Chapter 26 : Wishes

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Love on the Brain by Rihanna

We found Keilani in an hour. She was on her way home and called Patrick to let him know she was okay.

"So what happened?" Patrick asks. "What are you talking about?" I ask. "You know with Jonathan?" Patrick asks. I stay quiet for awhile before turning to him. "We had sex." I say.

Patrick widens his eyes before turning to me. "Alina, your not serious right?" Patrick says. "No, I'm not." I say sighing. "What about Alec? Are you going to tell him?" He asks. "Of course I'm not." I say.

"What about protection? What if he got you pregnant." He says turning his attention on the road. "Yes we did." I say rolling my eyes before realizing we didn't. "Wait, no we didn't." I say widening my eyes.

"Jesus Alina!" Patrick says before taking a sharp turn into our driveway. "If you're going to have sex with your ex behind your husbands back, at least use some sort of protection." Patrick says shaking his head. "Oh my." I say as my jaw drops.

Patrick sighs and gets out the car. "You better be careful." He says before closing the door. I sigh and get out the car before joining everyone inside.

Alec already left to his interview so it was just Marina, Sam, Patrick, Keilani, Corey, Andrew Frank, Grace, Camila, Douglas, and I.

Corey and Andrew have been exploring LA with the help of Michelle since they're both born in Canada.

"Nice to finally see you two." I say. "We were at the game last night." Andrew says. "Really? I didn't see you." I say. "Well we all know why you didn't." Patrick mutters.

I glare at him and he smiles. Keilani laughs and I blush. "Mom can we go to the park?" Frank asks. "I don't see why not." I say shrugging. He smiles and walks to his room to get dressed. "So when does school start for him?" Marina asks. "Oh he already started when he moved in with us, except my dad has been helping us out by taking him to school on the way to work." I say.

"How sweet." Marina says. I nod and Patrick smirks at me. "What?" I ask laughing. "Oh nothing." He says winking. "You have some serious mental issues I swear. Keilani please tell me why you like this doofus." I say. Keilani smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Hey! That's mean." Patrick says crossing his arms. I smile and Patrick flips me off. "I'll get the kids ready," Marina says before calling Douglas, Camila, and Grace.

"Thank you." I say before she walks upstairs. "So what the hell happened last night? I heard you screaming all night." Corey says. "Oh shut up." I say sticking my tongue out. "Don't be jealous." I say.

"I get women daily." Corey says. "Ha, you're funny." I say fake laughing. Patrick joins in on my fake laughing skills before realizing Corey's facial expression was serious.

I laugh before Andrew holds something up. "What is that?" I ask. "I got two extra tickets to the dodger game tomorrow if you want to go." He says. "Sure I'll ask Alec." I say as Frank walks downstairs.

"Hey honey." I say as Frank takes a water out of the fridge. "Hi." He says smiling. "So is he in hockey?" Corey asks. "No, Frank is actually into baseball." I say. "Why don't you take Frank to the game?" Andrew asks. "Sure." I say smiling.

"What about Douglas?" Patrick asks. "You know start them off young." He adds. "Yes, he's in hockey." I say. "Oh that's nice, I'm sure his dad is proud." Patrick says. I glare at him and he just sits there smiling. "Yes Alec is very proud." I say as Marina walks downstairs with Camila in her hands.

"One down two to go." She says smiling. I chuckle before walking upstairs to help her. Douglas sits on his bed with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Daddy isn't my real daddy?" Douglas says. "Why do you think that?" I ask. "Aunty Marina." He says. I sigh and nod. "Yes, she's correct." I say before slipping off his dirty shirt.

"Who's my real dad?" He asks. How could one five year old know all this stuff about family? "Jonathan." I say. "Jonathan Quick? Cool!" Douglas says smiling. "No Douglas not Jonathan Quick." I say laughing.

"Jonathan Toews. The one who has the red jersey on with the Indian on it." I say. "We don't like them. Why do you like him?" He asks. I shrug and Douglas smiles. "Uncle Patrick is on that team yet we still like him." I say smiling.

Douglas shrugs and I smile knowing he was lost. "It's okay, we'll talk about this later." I say before changing him.

The drive to the park was silent the only thing talking was the radio which played quietly.

"I can't believe he knows." Patrick whispers. I shush him and he rolls his eyes. "You have an eye rolling problem." I state. "And you don't?" He asks as I begin to take the kids out of their car seats. "No, no I don't." I say.

"What a liar. You know the Kane's have that problem." He says. "Actually I'm a Kane-Martinez." I say. "Exactly Kane-Martinez." He says pointing at me.

"What exactly are you two fighting about?" Keilani asks helping me grab the kids. "Eye rolling." Patrick and I say.

Keilani chuckles and grabs Grace and Camila's baby bag. "I'm done with this conversation." I say before grabbing Camila and carrying her over to the swings.

My phone rings and I look down to see Jonathan's name pop up.

I answer it and sigh.

"Douglas knows."

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