Chapter 45 : Leave Me To Die

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I left the hospital a week later and was able to fly back to Chicago

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I left the hospital a week later and was able to fly back to Chicago. David, Patrick, and Keilani came with Jonathan and I on our plane flight back to Chicago.

I sat between David and Keilani on the plane flight since Jonathan needed to talk to Patrick. "How are your stitches?" David asks. "Better." I say placing my hand on my stomach.

"Good." David says nodding. I smile and Keilani turns to us. "How did Alec take the news?" Keilani asks. "He's angry." I say.

Keilani frowns and I nod. I was angry at myself the most. How could I let my own child die?

When we land in Chicago I was glad to be back, soon enough we'd be off Winnipeg.

"Alina!" Jonathan yells. I turn to him and he hands me my purse. "Thank you." I say. He nods and grabs my luggage off the belt. "How do you deal with my brother?" David asks. "I have no clue. The question is how does he deal with me?" I ask. David chuckles and helps Jonathan get the luggage.

"Sir I think you grabbed the wrong bag." A lady says pointing at a similar black bag like mine. I chuckle and Jonathan blushes. "Sorry." He says. She shakes her head and smiles. "It's alright." She says as she rolls it away.

Once the lady is gone I burst out into laughter. "What's so funny?" Patrick asks as he returns from the restroom. "Jonathan got the wrong bag." I say laughing harder.

I was the only one laughing at this until Patrick joined me in laughter. "You should have seen his face when the lady told him. He got so scared." I say laughing harder. Patrick does also and Jonathan glares at us.

"What?" I ask as stop laughing. "You two just make me laugh at how incredibly stupid that was and yet you still managed to laugh for the past three minutes." Jonathan says. David, Keilani, and Jonathan burst out into laughter and Patrick turns to me. "Incredibly stupid? Eh. Says the one who grabbed the wrong bag!" Patrick says before laughing.

I laugh and realize we were only doing this now to get on Jonathan's nerves. "Okay let's go. You two are high of laughter." Jonathan says grabbing our luggage. I smile and Jonathan rolls his eyes at me. "Are you two coming over or going home?" I ask turning to Keilani. Keilani turns to Patrick and Patrick shrugs. "Of course we'll go over." He says after thinking.

I nod and whistle for a cab.

Once we get one we all load the luggage in. And by we I mean Jonathan and Patrick.

When we get home I unlock the door and help with the bags. "You can't carry heavy things Alina." Jonathan says stopping me. "I'm sorry, but you can't." He says kissing me before grabbing another bag.

I sigh and walk into the house. "Who wants pizza?" I ask. Silence. "Me!" I say raising my hand as I dial the local pizza place that Jonathan and I have loved ever since I moved in here.

"Why don't you just move in with Jonathan?" Keilani asks. "He's never asked. Plus I love my house and he practically lives here." I say motioning over to Jonathan's hockey gear that lays down on my living room floor.

Keilani chuckles and I turn to the boys. "What kind of pizza?" I ask.

"No stupid pepperoni!"

I chuckle and we all take a vote. "Two boxes of Pepperoni and one box of sausage." I say noticing how much people we had. "Yup that should do it." I say finally calling the pizza place.

When the pizza comes everyone charges it as if it was a hockey puck.

"Here." Jonathan says handing me a pizza slice. "Thank you." I say. He nods and kisses the top of my forehead. "We have lots to talk about." He says. "Hmm, like what?" I ask.

"Just, stuff." He says. "Okay, well after we come back from Winnipeg Jeff, Quickie, Drew, and Trevor asked if they could stay here. Is that alright with you?" I ask.

"Alina, darling. This is your house." Jonathan says chuckling. "Right." I say. "Why don't you move in with me?" Jonathan asks. "Because it just reminds me of Danise." I say.

"How?" He asks. "She lived with you in that house, and slept with you in the bed we used to call ours. Everywhere I look in your house leads back to her." I say.

"We can get a new bed." Jonathan suggest. "Sorry, I don't mean to be picky, but I rather you just move in." I say. "Fine." Jonathan sighs.

"But I'll need a workout room and office." He says as he wraps his arms around my waist. "I already thought of that." I say smiling. "Oh so about my question. Is that alright with you?" I ask.

"Of course." Jonathan says. I smile and we both walk into the living room. "Hey love birds." Patrick says smiling. I smile and sit down between him and Jonathan.

The next day I wake up in a uncomfortable position on the floor. I groan and try to move, but something stops me. I turn and see Jonathan's arm wrapped around my waist tightly.

I chuckle and hear footsteps approach me. I look up and see Patrick standing with two cups of coffee. "Good morning." He says. I smile and he turns to Jonathan. "That boy can sleep." Patrick says. I nod and escape Jonathan's tight grip around me.

I walk to the kitchen with Patrick and see Keilani cooking and David trying to learn some new things.

"You need help?" I ask. Keilani shakes her head as she flips a pancake. "You guys went shopping?" I ask yawning. "Yes." Patrick says. "You didn't have to do that, how much was it?" I ask as I open the refrigerator and see it packed with food.

"Don't worry about it." Patrick says shaking his head. I frown and he places a hand on my shoulder. "It was better than going." He says. I shrug and sit on the counter.

Jonathan walks in and I smile as he has his confused morning look on. Jonathan runs his hand through his hair and makes his way to me.

"Good morning." He says kissing me. I smile and he stands between my legs as he talks to Patrick.

Soon enough David joins us and smirks as he sees Jonathan and I. "Hey." He says checking his watch. I smile at him and he watches as Jonathan rubs his hands up and down my legs.

David turns to me and makes a confused face as if he was saying 'what the hell is Jonathan doing?' I shrug and David chuckles grabbing a water bottle.

"So Alina, are you going with us?" Patrick asks. "Sorry, where are we going?" I ask. "We're going to the city to walk around then go out to dinner." He says. "Um sure sounds fine with me." I say nodding.

Patrick nods and Keilani serves us breakfast.

Jonathan's POV

Lately Alina has been in her own little world. I think it's because of what's been going on lately. There was so much drama happening too fast and too much at the same time.

First it was the death of Chase, problems with Danise, the miscarriage of her daughter Jo Martinez, a divorce with Alec, and another miscarriage of her daughter Annie Martinez.

Alina was so stressed out and hurt in so many ways. She still missed Chase a lot and deep down I know she misses Alec. I mean he is the father of her children.

But there was one thing I knew. I was going to propose to Alina.

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