Chapter 24 : Some Love

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"Tell me something Alina." Patrick says before taking a sip of his beer. I look over to him and nod. "Do you still love Jonathan?" He asks.

For the first time in years I was drunk. Full on drunk. I smile and he smirks. "Yes I do." I slur. Patrick laughs and I try to stop him from doing so.

"No, that's not funny." I say grabbing his arm. "Yes it is, because Jonathan's behind you." Patrick says. I turn and a shock expression lays on his face.

It was still Camila's and Grace's birthday, but Alec took them somewhere to spend time with them before the game. The game we got kicked out of for being drunk.

"I'm guessing you heard all of that?" I ask. "Yes I did." He says grinning. "Great." I say sighing as he looks at me with full confusion.

Jonathan turns his face into a smirk as he looks at Patrick then me again. All of a sudden he pulls me into a kiss, and I feel the rush of falling in love with him all over again. "Looks like my cousin is getting some tonight!" Patrick yells.

A Kings fan turns to us and smiles before asking for a picture with Patrick. I ignore the whole picture thing since I was too caught up in Jonathan's arms.

"Okay, okay get a room." Patrick says whistling for a cab. "Your lucky you have someone like me to cover up for you." Patrick slurs before pushing us into the cab.

Next thing you know an hour later I'm getting a call from Patrick saying we need to rush back to the staples center for Alec.

I just had sex with Jonathan. My ex-fiancé. I couldn't believe it, but it was the truth.

When we get back to the arena we get accepted in since Alec was asking for me. We walk to our suite in an awkward silence. "I'm guessing you want to keep this from Alec." Jonathan says.

"Yes of course, he's my husband." I say not looking at him. "So? Alina we can run away. Go to any place you want to." Jonathan says stopping in the middle of the hallway and grabbing my hands.

"Jonathan no I'm sorry. You have hockey and I share kids with Alec. Five to be exact." I say. "No Douglas is mine, and the other one Danise killed." Jonathan says.

"Exactly, your wife killed my child. So we shouldn't even be doing this. I'm sorry Jonathan, but now my pieces are together and I'm stronger than ever." I say smiling. "You should be happy for me. I've moved on. You should too."

I sit in the suite with Patrick and Keilani next to me. Jonathan was silent, but Danise kept running her mouth about Jonathan taking forever to get food.

"Shut up please." Keilani says. "Geez maybe say it nicer." Danise says. "Fine, shut the hell up please." Keilani says turning around. Danise scoffs, but stays quiet for awhile. "They aren't going to win. Overtime for the Kings is a joke." She says.

The boys took the puck to Lundqvist next thing you know Toffoli, Clifford, and Alec were together Tyler shoots it, Clifford tries to redirect it, rebound to Alec and he scores!

The series was over we won the Stanley Cup! I scream and jump up high before Patrick brings me into a hug. "Not only did you win, but your husband scored the winning goal. Holy pizza rolls!" Patrick yells. I smile and Louis walks in.

"Well come on Alina let's go down to the ice!" He says smiling. I nod and we both run down to the elevators and try our best to get through the crowd.

"Alina Kane-Martinez?" The security guard asks. I nod and he lets me through along with Louis.

I walk onto the ice and try to find Alec, but he was surrounded with camera and his teammates.

"There she is!" Jeff says smiling at me. I smile and he brings me into a hug. "You won the cup!" I say smiling brightly at the bearded boy.

"Your winning boy is over there." Jeff says pointing by the goal. "Thank you." I say smiling. He nods and I walk my way over to Alec. Drew bumps into me and I smile. "Oh my god Drew." I say hugging him. "How do you feel?" I ask. "I'm feeling fine." He says smirking.

I roll my eyes and he walks with me to Alec. "Babe!" Alec says picking me up and kissing me. "Congratulations." I say smiling as he puts me down. Cameras surround us and microphones. "What are you gonna do now?" One says to Alec. "Honestly? Im gonna make another baby with my wife."

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