Chapter 23 : Oh My Little Prince

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Songs :
Growing Up (Sloan's Song) by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Ed Sheeran

April finally arrives and since I didn't want to be rude I made dinner for the night. Alec wasn't coming home soon so we began to eat.

"So April what do you do for a living?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "I thought Sam told you. I'm in the Navy." She says smiling. "Oh really? I didn't know that since Sam lacks his socializing skills." I say glaring at Sam.

Sam smiles and I roll my eyes. "You have four kids?" April asks. "Yes, Frank is my oldest then Douglas, Camila, and Grace." I say. "Well I'm adopted." Frank says blushing. "Oh really? What made you go into adopting?" April asks.

"We just new Frank from a hard time during our lives and he happened to help me through it." I say smiling. Frank smiles and April stares in awe.

"His parents had passed away and he always wanted me to adopt him, I just never could. But this year his grandma has passed away and he was in a foster home so we just thought it was the right time to adopt him." I say starring at Frank who stares at his vegetables.

"He seems like a wonderful kid." April says looking Frank as he begins to eat his vegetables. "He is." Sam says nodding. "Like you know about children." Patrick buts in.

Sam smiles and nods. "Very true." He says chuckling. I shake my head knowing the Patrick knew very much about Sam.

"Well it's Camila and Grace's birthday tomorrow." Patrick says. "I know, my babies are going to be three." I say smiling at the two little girls next to me.

"How cute, now those two you had with Alec right instead of Jonathan? Because you had Douglas with Jonathan" April asks. Sam coughs and I glare at him. "Yes honey, you see Jonathan got her pregnant and she didn't tell him, so then she moved to LA. She then married Alec who loved her for who she was and they had twins." Sam says.

"Are you serious Sam?" I ask. "Alina she's going to be our family sooner or later. She should know this." Sam says. "No she shouldn't I barley the girl and your telling her my life story. For gods sake Sam I don't even know how old she is." I say standing up. "Well sorry." Sam says.

"It's not even because of that, it's how you said it. Sam you do realize she just called me a slut." I say. "Now, now Alina calm down." Patrick stands up. "No, he just doesn't get it." I say.

"If you wonder why your sisters scare away all your girlfriends, it's because they just aren't right for you. Just because it's hurts you doesn't mean we're doing it on purpose. But for your own good." I say. Patrick knew all along. We never meant to hurt Sam during his life and his lonely love life.

He was just so dumb when it came to love, then again who isn't? I was when I dated Jonathan.

"I'll be upstairs." I say walking upstairs.

The next day I wake up to Alec tossing and turning in the bed. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I mutter tiredly.

"I'm not comfortable," Alec turns to me. "Seriously? I haven't noticed." Alec chuckles and stands up from the bed.

"How was dinner? I heard you got mad at Sam's girlfriend." Alec says throwing on a shirt and tossing me one of his hoodies.

"Yes, very mad." I say slipping it on and getting out of bed. "Wow sounds like a pleasant evening." He says opening the door and walking out.

"Very." I say as I open Camila and Grace's room to see if the two were awake. "They asleep?" Alec asks. I nod and shut the door before checking Douglas' room.

"They're all asleep surprisingly." I say widening my eyes. Alec smiles and we walk downstairs to get breakfast ready.

"So Douglas wasn't on the verge of crying for you." I say opening the cabinets to see what we have. "And why is that?" Alec asks. "You're never around." I say taking out flour for pancakes.

"Alina we talked about this." Alec says. "I know I just don't know how to explain to our five year son that his dad is always busy." I say. "Well Alina there's always Jonathan to actually be the dad." Alec says rolling his eyes.

"You think I trust him with Danise around?" I ask. "You're right." Alec says smiling. "But still, he could always come over and you watch him as he takes care of Douglas." Alec adds.

"No thank you, I wish not to be alone with the bastard."

"Really I thought you liked him, I mean you did marry him." Alec says smirking. "Oh shut it. You know it's not like that anymore." I say smiling. "Sure I do." Alec says laughing.

But he was right, I still had feelings for the heart aching hot captain. He still held my heart in his hands, but I couldn't go back to him. I have a life now and he has his. If it was different, then of course I would date him in a blink of an eye.

My heart and love was still his.

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