Chapter 25 : Every Now and Then

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"So how do you feel? Your husband won the cup two times now." Louis asks. "I feel proud." I say smiling at the sweaty bearded boy.

"Ahh!" Quickie runs up to me. I smile and he pulls me into the most sweaty hug I've ever experienced. "I will admit it, I'm proud of you. But get off." I say laughing. He smiles and let's go of me.

"I was so nervous." Jonathan says smiling. I smile back and he smirks as he spots his wife and kids. "Excuse me." He says before walking away. "Can you believe this?" Alec asks walking up to me. I smile and nod. "I do, you just scored the winning goal!" I say smiling ear to ear.

Alec smiles and I spy Jonathan and Danise stepping onto the ice. "They treat you good?" Jonathan asks. I nod and he smiles throwing his arm over my shoulder as Marina walks out way.

"What's up brotha!" Marina yells smiling. "Jesus, here we go." Alec says sighing. I smile knowing what was coming next. Marina's made up song about Alec. "Oh ya he's my brother, we may not get along but whatever. I love him forever and ever! Farther than the moon and the stars." Mariana sings.

"I don't get the last part." I say, Alec turns to me and nods. "Me neither." He says chuckling.

"Oh look the whole family." Marina says as my dad, step mom, sisters, and Sam walk towards us.

"Congratulations son." Dad says placing his hand on Alec. "Thank you." He says smiling. "Where's my babies?" I ask. Dad points towards Natalie who holds Camila and holds Grace's hand. "What about Frank and Douglas?" I ask. "Oh they're with Jeff." Natalie says.

I nod and smile as Grace slowly makes her way towards me. "Hi honey." I say picking her up. Grace smiles at Alec before he kisses me. "Ew." Grace says making a sour face.

"Okay I got to go." Alec says pointing over to the boys lining up to hold the cup. I nod and he kisses me one more time before leaving.

"Mommy." Douglas says walking up to me. "Yes?" I ask. "Daddy won?" He asks. I nod and he smiles ear to ear. "Yay! Daddy won!" Douglas says clapping before joining Frank.

I turn and feel Jonathan's eyes starring at me and Douglas. "When will you tell Douglas?" Dad asks. "Hopefully never." I say. "Well you are going to be working with Jonathan." He says. I nod and place Grace onto the carpet on the ice.

"Then if you wait, he will be mad at you for not telling him at all." He says. "Thanks." I say smiling. "Of course. Now look, your brother is about to get the cup." He says pointing at Dustin handing it over to Jeff.

I scream and Keilani does also. It was a night filled with happiness, and maybe some regrets.

The next day we had to get up early to go all over the city for interviews. It was a never ending season.

"I think I'm going to stay in with the kids, or maybe take them to visit Christine." I say. "They just say her yesterday." Alec says slipping on a shirt, due to him being naked.

"I know, but they never spend time with the kids." I say. "Okay, okay. If you want take them to Dustin or Quickie's house. I'm sure their kids would love to see them." Alec says handing me a hoodie.

"Okay. Tomorrow we'll go around town with you." I say standing up and walking over to my closet. Alec smirks at my bottom before slapping it. I roll my eyes and slip on a new pair of underwear and leggings.

"You're lucky I'm in a hurry." Alec says winking before walking into the bathroom. I chuckle at the pervert I married, I swear I question our love sometimes.

I walk downstairs and see Marina making breakfast. "Wow." I say standing in amazement. Marina smiles and flips the waffle maker over. "That couldn't be Marina." Patrick says joining us. "I know right? The first thing I thought." I say chuckling.

Patrick smiles and turns on the tv. "Where is Keilani?" Patrick asks. "Oh she went to meet up with Danise and Diana." Marina says. "What the hell, she didn't tell me." Patrick says widening his eyes at Marina.

"Well she's not suppose to." Marina says laughing. "This is not funny, she could get hurt." Patrick says. "Oh calm down she has pepper spray." Marina says. "Like that would do anything." He says.

"Oh trust me, it will do something." I say. Patrick rolls his eyes and grabs his jacket off the coat hanger. "Don't tell me your going to go and find her." I say. "Oh trust me I am and since she's doing all this for you, you should be worried just like me." Patrick says grabbing my car keys.

"By the way, I'm using your car." He says. "What not I'm going out later." I say following Patrick outside. "Oh well. Maybe if you come with me, we can get through this faster." He says.

I groan but slip on some shoes and look over to Marina to see if she can take care of the kids. She nods and I thank her before leaving. "I'm seriously going to kill you Patrick." I say getting into the car.

Happiness, Love, and Kisses || Jonathan Toews Book 2Where stories live. Discover now