Chapter 11 : Eyes Wide Open

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Okay first, I'm so mad. Kings lost game five getting eliminated to the Sharks. I repeat the SHARKS. They know better than to get a thousand penalties at once. I also can't decide whether to be sad or mad. So I'm going to be smad. Anyways enjoy :).

The sun hits me as Alec opens the blinds. "Did you have to bug me now?" I ask. Alec smiles and I sit up. "How's our little love bug doing in there?" Alec asks bending down to my stomach.

I smile and he places a hand on my stomach. He smiles brightly. "Hey babe your gonna be late." I say looking at the clock. "Oh that's right." He says standing up. "Thank you." He say grabbing his coat. I nod and he leans down to kiss me.

"I love you." He says. "Love you too." I say smiling. "Stay safe." He says, "Good luck." I say standing up to walk him out the door.

Alec smiles at me one more time before walking out the door. As soon as he does I walk to the kitchen to eat something. The only thing I had was cereal and milk, plus eggs. But I didn't feel like cooking.

I pour the fruity pebbles into a bowl and then the milk. My phone goes off making me almost drop the milk. I walk towards it and answer it.

"This is Alina right?"

The person on the other line stays quiet and I begin to get frustrated. "This is Jonathan." The person finally says.

"Oh hi Jonathan." I say trying to act casually. "What time do you want to meet?" He asks. "Oh um, is six okay?" I ask. "Yes. Perfect actually." He says. "Okay then. I'll see you at six." I say before hanging up.

Once I finish my breakfast I walk to the bathroom to take a shower and change into some clothes for the day.

I pick out my floral dress with black heels for the day. Hoping my feet won't get tired from all the walking I'll be doing.

Once I'm finished taking a shower I blow dry my hair and curl it, then begin to do my makeup

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Once I'm finished taking a shower I blow dry my hair and curl it, then begin to do my makeup. It took me about an hour and a half to get ready. For the day I was going to walk around in Chicago before rehearsal.

I walk out the house and towards my car. Once I'm in I drive off and into the city. I haven't been here for a long time. The streets still amaze though, no matter how long or how much I see them.

I find a good parking spot so I can get out and start walking around. I walk towards the jelly bean and remember the first time I came here.

My camera was stolen which lead to me meeting Chase, which reminded me that I had to visit him. I pull out my camera from my camera and snap a picture of the jelly bean.

"What a surprise." Someone says behind me. I turn and see the familiar four faces; Selena, Matthew, Jennie, and Mia.

"Oh my god, you guys!" I say bringing them into a group hug. They all smile and I almost cry. I haven't see them in forever, besides Mia.

"How have you been Monroe?" Matthew asks. "I'm doing good, really good. You?" I ask. "Good." They all say. I nod and place my camera in its bag.

"I heard your nominated for the best photographer for the year. Congrats kid." Matthew says. "Thank you." I say smiling. "What? No way!" Selena says smiling. I nod and she smiles. "That's so good Alina!" Jennie says smiling ear to ear.

"Hell ya it is." Matthew says. "Have you see Chase? He's bad." Matthew says.

"Ya I just saw him the they day." I say. "They say he's on his last days. I was just about to visit him. Wanna tag along? We can come back for your car later if you took it." Matthew says.

"Sure, sounds good." I say.

When we get to the hospital, they immediately tell us where Chases room is at. When we get there we find him wide awake, sitting up in bed playing cards with Adam.

"Ahh, and she fulfills her promise." Chase says smiling. I smile back and lean down to give him a hug. "Nice to see you again." Chase says. "You knew I was going to come and visit you." I say rolling my eyes.

Chase smiles and looks towards the four people standing awkward at the door. "Come on in." Chase says chuckling. They do so and greet Adam and Chase.

I sit down on a chair and begin to listen to the conversations around the room. "Um can I have a moment with Alina?" Chase asks. "Um ya uh sure." Adam stutters before getting up and walking out. The rest follow leaving Chase and I alone.

"Alina, I have something very important to tell you." He says. "Oh okay, continue." I say. He grabs ahold of my hand and looks at me. "I don't want Adam to be in charge of photography and film when I'm gone." He says.

"Why not? He's good." I say. "He's not the one." Chase says shrugging. "Okay then we'll hire someone else." I say. "No-look Alina, I know this is very selfish of me since you just retired, but I want you to fill in my spot. I can trust you." He says.

"Chase my family is in LA. My husband, and kids." I say. "Look I'm sorry, but it's not permanent. I have someone coming in from France. He's good, except he won't be here until late January. So you'll just be there for October, November, December, and most of January." He says. "I'll have to think about it Chase. I'm sorry it's just I retired for my family. To take care of my children." I say.

Chase nods and squeezes my hand. "I'm not ordering you to do it. It's just an offer." He whispers before the heart machine begins to beep rapidly.

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