Chapter 49 : Ken Doll

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"You are so weird." I say as Jonathan kisses my neck and laughs at the same time. "Well, I'm trying my best here, but keep making fun of me." Jonathan says pouting as he looks at me. I smile and Jonathan winks. I smile and David walks into the living room.

"Whoa there lovers." He says widening his eyes. Jonathan groans and turns to David. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." David says raising his arms up. "Anyway Blue said she wanted to go on a double date tomorrow. You two in?" David asks. "Sure." Jonathan says smiling.

David nods before leaving the house. Bryan was spending time with kids by giving them sugary stuff and showing them around Winnipeg as he bragged to his friends that he had grandchildren.

Jonathan continues to kiss my neck as I make jokes about him being so bad at it. "So one question." Jonathan says. "And that is?" I ask. "How did I get so lucky?" He asks grinning. I smile and kiss him. "Maybe because your hot like a ken doll." I say joking. "So you like me for my looks?" He asks. I smile and place both my hands on his face. "Of course not, I love everything about you." I say.

Jonathan smiles and we turn back to the tv.


It was now time for our double date and I was worried I dressed too casual

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It was now time for our double date and I was worried I dressed too casual.

"Jonathan, honey is this fine?" I ask turning to him to see him wearing shorts, white shirt, and nikes. "Perfect." He says smiling. I smile and we walk downstairs. Blue was dressed in a nice black dress with a coat on and David had a tux on. We were too casual for this dress.

"It's okay." Jonathan says smiling. I roll my eyes and we all head out to David's car. "So why exactly are you too so casual when we said fancy?" David asks. "He said fancy? Jonathan you said casual!" I say turning to him. "Sorry, I thought we were going on a boat tour or whatever you call them." Jonathan says. "I didn't want Alina to wear dress cause I thought she'd be cold." He adds.

"How cute, that's a good point. We are over dressed." David says turning to Blue. Blue chuckles and we finally leave the driveway.


When we get onto the boat it was beautiful. We sat down and watched as we passed the city and towards the best part. The dark side of the city, where there weren't many lights. It was easier to see the beautiful stars light up in the night. Man were there many.

"So there's the one dad bought." David says pointing to the brightest star out of all of one. It was small, but bright. "He named it after mom right?" Jonathan asks. David nods the two stare at it and smile to themselves.

Jonathan was pretty down, because we finally had to go home tomorrow so he can get back in shape and start practicing. I told him he could do it here to spend time with his dad, but he insisted on going home.

"Look Lina." Jonathan says pointing to the big dipper. "How the hell did you find it?" I ask chuckling. Jonathan smiles and wraps his arm around me. "I got some tricks." Jonathan says pulling me close.

I smile and we stay like that for the rest of the boat ride.

The day's flew fast and it was time for us to leave.

"Alina, can I talk to you?" Bryan asks. I nod and we walk into the kitchen.

"Alina, I already told you I'll be gone soon probably, so please don't die before I do." Bryan starts. I smile and he smiles also.

"You are unique and the most sweetest girl I ever met. You shouldn't change yourself even if you felt like you needed to. Alina your all he has besides the team and David. You live with the guy, you deal with his problems and yet your still there for him. No woman has ever stayed with Jonathan that long, because they didn't accepted him the way you do. I want you to have this." He says handing me a charm bracelet.

It had the letter A, a hockey stick, a puck, a ring, a locket with a picture of Andrée, and a camera.

"It was Andrée's. The hockey stick was a reminder of Jonathan, the puck was for David, a ring for me, a picture of her to remind herself she was flawed but perfect in her own ways, and she got the camera when she first met you." Bryan says smiling. I smile and he helps me put it on.

"I got this one for you." He says handing me a charm trophy. "To remind you that you're unique and a winner." He says smiling. "Thank you Bryan." I say bringing him into a hug. "Take care of them please." He whispers. "I will." I say rubbing his back.

Bryan smiles and I wave goodbye to him as I leave. "Hey." Jonathan says smiling as he wraps an arm around me. "Dad, gave you moms bracelet?" Jonathan asks as he grabs my hand. "Yes." I say nodding not sure if he was mad that I have it now.

"Good. Mom would of loved for you to have it." Jonathan says kissing me.

I know, I know. Short chapter, sorry. Also if you can Please vote on my chapters and comment once in awhile so I can get feedback from the readers. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the ride of the book and I hope to reveal to you guys what's next to the series. Xx

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