Chapter 20 : Careful Honey

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I was officially not surprised by this news. I knew Danise would work with someone to help x me out of this world, but I didn't know exactly who.

We all know that a sister bond is stronger than most. "Okay so?" Sam asks as I told him the news. "You have two, and they both kick ass." Sam says. "No they don't, they're innocent little people." I say picking at my food.

"Really? Because last time I checked one sister is smart ass lawyer who will kick your ass into jail or get you out of jail, and the other will save your life." Sam says. "Plus everyone is on your side Monroe. You got Pat, Keilani, Alec, me, and even Adam. Everyone is rooting for you if you ask me." Sam says smiling.

It was true everyone was on my side, but most were mostly quiet as Patrick and I did most of talking usually.

"How is Alec by the way?" He asks. "He's good we're going to his sisters house next weekend to visit." I say. "Oh! You got a third sister!" Sam says smirking. "I am not bringing Marina in this." I say. "Oh she sounds feisty." Sam says before rolling out his r's.

"Shut up." I say laughing. Sam smiles and nods his head towards Patrick, Keilani, and Alec walking in the restaurant. "Where's the rest of the team?" Sam asks. "Oh trust me they're coming." Alec says sitting down next to me and Frank.

"Good, we'll need all the help we can get." Sam says nodding. "How was practice?" I ask turning to Alec. "Good." He says smiling. I nod and we look over to Sam who keeps smirking at us.

"What?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Oh nothing just remembering the time where Alec told me he liked you." Sam says. "What? You knew?" I ask laughing. Sam nods and I roll my eyes.

"Hey sista." Michelle says sitting down next to Sam. "Whoa someone's happy." Sam says turning to her. "What's the matter with me being happy?" Michelle asks. "Your right, never mind." Sam says before turning to everyone who begins to take their seats.

"So, we have a problem."

Everyone was willing to help. I was surprise Louis did especially, since he was the innocent type.

"I can't believe you invited the damn couple we hate to sleep in our house." Alec says. "So my sister came to visit us instead." Alec says pulling out his keys. I nod and he opens the front door.

Marina sits on the couch with the hell couple and the sister. "Hi Marina." Alec says smiling. "Hi Marty." She says smiling as she hugs him. "Hi Alina, nice to see that my brother is smart enough to keep you." Marina says hugging me.

I smile and she turns to the three people sitting on the couch. Jonathan stands up and smiles at me before letting it fade away as Danise turns to him. "Alina I hope you don't mind, but Danise's sister doesn't have nowhere to stay so we invited her over." Jonathan says as the sister stands up.

"Hello, my name is Diana. You must be Alec and Alina." She says smiling. I nod at her and Alec stares at her. "I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to kick you guys out." Alec says. "And why is that?" Danise asks. "Because your the enemy." Alec says.

"Oh brother have I not taught you anything?" Marina whispers. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." She says.

Alec shakes his head no and Marina gasps. "Now we have a cab waiting outside for you three." Alec says opening the front door.

Jonathan's POV

"What the hell! They were suppose to let us stay!" Danise yells throwing her luggage into the trunk. "What did you tell your lover?" Diana asks grabbing me by my wrist. "I didn't tell her nothing now get your dirty hands off me." I say shoving her away.

"Excuses, this is why we shouldn't trust him." Diana says turning to Danise. "No we need him as bait." Danise says getting into the car. "I can hear you guys." I say joining them as I get into the car.

"Whatever you ruined the plan." Danise says rolling her eyes. "Your lucky Diana is the manager of a five star hotel." Danise says flipping her hair as if she was the richest woman on earth.

My mind trailed off to the look on Alina's face as I spoke to her about Diana. I didn't want to do, but as look as Danise was alive she would make mine and Alina's life a living hell, and I already hurt Alina too much to make her life hell.

Alina's POV
The next day we all get up early for tonight's game. I packed some snacks for the kids and drinks for the whole day.

"What's up Monroe." Sam says walking into the kitchen. "Hey." I say looking down at my pajamas. Sam chuckles and I smile before walking upstairs with him trailing behind me.

"Remember, don't let her see right through you." He says. "So where something your confident in." Marina says standing outside her bedroom door. "Smart idea." I say looking at her. "I know." She says smiling.

I chuckle and walk into the room and find the outfit I'm most confident in. My black pencil skirt, white blouse, black blazer, and black pumps. I grew up in that outfit, it was the outfit I wore to interviews and wore on my first day of work if I started a new job.

I quickly take a shower then do the rest of my morning routine. "Nice to see you wide awake." Alec says waking into the bathroom as I put deodorant on. I blush and he smiles slipping on a shirt.

"That's cute too." He says pointing to the deodorant. "I'm gonna take that as a complement." I say nodding. "Go ahead." He says smiling as I walk over to my outfit for the day.

"Let's get the day started."

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