes me glare. "How dare you." I say turning back to the game when I get my sight back. "You're funny, you wouldn't dare to hurt me." Louis says doing his famous crooked smile.

"Oh you must not know me well." I say smiling as I take a picture of Quickie making a great save. "You haven't seen him in five years, how do you feel?" Louis asks. "Different." I say. "And what does this months letter say?" Louis asks. I hand him the paper that was folded in my pocket and he grabs it.

Dear Jonathan,

I don't know why I bother writing these, not like you'll ever write back. As you know I have a baby on a way which will make four kids. I'm gonna have one last go before my retirement. I don't want my kids growing up with some babysitter. I wanna watch them grow up. I sent two ticket for my show for you and Danise. Hope you can make it, it would mean the world to me. I'll make this one short. Send my love to Patrick.

Alina Martinez

"Patrick? Did you not see Patrick earlier?" Louis asks. "Nope, he carpools with Jonathan and Jonathan wasn't there so I didn't see him." I say. "You haven't even went to visit him in Chicago?" He asks. "No we don't talk much. He's too busy with Keilani and his kids." I say snapping another picture of Drew checking Andrew.

Louis nods and I place my camera in my bag. "I'll see you later." I say walking towards the bench. I take a picture before walking to the locker room. "Alina!"

I turn and see Michelle standing with my three children. "Oh Michelle." I say smiling ear to ear as I pull her into a hug. "How is my big sister doing?" Michelle asks. "Good." I say smiling. "You?" I add. She nods smiling. "I'm good." She says. "I have a surprise." She says smirking."What?" I ask. She moves aside and Cody walks in with little boy.

"That's him?" I ask. "Yup thats our little boy, Sean." She says. I smile and Cody walks with the little boy over to me. "Hey Sean, I'm your auntie Alina." I say smiling at him. He giggles, but hides behind Cody.

"Hey Alina." Cody says. "Hello." I say smiling. "Oh what an ugly family reunion." I turn and know it's Danise by her annoying squeaky voice. She stands there smirking as if there was no tomorrow. "Nice to see you again. How long has it been since Jonathan left you for me? Five years? Three?" She asks.

My heart drops and Michelle growls. I look down at Danise's left hand to see the ring I was suppose to wear. "You wanna see it?" She asks raising her hand for me to see. "It's gorgeous isn't it?" She asks. "Stop bragging please your voice is annoying enough." Michelle says picking up Camila. "Is that his child?" Danise asks as she points at Douglas.

"Don't touch him." I say. Danise picks him up and Cody rushes to her. "If you recall she said not to touch him. Now please leave us alone." Cody says grabbing Douglas from her. Douglas begins to cry and I frown. I never enjoyed them crying it made me want to cry.

"Get away from us, that's all you ever do is make my life miserable when I haven't done anything to you." I say rubbing Douglas' back.

"Nothing? You have taken the one person I have loved." She says. "Well aren't you married to him? Now please leave before I call security." I say.

Danise smirks, but walks away. "The devil is back." Michelle says. "Don't." I say shaking my head.

I walk towards the Blackhawks locker room and see Jonathan and Danise slip out the back door. I frown and walk in the locker room.

"I think she still loves him." Andrew says. I stop in my place and the boys turn to me. I knew he was talking about me. I just knew it.

"Oh, Alina." Andrew says turning. I give him a small smile, but don't say anything.

"I'm sorry." He says. "It's fine." I say. Andrew nods and grabs his bag. "Is your husband joining us?" Andrew asks. "Sadly, not." I say.

"Oh my god! Alina!" Patrick yells from across the room. He runs towards me and I smile. "Hey Pat." I say smiling. He pulls me into a hug.

"How've you been?" Patrick asks. I was getting kinda tired of it. Everyone asking how I've been yet never cared to call or text me during the past five years. "I've been fine." I say. Patrick nods and I turn to Andrew. "My car should be fine right?" I ask.

He nods and I take out my keys from my purse. "You know what my car looks like, I'll just wait there." I say not wanting to stay in this room any longer. "Yup." Patrick says.

I jog to my car and climb in it. I look up from my lap and find Danise and Jonathan making out in their cry.

I take in a deep breath. I'm still hurt no matter how long ago the event happened. I turn away and try to hold in my tears. Someone surprises me as the open the passenger door. I look up and find Corey there.

"I only came here early for one reason so just let me speak before the rest come." Corey says. I nod for him to continue and he sighs. "We all know you still love the boy, Alina. But he just isn't the one. I love Jonathan as a brother, and he's made many mistakes in his life. The worst one was letting you go. He's a idiot for that. But always remember you have someone to talk right in front of you. You have a husband, a great one. He wouldn't hurt you at all. And I thank him for being there for you when I wasn't. I'm always a phone call away also. Alina get over that stupid bastard. Please." Corey says turning to Jonathan's car.

I close my eyes and inhale. "Okay." I say trying not to make my voice crack.

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