Chapter 35 : Enough

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Jonathan and I had dinner with my dad, it was great. Dad took everything well and said if it was meant to be it will be. So now all that was left was Chicago.


I land in the cool breeze of Chicago, without the hands of my children in mine. "You okay?" Jonathan asks placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yes, I'm fine." I say before grabbing my luggage.

Jonathan nods and we begin to walk towards the exit. "You can stay at my house you know." Jonathan says. "Thank you for the offer, but I should start setting up my house for the kids." I say. "Oh okay." Jonathan says a bit disappointed.

I nod and I whistle for a taxi. "You are more than welcomed to help though." I say smiling. "Yup, I knew that was coming." He says as a taxi pulls to the curb for us. "You know me so well." I say placing a hand on my heart. Jonathan smiles and we climb into the car.

"Do you know when Patrick is coming back?" Jonathan asks. "Oh he actually came in yesterday." I say opening my purse. "Oh okay. Have you talked to Keilani?" Jonathan asks. "No, we're going out to dinner tonight though." I say nodding. "Ya, Patrick told me we would go out to dinner tonight as well." Jonathan says.

"Sounds like there up to something." I say nodding. Jonathan smiles and I pull out my phone. "So who's taking care of the kids when Alec is busy?" Jonathan asks. "Either Jeff's wife Megan or Quickie's wife Jaclyn." I say smiling. "Jeff is married?" Jonathan asks. "Yes." I say laughing.

"Since when?" Jonathan asks turning to me. "Since three years ago." I say laughing. Jonathan smiles and leans back into his seat. "Oh wow, I have missed a lot." Jonathan says. "Tell me about it." I say. Jonathan sighs and I turn to him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that." I say. "Sure you didn't." Jonathan whispers. "You know what it's our first day back in Chicago, together. Let's not start it with a fight." Jonathan says before looking out the window.

I sigh and nod. "Of course." I say before looking out the window.

We get to my house and in greeted with a hug from Adam. "Good to see you again Alina." Adam says smiling. "You too." I say nodding. Adam nods and helps Jonathan and I carry my bags inside.

"It's good to have a familiar face back at the office." Adam says putting down one of my bags. "With Chase being gone, it was going to be lonely." He says looking at me.

I give Adam a warm smile and place a hand on his shoulder. "Lonely? Everyone here loves you." I say. "Patrick will always be there for you if you gave him a call. I'm sure Jonathan will also." I say nodding.

"Even me, and I lived in LA." I say laughing. Adam smiles and nods. "I guess your right." Adam says. I nod and we all collapse on the couch.

"I'm guessing you finished the plans for Chase's funeral." Adam says. "Yup, and sent the invitations out to people Chase wanted to come." I say nodding. "Well done. We should drink to that." Adam says. "I will, but I'm pretty sure Alina doesn't want to." Jonathan says. "And why is that? Have a little fun Alina." Adam says smiling.

"I can't." I say sighing. "You can't or you won't?" Adam asks holding out a beer for Jonathan. "I can't I'm pregnant." I say sighing. "Oh wow, congratulations you two." Adam says smiling.

"It's Alec's." I say sadly. "Oh my bad." Adams says opening his beer and putting back the one he took out for me.

"Well anyways, to Chase." Adam says holding his bottle up, "and to Alina for being back in town." He adds. "We miss our girl." Jonathan says smiling. I roll my eyes and the tow of them clink there bottles before drinking from them.

"Guess who's here!" Patrick yells walking into the living room. "Your one and only favorite cousin, teammate, and model." Patrick says.

Keilani walks in besides Patrick and rolls her eyes. "Shut up, Alina probably doesn't even want you here." She jokes. Patrick smiles and sits down next to me. "Welcome back to the lovely Illinois, where all the magic happens." Patrick says throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"And by magic you mean, the Land of Lincoln?" I ask laughing. "Like California was any better." Patrick says scoffing. "Actually it is." I say winking, "The Golden State." I add laughing.

Patrick turns to me and I smirk, "Stop talking, please." Patrick says. I chuckle and Keilani sits down next to Patrick before handing him a beer and opening her own.

"It's good to have you back. Now you can entertain Patrick. He can be such a child sometimes." Keilani says smiling. "No thank you, I have spent a lot of time with that boy." I say shaking my head. "I had to spend five years alone with him. Your turn now." Keilani jokes.

"Hey, I don't have a choice. I don't get to pick my family." I say putting my hands up. "You got me there." Keilani says before taking a sip of her beer. "Okay, I'm gonna head home." Jonathan says standing up. "I thought you were staying here." Patrick says.

"It was either you stay or I stay." Patrick adds looking at Jonathan. "You can stay, I have a bunch of things to do tomorrow morning." Jonathan says. "Lies, your staying here with Alina, I gotta start packing for New York tonight." Patrick says.

"Wait hold up your going to the big apple? Without me?" I ask standing up and looking at Patrick. "Well ya to visit my parents." Patrick says shrugging.

"I thought you would be sick of New York, since you were going back and forth between LA and New York during finals." Patrick says.

"I could never get old of my hometown." I say. "Shut up and stay with Jonathan. You two are weird. You love each other yet won't stay in the same room." Patrick says laughing.

"Don't make fun of us, we're doing just fine." Jonathan says throwing his arm over my shoulder. Keilani and Adam chuckle and wait for Patrick to make a stupid come back.

"Don't question my opinions." Patrick says. "We never did." Jonathan says laughing. We all burst out in laughter and Patrick glares. "Whatever I'm taking my ass to New York tomorrow morning. So don't be jealous." He says walking towards the front door.

We all chuckle and Keilani says goodbye to us before following Patrick out the door.

"I guess I should get going too." Adam says standing up. "No your welcomed to stay." I say. "It's fine, tomorrow morning I need start cleaning out Chase's office so you can get your stuff in there." Adam says smiling.

"Oh okay." I say nodding.

Adam nods before giving me a hug and Jonathan a handshake. "See you two around." He says before closing the front door.

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