Chapter 46 : It's You

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Chicago was beautiful at night

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Chicago was beautiful at night. We went to most of the tourists attractions, I took pictures of course, then we went out to dinner.

"Alina." Jonathan says trying to get my attention. I turn to him and he hands me his jacket. "You're shivering." He says. "Thank you." I say noticing that I am. I slip the jacket on and everyone stares at me carefully.

"What?" I ask confused. "Nothing." Patrick says smiling. "Oh Alina before we leave tomorrow we have to stop by Corey and Andrew's house." Jonathan says. "That's fine." I say nodding. "I vote that we go get ice cream." David says raising an arm in the air. "It's freezing." I say. "So?" David asks chuckling. Jonathan and I turn to each other and shrug. His brother clearly was still a child and loved it. That made me realize that we never live our life like we used to.


When we get home Patrick and Keilani get there belongings and go home. David and Jonathan were on the couch watching tv. "I'm gonna get some shut eye." I say kissing Jonathan. He nods and turns to David and then me. "I will be there soon, and by soon I mean two hours." Jonathan says as he looks down at his watch.

I chuckle and turn to David. "Goodnight." I say smiling. "Goodnight." David says back.


The next day I wake up to Jonathan's phone ringing. He gets up and walks to the balcony to answer it. I begin to get up also to get ready for our day. I get dressed in jeans, a white shirt, black windbreaker, and white vans.

When I was finished getting dressed I go downstairs to eat cereal. "Good morning." David says walking into the kitchen. "Good morning." I say smiling as he grabs the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and pours himself some.

"Where's Johnny?" David asks. "Upstairs talking to someone." I say. "Who?" David asks. I shrug and David nods eating.

Jonathan finally comes running downstairs in a hurry. "Let's go we have to go to Corey's house." Jonathan says as he rolls my suitcase behind him. "Looks like someone checked their watch." David says chuckling. I nod and we both follow Jonathan.


We land In Winnipeg and Bryan greets us as we get off. "Hey dad." David and Jonathan say as they hug him. "Alina." Bryan says surprised. "Hello." I say smiling. "Nice to see again." Bryan says pulling me into a hug. "How are you?" He asks. "I'm doing alright, how about you?" I ask.

"Same." He says smiling. "So are you here as a friend or something else?" He asks. "Dad, she's my girlfriend." Jonathan says blushing in embarrassment. "Well if you called once in awhile maybe I'd know that." Bryan says before guiding us to his car.

It was different without Jonathan's mom. I could tell. Bryan didn't have his usual spark that he had when she was around.

"So how's photography?" Bryan asks as he opens the trunk for Jonathan to put our bags in. "I'm back in business." I say chuckling. Bryan raises an eyebrow and I chuckle knowing he doesn't follow the news. "I retired for my kids." I say.

"You have children? With Jonathan?" He asks. "We have one, and she has three with Alec." Jonathan says. "Well good for you, what happened with Alec?" Bryan asks as we get into the car. "He did something unforgivable." I say.

Bryan frowns and I give him a small smile. "Well I must see the little one you and Jonathan have." He says. "Of course, I brought pictures." I say smiling.  Bryan smiles and takes off.


When we get to the house Jonathan and I settle down in the guest room. "I'm sorry about my dad asking so many questions." Jonathan says. "No worries." I say smiling as we walk downstairs to eat. "So I was thinking barbeque." David says looking in the fridge. "Sure, I'll start it up." Jonathan says as he looks out the patio to see the perfect weather for one.

"I'll help." David says following Jonathan outside.

"Hello Alina." Bryan says walking into the kitchen. "Hi." I say smiling.

"You know Andrée loved you." Bryan says smiling. "I loved her too." I say. "I'm surprised Jonathan didn't tell you when she died." Bryan says.

"We weren't on good terms during the past few years." I say. "I know that girl Dance, was horrible." He says. "Danise." I say laughing.

"Oh right Danise. She was rude and made Jonathan do everything." Bryan says. "I'm surprised you didn't stay back and fight her for him." He says.

"Well I thought he wanted her and there was nothing I could do. So I left." I say honestly. "Alina, he will always want you." Bryan says. "You could tell he does, it's the way he looks at you. Don't get me started on when he talks about you or stands up for you. When he talks about you he gets this light in his eyes that makes him smile, and when he stands up for you he gets so angry, kind of like when he's on the ice and someone starts a fight with him." Bryan says.

I smile and blush. "Your special to all of us. Especially to David. He never could trust someone so much until you came around. He had never laughed so much with Jonathan until you. It's like you make the bad in Jonathan go away and the good rise." Bryan says. "And me? You remind me of Andrée so much. She did the same thing to me that you do to Jonathan." He adds.

I smile and hug Bryan as the boys walk in. "Hey darlin' can you start the salad?" Jonathan asks as he pulls out the ingredients to make it. "Yeah sure." I say nodding. Jonathan smiles and leans down to kiss me.

"Thank you." He says before walking out back to the patio. "Anyways Alina, I'm getting old. Soon I am going to die. When I do just promise me you'll take care of my boys. They mean a lot to Andrée and I." He says. "I promise." I say smiling.

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