Chapter 56 : We Love You

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"I have stage two cancer Jonathan

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"I have stage two cancer Jonathan." I say. "I know that Alina. What the fuck! She doesn't deserve it, she doesn't deserve any of it!" Jonathan yells throwing the papers.

I flinch from the news and Luca turns to me. "Mr. Toews I'm going to ask you nicely to calm down, it isn't good for her health." Luca says walking towards me. "How are you holding in Mrs. Toews?" He asks. "Call me Alina, and I'm doing good." I say nodding. "Well we need to figure out how we are going to beat this tumor." He says handing me a packet. "We? You aren't going to do anything, it's Alina going to be doing all the work." Jonathan says.

"Jonathan please calm down." I say grabbing his hand. Jonathan sighs and looks at me. "Can we have a moment?" I ask. Luca nods and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

"Jonathan, we are going to beat this tumor's ass and I'm going to live forever. Don't worry." I say. "We? Alina-"

"Jonathan are vows, as you said 'you won't fight your fights alone, 'I' will turn into 'we', and we will love this life together' it's what you said, so Jonathan we will fight this together." I say squeezing his hand. Jonathan nods and kisses my forehead.

"You don't deserve this." He says. "I'll be alright." I say smiling. Jonathan nods and sits down. "I can't believe this." He says. Me either, I was so worried about what could happen. I was worried about my life being at war.

Later after all the talking of plans we decided on chemotherapy and trying to remove to tumor. It was a big tumor and hard to remove. We needed a Dr. McDreamy to do the job.

"Alina." Jonathan says as he walks into the room. Everyone left before we got the news about me having cancer which meant everyone doesn't know yet. "Yes?" I ask turning to him. "Let's adopt a child." He says sitting down at the end of my bed with a smile. "Are you serious?" I ask. "Yes! I went to the nursery and there's a baby girl without a home or parents, they left her." Jonathan says.

"Please Alina!" He says smiling wider. A baby girl? I smile and Jonathan brings me into a kiss. "Let's go." He says pulling out a wheelchair for me. I slowly get up with his help. "Here." Jonathan says picking me up bridal style and placing me on the wheelchair.

When we get to the nursery we stare at the baby girl who sleeps. "She doesn't have a name." Jonathan says pointing to the blank name tag. "What do you want to name her?" I ask turning to him. "What do you want to name her?" He asks.

I think. I had a daughter named after my mom and Jonathan still hasn't. His mom has made a great effect on his life also. "Andrée." I say. Jonathan looks at me and smile. "You sure? Because we can name her like Jessica or something." He says. "Andrée." I say nodding.

"Middle name?" Jonathan says grabbing my hand. "Juliette?" I ask. "Pretty. Andrée Juliette Toews." Jonathan says smiling.

We finish doing all the paper work and smile. We have a daughter Andrée. She was so pretty and small. Jonathan held her and walked around the room as he rocked her side to side.

Patrick and Keilani walk in and smile. "Hello." I say. "So who's baby?" Keilani asks pointing to Jonathan. "Ours." I say smiling. "No way!" Patrick says walking over to Andrée. "So what did the doctors say?" Keilani asks as Patrick plays with Andrée.

I forgot, I forgot about my sickness due to Andrée taking our minds off it. "I have stage two brain cancer." I say. Patrick's smile fades and he turns to me. "Can it be removed?" He asks. "Doctors are going to try their best." I say. "They better try their best." Patrick says walking over to me.

"Do you know how big it is?" Keilani asks. I nod and point to the folder at the end of the bed. Keilani picks it up and opens it to see the tumor. Patrick joins her and widens his eyes. "It's big, but not to the point where you won't survive, because you will survive Alina." Patrick says. "That's the plan." I say nodding.

I was able to go home since I didn't need 24 hour medical service until my first surgery which was two weeks away.

We finally went home with Andrée and she was the most quietest baby I knew. Bryan walks downstairs with Douglas and smiles. "So what happened?" He asks. "I think we'll discuss over dinner." I say. He nods and walks to the living room with Douglas.

We invite the team, Keilani, my dad, Amanda, Natalie, Beatrice, Adam, Bryan, and David. We didn't want to tell our friends yet besides the team since I considered them family.

Jonathan made chicken and pasta while I made the salad and different sides. When everyone sat down to eat everyone waited. "So we adopted a baby girl. Her name is Andrée Juliette Toews." Jonathan says starting the conversation. Everyone congratulated us and then they all stare at me for an answer.

"Doctors say I'm suffering from stage two brain cancer." I say. They all gasps and Jonathan grabs ahold of my hand for support. "Are they removing it?" David asks. "They wanna give it a try, if not I'm going to be on chemotherapy." I say. They all look at me with sympathy and my dad starts crying.

"Dad please, I'll be okay." I say. "I know you will." He says wiping his eyes with a tissue. "What if they can't take it out?" Bryan asks. "Well then whatever time I have left I want to spend with you guys." I say. They smile and Jonathan squeezes my hand. I turn to him and he smiles. "You're good, we're good." Patrick says.

I smile and nod, "Exactly."

The next day I did the same thing I do on every game day. I got ready for tonight's game. I slip on my new jersey I got from Patrick that says "Mrs. Toews" and then my black nikes.

"Honey, can you get Douglas dressed?" I ask as Jonathan walks past the bathroom door. "Yeah sure." He says sticking his head in the bathroom. I smile and he looks at my jersey. "Remind me to thank Patrick for him getting you that." Jonathan says. I chuckle and he winks before leaving.

My head begins to get dizzy so I sit down on our bed. This was going to be a long road. I was okay, well not now but I was going to be.

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