Chapter 43 : Erase My Love

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Blood it was everywhere. There was not one place where it wasn't. "Alina, honey we have to go." Jonathan says nervously.

Six Hours Earlier

"Hey." I say walking into Patrick's hotel room. "Hi." He says shifting his position on the couch.

"Where's Keilani?" I ask not seeing her. "Oh she's sleeping." He says frowning. "So how was drunk Jonathan last night?" Patrick asks patting a spot on the couch for me to sit.

"Funny, actually very funny." I say thinking about Jonathan lose his balance as we entered the hotel room. Patrick chuckles and changes the channel to something else. "I hope you enjoy Gilmore Girls." He says as Lauren Graham pops onto the screen.

"Love it." I say grabbing the bag of popcorn from his hands. Patrick chuckles and we keep watching the tv show for about an hour and a half.

"I should get going, Jonathan is probably having a hard time getting up." I say standing up. Patrick nods and I lean down to give him a hug.

"I'll call you later." I say before leaving to Alec's room to pick up the kids. I knock on Alec's room and he answers it quickly. "Hey." He says nodding at me. "Hi." I say smiling awkwardly.

"I came to get the kids." I say. "Oh I thought I was having them until preseason started." He says. "That's right." I say remembering the conversation we had.

"Okay then." I say. Alec chuckles and moves aside, "You can come in to say hi." He says. I nod and walk in.

I see Jeff and Drew sitting down on the couch eating. "Hey." Drew says smiling. I smile and the kids tackle me with hugs. "Hi mommy." Grace says smiling. "Hey baby." I say smiling. "What are you boys up to?" I ask picking up Grace. "Well we're discussing what we should do for the rest of the trip." He says.

I nod and sit down on the couch next to Drew. I play with the kids for awhile before realizing I was here for thirty minutes. "I should get going." I say checking the time. They nod and I say goodbye to the kids by giving them a kiss on their cheeks.

"I'll see you guys later." I say waving goodbye to them. I start walking back to the room and get a bit dizzy, but make it in time. "Hello." Jonathan says as he sees me walking in. "Hi." I say smiling. "Where'd you go?" He asks. "I went to Patrick's room then stopped by Alec's to say hi to the kids." I say.

Jonathan nods and I sit down on the couch to help my head to stop spinning around. "You okay?" Jonathan asks. I nod and turn on the tv. "So what do you want to do today?" Jonathan asks. "Um maybe we can visit my brother." Jonathan says. "Sounds like a plan." I say smiling.

When I was finished getting dressed we walk towards the elevator and go up three floors

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When I was finished getting dressed we walk towards the elevator and go up three floors. "You should wear white more often." Jonathan says turning to me. "And why is that?" I ask smiling. "Because you look go in it. Wait cross that out. You look good in everything." He says smiling.

I blush and we both walk out the elevator and towards Davids room. When we get there he opens the door before we could even knock.

"Aye." David says smiling at us. David moves aside so we can walk in. "How are you guys?" He asks smiling. "Great." I say nodding. "Your pregnant." He pointing to my stomach. I nod and he smiles. "Congratulations you two." He says smiling. "It's actually not mine." Jonathan says.

"Oh, I see." He says nodding. "Anyways, please sit." David says motioning to the couch. "Have you talked to dad?" Jonathan asks. "No, but we leave in two days right?" He asks.

Jonathan nods and David turns to me. "I can't believe you announced one of the award winners." He says. I smile and nod. "Me either." I say smiling. "You two hungry?" He asks. "Or three?" He says smiling proud of his joke.

I look down at my over sized stomach and roll my eyes eyes. "He didn't mean it." I whisper rubbing my stomach. David chuckles and Jonathan looks at me confused.

"You are so weird." He says laughing. I shrug and we both sit down on the couch. "I can order pizza." David says picking up his phone. "Sure." Jonathan says putting his arm over my shoulder. David nods and walk to the other room.

"You okay Alina?" Jonathan asks as he looks at me. "I'm fine." I say placing a hand on his thigh. "A bit dizzy, but that's probably because I'm hungry." I say. "You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" He asks.

"You look a bit pale." He adds. I shake my head no and he sighs knowing I wasn't going to move.

When the pizza arrives we all begin to eat and watch tv. "Are you okay Alina?" David asks noticing me being extremely quiet. "Yes, why do you ask?" I ask and feel a strong pain coming from my stomach.

"Alina?" Jonathan asks as he stares at me wrapping my arms around my stomach. "Oh god." I say closing my eyes tight. "Crap." David says noticing blood where I was sitting.

I try standing up, but fail miserably. I slowly grip the couch and stand up on my. "I'll get the car." David says. "I'll ruin your car." I manage to say. "Like I care." David says running out the room with his car keys. "Okay I'll get some towels." Jonathan says making me sit back down and leaving to the bathroom.

This couldn't be happening, I was losing my child. Alec was going to furious with me for not taking car of him or her.

When Jonathan returns I managed to walk to the door without him. I look down at the blood underneath me and everywhere else.

Blood it was everywhere. There was not one place where it wasn't. "Alina, honey we have to go." Jonathan says nervously.

I nod and he tries to figure something out. "Here." He says holding his hands out for him to carry me. "Jonathan you're going to get messy." I say. "Alina would you just shut up and let me carry you." He says. I roll my eyes and let him.

He runs, but keeps an eye on me making sure he didn't hurt me.

"Alina?" Someone says behind us. "We have an emergency!" Jonathan yells to the guy as we step onto the elevator.

I was shocked the elevator wasn't as slow as it was usually. David was outside with the car when we get outside. Jonathan gets in the back with me and David takes off to the nearest hospital. As for me? I passed out half way there.

"You didn't keep an eye on her!" Someone yells. "I did, she was just to stubborn to tell me if she was okay or not." I hear Jonathan's voice.

"Well you know her like a book, and should know she always says she's okay, even when she shouldn't! Clearly she needed a hospital visit!"

I slowly try to move my arm, but get stopped. I open my eyes to find a IV in my arm. I groan and the two turn to me. Alec and Jonathan.

"You lost our child?"

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