Chapter 51 : Never Change

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I stand in complete shock as I stare at Jonathan who knees on the floor

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I stand in complete shock as I stare at Jonathan who knees on the floor. The boys crowd into the hallway and wait for an answer.

"Yes." I say nodding with tears filling my eyes. Jonathan smiles and slips on the ring before pulling me into passionate kiss. "Whoa hang on now." Patrick says. Jonathan and I turn to him and Patrick points at my neck.

"You gave my sister a hickey?" Patrick asks. Jonathan does his creepy smile and I blush. "Gross." Patrick says but brings us into a hug. "I'm very happy for you two." Patrick says smiling. "Thank you." Jonathan says pulling me to his side.

The boys bring Jonathan to a hug before charging me into a bigger and tighter hug. "Um honey where are the children?" I ask. "Oh I dropped them off at Matthew's house." Jonathan says.

"On our way home we'll pick up the kids and Jeff, Quickie, Drew, and Trevor. I'm pretty sure Quickie brought his wife and two kids and Jeff brought his wife right? So I'll pick up the kids and you pick them up." Jonathan says. I nod and he plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you boys for helping us out." Jonathan says waving to them. They nod and give a pat on the back to Jonathan before we leave. "Okay drive safe, I love you." Jonathan says kissing me before I get into the car. "Love you too." I say before driving off.

When I get home I show everyone around and to their rooms. Trevor and Drew agreed on sleeping in the living room while the couples took the guest rooms. "Thank you for letting us stay here." Jaclyn says smiling. "Of course you guys are welcomed any time." I say smiling.

"So what did you do-wait is that what I think it is." Jeff says pointing to my hand. "You got married?" He asks. "No Jeff! He proposed to me today." I say smiling. "Oh that's right today's the 16th." Jeff says nodding.

"You knew about it?" I ask. "Yes he told me." Jeff says. "Then why did you ask if I got married?" I ask raising an eyebrow. Jeff tries to speak, but stops. "No reason." He says quickly. I nod and Jonathan walks into the house. "Hi." Jonathan says kissing me before walking upstairs to place a sleepy Camila to bed.

"Uncle Jeff!" Douglas says running to Jeff. "Hey little one." Jeff says picking him up. "Aunty Jaclyn?" Grace says pointing to Jaclyn on the couch. "Yes that's Aunty Jaclyn." I say nodding. Grace smiles and walks to her.

"So how did he pop the question?" Trevor asks. "Yeah tell us." Quickie says sitting down next to Jaclyn. "Well I was suppose to start getting my office ready for the season, but Adam my coworker pulled me into our new theater..."

When I was finished explaining the story Jonathan walks downstairs with a smile on his face. "What?" I ask turning to him confused. "Nothing." Jonathan says before walking into the kitchen. "Was he shaking?" Jaclyn asks. "Shut up." Quickie says chuckling. "Jonathan was so nervous when proposed to me." Jaclyn says. "Oh trust me I've heard the stories." I say remembering when Jeff told me that before jazz hands Alec was born Quickie was the main one.

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