Chapter 10 : Open Your Arms

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The food came out delicious, except for Danise's homemade ice cream that tasted like expired milk. I met Jonathan's other daughter. Her name is Annabelle. She's sweet. But hates Patrick for some unknown reason.

Now we all sit in the living room talking about random things, mostly old memories.

We all laugh at the first time we had dinner together. "How's Sam doing anyway? Any kids?" Jonathan asks. "He's married, to April actually. But no kids." I say.

"Alright I should get going." Patrick says checking his watch. "I don't like Keilani to be home alone this late." He says grabbing his coat. "Yea, I'm gonna get going." I say. "Are you guys sure? It's snowing really bad out there." David says.

I look out the window, and he's right. The snow was probably blocking roads by now. "Okay let me tell Keilani to stay with the neighbors." Patrick says raising his phone up.

"You need clothes?" Blue asks. "Um yes please." I say looking down at my skirt. "Coming right up." She says walking upstairs. Patrick looks at Jonathan and Jonathan nods. "Sure thing." Jonathan says walking upstairs.

A few minutes later Jonathan walks downstairs and hands me some clothes, leggings, and one of his shirts.

Danise turned redder than a tomato when she saw too, but didn't say anything. I stay quiet and walk upstairs. Jonathan and Patrick follow as I do so.

"You guys don't mind sharing a room right?" Jonathan asks. Patrick's shakes his head and I do too. "Okay you guys will get the one across from my room." Jonathan says. We nod and walk towards the room I stayed in when I first stayed here.

I walk in and everything was left the same. "Looks like he forgot this one." Patrick says pointing to the photo on the nightstand. I look over at it and notice it's a picture of Jonathan and I.

I face it down and look at Patrick. "Don't want the devil to see it." I say. Patrick smiles and I chuckle walking to the bathroom.

The next day I wake up with Patrick almost pushing me off the bed. His legs sprawled out as he lays on his back with his mouth open. Not to mention the loud snores he produces.

"Shut up." I say throwing a pillow over my head. Patrick stirs in his sleep making me fully fall off the bed. The thud wakes him up quickly and I groan. "Oh shit. Sorry." He says sitting up quickly.

"Dick." I say standing up slowly. He chuckles and I glare at him. "Not funny." I say grabbing the jacket that lays at the end of the bed. "This is yours?" I ask. Patrick nods and I slip it on.

"Somethings cooking." Patrick says standing up quickly. I smile and we both walk downstairs. We walk into the kitchen and find Jonathan and Danise joking around as they cook. My smile disappears, but I don't say anything.

Everyone knew I still had feelings for him. So it still hurt to see him with another girl. I still couldn't believe that a couple like us, so strong and inseparable would actually break apart before the wedding.

"Good morning." Jonathan says throwing a piece of bacon at Danise. "Morning." I say quietly as I look out the window. The snow has stopped and majority of it was melted.

"Oh the snow is gone. I should get going." I say. "No stay for breakfast." Jonathan says. "No it's fine. I could just pick up something." I say looking at the time. "I assure you it's fine." Jonathan says.

A knock on the door startles us and Danise goes and answers it. A minute later she comes back with a man following her.

It was Alec. I smile and he smiles wider. "Hey baby." He says as I hug him. "W-what how are you here? Don't you have a game tomorrow?" I ask. "I do, but we're going up against the New York Rangers so I stopped by." Alec says kissing my forehead.

"Oh that's right." I say smiling. "What's up Alec." Patrick says as they do their bro hug. "How's it going?" Patrick asks. "Good, good. You?" Alec asks. "Good." Patrick says smiling.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on her." Alec says looking at Danise, Jonathan, and Patrick. "Of course. Anytime." Patrick says.

Alec looks towards Jonathan, and Jonathan stands there looking at the floor with his hands shoved in his pocket.

Annabelle and Alina come running down the stairs and towards the kitchen where everyone is. "Oh my god. Alec where's the kids?" I ask. "Calm down their spending time with your Dad." he says chuckling.

I nod and he grabs my hand. "Let me grab my things upstairs." I say going on my tippy toes and kissing him.

I walk upstairs and into the bedroom. I quickly grab my heels and outfit from yesterday then walk back downstairs.

"Ready?" Alec asks grabbing my belongings from my hands. "Yes." I say smiling. Patrick brings me into a hug and I smile at him. "Promise me you'll have dinner with us before you go back to LA?" He asks.

"I promise." I say smiling. "Good, I miss your crazy self." He says kissing my forehead. "Leaving without saying goodbye? How dare you." David says walking downstairs with Blue.

I smile and he brings me into a hug. "And yes please have dinner with us again before you leave." He says. I nod and say goodbye to everyone else. Alina gives me a hug.

"Nice to meet you sweetie." I say to her and Annabelle. Alina smiles before running to Jonathan's side. "Good luck on that award!" Patrick yells as I reach the front door. I smile and nod. "Thank you." I say before leaving with Alec.

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