Chapter 57 : So Painful

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Alina be safe please

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Alina be safe please." Jonathan says as I roll down the window in my car. "I will don't worry." I say smiling. Jonathan leans down to my height and smiles. "Okay I love you." He says kissing me. "I love you more." I say trying my best to wink. "Whatever weirdo, we all know I love you more." He says standing up straight and tucking his hands in his pockets.

"Weirdo? Takes one to know one." I say. Jonathan rolls his eyes and kisses me again. "I'm serious Alina, drive safe. I'll be there when you get out of surgery." He says. I smile at him before putting my seatbelt and taking off to Patrick and Keilani's house. Keilani was taking me to my surgery since the boys had a game and Jonathan couldn't get off.

I get to the house and Keilani was already outside packing her belongings, she would be staying with me most of the time at the hospital. "Hey." Patrick says walking outside. "Hi." I say smiling and getting out of the car. Patrick walks over to me and kisses my forehead and brings me into a hug. "How are you holding in?" He asks. "I could be better." I say opening my trunk so I could get my bags out.

Patrick frowns and I shake my head. "I will be fine." I say when he takes my bags from my hands. "I know you will." He says throwing the bags into Keilani's trunk. "Anyways, I'll go with Jonathan to the hospital after the game." He says. "That's fine." I say nodding. He smiles and I get into the car as the couple say their goodbyes.

The drive to the hospital was quiet and the only thing that made noise was the radio as it played today's hits.

I walk into the hospital with Keilani following me. "Mrs. Toews, right this way." A nurse says motioning me to follow her as she walks into an elevator. We get to the third floor and we get off. When we get to the room it was like most; white room, a few paintings on the way, a bed, a tv, and some chairs for visitors.

"Dr. Carey will be right with you." The nurse says before leaving. Keilani and I place our bags down and settle in. "Mrs. Toews, today is the day." Luca says walking in the room with a smile on his face. "Yes." I say nodding. "Well here, this is what you need to get changed into and we need you to eat an early dinner because tomorrow morning is the surgery." He says handing me one of those hospital dresses.

"I'll be here later to check your vitals after you eat and when your husband comes." Luca says before leaving. I walk across the hallway and into the bathroom so I can change and go pee.

Today Douglas and Andrée we're getting taken care of by David and Bryan. Douglas and David went to Jonathan's game and Bryan and Andrée are at home.

Once I was done using the bathroom I walk back to my room and find Amanda, Natalie, and Beatrice. "Hey kiddo." Amanda says smiling. "Hi." I say smiling back. "How are you feeling?" She asks as I slowly make my way to my bed. "I'm feeling alright for my condition." I say. Amanda nods and the girls hand me a bag. "Trust me you'll need this." Natalie says. "Thank you." I say peeking into the bag and finding some food and bathroom supplies.

"Where's Douglas, Andrée, and Jonathan?" Beatrice asks. "Douglas is with David at Jonathan's game tonight and Andrée is with Bryan." I say sitting down on the bed. They nod and sit down. I sigh and check the time. "Are you nervous?" Amanda asks.

I turn to her and think for awhile. "Yeah I am. I have kids now and I want to see them grow up and see where they go in life. I'm also finally happy with Jonathan, and now this happens." I say. Amanda frowns and sits down besides me. "Jonathan promised to be there for you through sickness. Trust me he's going to be here for you for the whole ride." Amanda says smiling.

"I know I'm mad that we finally get to be happy and now I'm suffering from stage two cancer." I say pointing at my head. "Don't get yourself down about that, you can always be happy. You just have to find the good in the bad." Amanda says smiling. Amanda was right. Everything she said was right and it made a pretty big impact on me.

I was now convinced that I could get through this as long as I had some support. "Okay well we actually have to be somewhere, but we'll stop by with your dad after the surgery." Amanda says. I nod and wave goodbye to the girls as they make their way out the room.

Keilani and I wait for the game to start and for my early dinner to arrive. "How are the kids?" Keilani asks as Douglas pops up on the screen with Jonathan. "Um Alec called and said they're doing well and the whole team and the wives are helping out a lot." I say. "That's good. He's been in the news lately. He actually has a girlfriend." Keilani says. "What no way." I say as she passes me her phone.

She was right. The headlines read 'New Girlfriend?' and a picture of Alec and the mystery girl was in the article. "I have to meet her if she's going to be takin care of the kids." I say thinking of it. "Yeah you should do that." Keilani says nodding. Honestly the mystery girl looked nice, but also like a gold digger.

She wore a really white fancy dress, white fur coat, and beige pointed shoes. Then again she looked rich already. I ignored the fact that he may have a new girlfriend and focus on the hockey game that has no started.

I smile as I see Patrick and Jonathan skate onto the ice and charge the puck. "You must be proud of him." Keilani says. "Are you kidding me? I'm amazed of the work those two do." I say. "They're a pretty good duo." Keilani says. I nod in agreement.

"Never seen anything like it. You brother is good too. He's been on fire lately." I say. "Talking about my brother, does he know?" She asks. "Yes, I called him and Alec the other day and told them both." I say. "They must be not taking it well." Keilani says.

"Nope." I say shaking my head. Keilani frowns and I give her a small smile hoping it will cheer her up.

Later that night after the game Jonathan and Patrick were here. "Hey babe." Jonathan says leaning down to kiss me. "Hi." I say smiling as he lays down besides me. "Hi." Patrick says waving at me. I smile at him as Jonathan wraps his arms around me.

"You two did very good tonight." I say motioning to a reporter going over the game. "Thank you." They say at the same time. "Keilani knocked out." I say as I look over to the sleeping girl that lays on a bed she made with two chairs.

Patrick frowns and pushes her hair out of her face. "Has the doctor said anything?" Jonathan asks. I shake my head and Jonathan raises an eyebrow. "Really?" Jonathan asks. "Nope." I say turning to him. "Okay then." He says before moving around to get comfortable.

Patrick places a blanket on Keilani and kisses her forehead. "Cute." I say nodding. "I'm a nice guy I tell you." Patrick says winking. "Sure you are." I say looking away from him. Jonathan chuckles and Patrick glares at him.

"Wow I'm so scared." Jonathan says with full sarcasm in his voice. "You better be." Patrick says flipping him off. "Inappropriate!" Jonathan yells. "Shush." I say putting my hand over Jonathan's mouth. Jonathan says something, but my hand shuts him up.

"Be quiet Keilani is sleeping." I say. "Fine." Patrick says. Jonathan nods and I remove my hand from his mouth. "He's evil, I promise." Jonathan says. "Takes one to know one." Patrick fights back. "Oh god if you two are going to insult each other please use adult come backs instead of playground ones." I say.

They both turn to me, turn to one another, and then back at me. I look at them confused and they both smile before sticking their tongues out at me. "Wow I'm so lucky to have two grown men to be taking care of me." I say rolling my eyes.

Happiness, Love, and Kisses || Jonathan Toews Book 2Where stories live. Discover now