Chapter 15 : After All

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The awards were on now. We all sit in my room and watch them waiting for them to announced best photographer of the year.

"Hello Mrs. Martinez." My doctor, Mary says walking in. I smile at her and she looks at the time. "Your dinner should be here soon." She says removing my blankets from my body and checking my stitches.

"You should be able to go home tomorrow." She says smiling. I nod thanking her as she tells the nurse to change my bandages.

Finally it came to the time. "The best photographer of the year award goes to..." they say opening the envelope and smiling. "Alina Kane-Martinez!" The lady says. "Sadly a medical incident had happened last night making Alina stay in the hospital. Please pray for a speedy recovery for her, she sends her love and thankfulness." The man next to her says.

"Congratulations Mrs. Martinez." Mary says smiling. "Thank you." I say smiling. She nods and Alec brings me into a kiss. "You won!" Patrick yells. I nod, smiling. "Congratulations." Jonathan says quietly before sitting down in a chair.

I smile, thanking him before turning my attention back to Alec. "I won." I say smiling ear to ear. "I know, I'm so proud of you." He says bringing me into a kiss.

I feel everyone's eyes on us and feel uncomfortable. Three boys run in and it ends up Quickie, Drew, and Louis.

"We tried to get out of the meeting, but we couldn't sorry." Quickie says pushing back my hair and kissing the top of my head. Quickie and I have gotten close ever since I've married Alec. Same goes to Drew. "Where's Jeff?" I ask. "Oh he was right behind us." Drew says turning around.

"I'll go look for him." Louis says laughing. "Thank you." I say before he leaves. "How you feeling?" Drew asks. "I could be better." I say honestly. Drew nods and goes around exchanging hello's.

"Oh I got some news." I say turning to Alec. "Oh cool what?" He asks sitting down. "Well Chase told me that there's a job open for me." I say. Alec nods and I smile. "He wants me to take over his job when he dies, and I said yes." I say quietly.

Alec raises his eyebrows, but nods after. "Sure, but what about our kids Alina? The reason you retired was because of them." He says. "We'll think of something." I say. "Alina, it's not like Chicago next door. You can't just say every other week is mine. Those plane tickets plus extra for them to watch them isn't going to be cheap." Alec says.

"Well Alec can we just wait for this discussion for later?" I ask. "You're the one who brought the topic up." He says. I roll my eyes and Alec stares at me.

"We got this, we'll think of something."

The next day I wake up. Everyone was around my bed sleeping. Alec had his head rested on the edge of my bed sleeping away. Jonathan had set up a bed on the floor and everyone else sat up in their chair sleeping.

"Good morning Mrs. Martinez." Mary says walking in. I smile at her and she hands me a packet of papers. "Your discharge papers." She says. "Thank you." I say smiling. She nods and looks at everyone sleeping in my room.

"You must be loved." She says smiling. I nod and she chuckles. "I'll check in later." Mary says before jumping over Jonathan.

Mary chuckles before leaving the room.

I begin to fill out the papers. "Hey." Adam says walking into the room. "Hello." I say smiling. He pulls something from behind his back and holds up the gold camera. "Here it is." He says smiling.

"Thank you so much." I say. He nods and looks around the room. "Everyone's sleeping. What a surprise." He says chuckling. I nod and Jonathan groans. "Worst idea ever." He says. I smile and Adam chuckles.

Everyone begins to wake up as the sun peaks through the blinds. Including the one and only heavy sleeper Patrick.

"Okay I'm hungry." Patrick says standing up. "Let's go eat." He says. "We just woke up Pat." Keilani says yawning. He rolls his eyes and I chuckle.

"How do you feel?" Patrick asks looking at me. "Good. Tired, but good." I say nodding. Patrick smiles and turns to Alec who looks like a bear attacked him.

"Nice hair buddy." Patrick says. Alec pushes it back and I smile. "Leave him alone." I say. "Awh you're standing up for you hubby." Patrick says. "Shut it." I say beginning to sit up.

Patrick smiles before going to my side to help me. "The thing is, I'm still hungry."

Happiness, Love, and Kisses || Jonathan Toews Book 2Where stories live. Discover now