Chapter 32 : Lose Your Ring

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"I'm telling you Alina, leave him." Christine says handing me a water bottle. "I couldn't do that. He's the father of my children." I say as we turn to the corner to the hallway my dads room is in.

"Stop thinking about him and start thinking about what you want. You also need to have an opinion in things." She says smiling. "I know." I say as she places a hand on my back.

We were on our way to her house since Alec and I were fighting. "Thank you for taking us in." I say. "Of course, anything for my big sister." Christine says smiling.

The next day I had planned to go out with Alec to yet another event with his team, but everything changed. "Mommy? Can we visit grandpa and grandma?" Douglas asks. "Sure if that's what you guys all want to do." I say.

They all nod and I smile. "Okay then I don't see why not." I say smiling. I grab my car keys off the counter and look down at my outfit. It wasn't my best or worst. It was dark jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket.

I slip on my black vans before walking out to my car with the kids.

When we get to the hospital Frank and Douglas run off to Dad's room. When I get there Dad is eating breakfast and talking to Jonathan. "Hey." Jonathan says smiling. "Hi." I say smiling back before sitting down. "Am I missing something here?" Dad asks pointing at the two of us. "Not at all." I say turning to him.

"Alec came by early this morning. He was drunk, at eight in the morning. Wanna tell me why?" Dad asks. I turn to him and he waits patiently for me to answer. "He had sex with Danise, and had two babies with her. Alina and Annabelle." I say taking a deep breath as my lip quivers. "When the hell did this happened?" Dad asks sitting up in his bed.

"Four years ago for Alina and three for Annabelle." I say. "Oh Alina, darling." Dad says. "No dad I'm fine." I say shaking my head. "So I'm guessing that's why you took off your ring?" He asks looking down at my empty ring finger, besides the tan left from the ring.

"Yes, we're getting a divorce when I move to Chicago." I say as a tear falls from my eyes. "Can I have a moment with him please?" I ask looking at Jonathan. He nods before gathering up the kids and leaving the room.

"So you're off to Chicago?" Dad asks once the door closes. "Yes. I'll be leaving next month." I say grabbing ahold of his hand. "And what about Jeff?" He asks tilting his head. "Jeff understands and wants me to do what I want to do." I say nodding. "And the kids? When will I'll be able to see my grandchildren?" He asks.

"Dad." I say sighing. "You know we'll visit, a lot actually." I say. "Well I'm just saying, the reason why I moved out here was for you." He says letting go of my hand. "I'm sorry." I say standing up. "No it's fine. We'll figure something out." He says nodding.

I nod before letting Jonathan and the kids come back in. "Alina you don't look okay." Jonathan says looking at me. "What do you mean?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "You look pale." He says. "Ya, he has a point." Dad says nodding.

I rush to the bathroom and bend down to the toilet before throwing up. Jonathan and Frank run into the bathroom. "Mommy are you okay?" Douglas asks outside the bathroom.

I give him a thumbs up as Jonathan pulls my hair back. "Is there anything I could do?" Frank asks.
"Ya get a doctor, or a nurse." Jonathan says. Frank nods before leaving the room.

A little while later I stop throwing up. I quickly use mouth wash to get the smell and taste out of my mouth.

"Are you sure you're okay? The doctor will be here soon." Jonathan says. "I'm fine." I say sitting down. A doctor walks in and smiles. "I'm Dr. Jessie Hopkins." She says. "Alina Kane-Martinez." I say shaking her hand.

"I think we should check you into a room so we can run some test." She says nodding. I nod before standing up and saying bye to my dad.

I follow the doctor to a room across the hospital. "Here's your gown. I'll be right back." She says. I nod and walks out the room closing the door behind her so I can change.

Once u have the gown on Dr. Hopkins joins me in the room. "Okay shall we start?" She asks. I nod and she smiles before pulling up a chair next to my bed and taking out tubes and needles.


After a thousand tests she finally leaves. Douglas, Frank, Camila, and Grace join me in my room. "Mommy are you going to be okay?" Grace asks. "Yes, I'll be fine." I say grabbing ahold of her hand.

"What the hell happened?" Alec says barging into the room. "It's none of your business." I say crossing my arms. "It is if I'm still on your emergency card caller." He says pulling up a chair to sit next to me. "You don't matter anymore Alec so just leave." I spit.

"You may not like me Alina, but guess what? We have children together." He says. "No Alec. I have children. You have children with Danise." I say turning away from him. "Bullshit and you know that." Alec says grabbing ahold of my hand.

"I'm leaving to Chicago wether you like it or not, and I'm taking the children with me. You aren't a suitable father anyway." I say. "You never do anything with them." Alec says. "Yet I'm the one who tucks them in at night and provides what they need to get through the day. While you live your dream on hockey magazines and on the ice. I have watched them since birth! For gods sake Alec you weren't even there for Camila and Grace's birth!" I yell.

"Tone it down Alina they're right there." Alec says motioning to them. "Get out." I say turning away from him. "I don't want to see you ever again. Until we sit down to sign those divorce papers."

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