Chapter 21 : Hell and Heaven

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"She's coming alright." Alec says as Danise storms through the hallway that leads to me. "How dare you kick out my family like that, leaving us on the street!" She yells. "Oh I'm sorry, as I recalled your sister owns a five star hotel. Boohoo get over it." I say.

"Wow what a stalker." She says rolling her eyes. "Says the one who followed me and my ex boyfriend around for one year." I say rolling my eyes. "I didn't stalk you I hung out with you guys." She says flipping her hair. "No on liked you Danise, no one wanted to hangout with you." I say.

"You must be getting this wrong, no one liked you." Danise says pointing her claw nails at me. "Please stop your embarrassing yourself." Michelle says nodding over to Quickie, Sam, Drew, Anže, and Louis.

"Wow what a sad life. You have nothing else to do, but stalk my baby sister. Newsflash sister get a life." Sam says placing his hands on my shoulder. "Oh shut up, your gay." Danise says. "Even if I was what kind of person would you be making fun of the gay and lesbian community?" Sam asks.

Danise widens her eyes and I smirks knowing Sam won this one. He was always good at comebacks even though at times it took him some time to think.

"Whatever." Danise says looking over to Diana probably wanting her to take over. "Just watch your back." She says smirking. "Back at you." I say as Jonathan joins.

"Just remember you started this!" Danise yells. I smile and nod. "Like I said, I know." I say waving goodbye before walking away.


We won tonight which meant one more game and we won the cup. As soon as I get to the locker room I run up to Alec and hug him. We were all excited about tonight. We were now one game closer to holding the cup.

"Nice game Marty." Quickie says walking up to Alec. "Thanks you too." Alec says smiling. Quick nods and turns to me. "Nice to have you in the crowd tonight." Quick says smiling as if he had an evil plan. "Meet me at my house tonight at ten." He says. I nod and he walks away.

I wonder what he wants to tell me.

I stand in front of Quickie's house nervous of what the news was. Next thing you know I was knocking on his door.

"Hurry in." He says moving aside. I walk in and he shuts the door. "So Alina, your gonna be surprised." He says walking to the kitchen. "What?" I ask following him.

"So apparently Danise is trying to bribe people on your side to turn against you." He says pointing over to the stack of money on the table.

"Now, now before you saying anything,  I only took the offer so we have an inside man." He says. I sigh in relief and thank him. "Now we have a meeting on Saturday and she wants me to give her some information about your plan. So looks like we have to make up a new plan." He says. "You know so I tell her the fake one." He says.

I nod and sit down on the stool besides the counter. "Tell her we actually don't have a plan, we're not prepared." I say. "She won't believe me." Jonathan says. "Well then tell her something she will." I say. "Very well. This means we have to tell the others about this." He says looking over to his phone.

"Good luck because we have a lot of people on our side." I say knowing he will have to call a lot of people. Jonathan groans and grabs his phone before dialing Jeff.


Looks like Danise tried to bribe everyone and two people agreed to it to be the inside man. Quickie and Keilani. Even though Patrick didn't want her to get hurt she still agreed to it to help out. Turns out Danise's next move was to get Andy on her side since she likes him.

When I get home I'm greeted by Mariana. "Jesus, Mariana you scared me." I say gasping. Mariana smiles and nods. "Anyway, how did you even get caught in this mess with Danise anyway?" She asks.

"Long story short she teamed up with my ex and decided to ruin my life." I say. "And where's your ex now?" Mariana asks raising her eyebrows.

"He's in Chicago, he's married too." I say. "Oh wow, I guess some people can actually move on." She says. I nod and she smiles. "Well goodnight Alina." She says walking towards the staircase.

I smile and nod. "Goodnight."

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