Chapter 13 : Stay

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The next day was the award ceremony. Which meant I had to pick out my dress today, and also find someone to go with me. I was thinking of Patrick since Alec couldn't make it to the ceremony.

I call Keilani asking if she would be willing to help me pick out a dress for tomorrow and she agreed.

When Keilani gets to my house I walk out to her car and find Patrick with her. "Hey Pat." I say surprised as I hop into the backseat. "Hey Lina." He says turning to look at me.

"Hope you don't mind, but right after your guys shopping thing, Keilani and I have to go somewhere." He says. "Oh no it's fine." I say smiling.

Patrick nods before turning back in his seat. "So how dinner with Jonathan? Anything interesting?" Patrick asks. "It's for me to know and not you." I say crossing my arms.

"Oh cut the crap Alina we all know something happened at that dinner." He says. "It's best for you to tell me. Either way I will find out from Jonathan." He says, and I already knew he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well then find out from him." I say smiling. Patrick turns to me and I smile. "Exactly." I say as he flips me off.

When we get to my favorite store of all time we all walk in. Patrick begins to call my name out whenever he sees a dress which didn't help. "How about you go get us some coffee?" Keilani asks handing him the car keys.

Patrick rolls his eyes before nodding and kissing Keilani. "Fine, but I'm only doing this because I hate shopping." He says walking towards the exit. Keilani and I smile at each other before searching through the dresses.

A gold beaded long dress caught my eyes and I immediately went to the fitting room. It was beautiful and I knew it was the one. Keilani loved it also and agreed on the dress.

I bought it and we walked outside. "That was pretty fast." Keilani says. "I know, I'm surprised we even finished before Patrick came back." I say looking down at my watch. "Oh no he left at ten it's one." Keilani says.

"Oh never mind then." I say blushing. Keilani smiles and reaches into her bag to get her phone. My phone goes off and it's Jonathan. He texted me; Chase really wants you to be here. Mind swinging by?

My heart drops, Chase wanted me to be there on his last days. I reply back to Jonathan saying I'll be there soon.

When Keilani get off the phone she looks around for her car. "Do you guys mind taking me to the hospital? I wanna visit Chase." I say. "Of course not." Keilani says smiling.

"Thank you." I say as Patrick pulls over to the curb.

When we get to the hospital I thank them before walking into the hospital. I walk to Chase's room and find Jonathan and Adam sitting beside his bed. "Hey." Adam says standing up." Hi." I say smiling. Chase was asleep.

The poor man looked tired and pale. As if the light of him was sucked out and gone. My phone goes off and I quickly take it out of my pocket. It was Alec trying to FaceTiming me.

I smile and Adam nods telling me it was okay. I press the answer button and Alec's face pops up. "Hey babe." Alec says. I smile and walk out to the hallway so we can talk.

I wanted to talk to him about the offer from Chase, but not like this. "How's it going over there?" I ask. "Good we won game 1." He says smiling. "That's great babe." I says sitting down on a chair in the hallway.

Alec nods and turns to someone yelling at him. "I have some news to tell you, but not over the phone. Maybe at dinner when I come back home?" I ask. "Well sure, yea. If I don't have a game that night." Alec says. "Okay good." I say smiling.

"What's on your mind?" He asks. "Nothing, I just miss you and the kids." I say smiling. "Alec!" Someone yells again. "I'm sorry, we're on the bus back to the hotel and Andy being the rude person he is, is bugging me." Alec says.

I smile and Andy appears onto the phone. "Yo Alina!" Andy says smiling ear to ear. "Go FaceTime your girlfriend dick." Alec says trying his best to push out Andy.

"Okay, Okay. Bye Alina, hope you have fun in Chicago." Andy says. "Oh trust me I will." I say smiling. "Not too much fun. Ooh and good luck on the award thing!" He yells. "Thank you." I say smiling even though he can no longer see me.

"Oh ya good luck." Drew says appearing on the phone. "Thank you Drew." I say smiling. "Okay babe well I just wanted to check in. Love you." Alec says.

"Love you too." I say smiling. The FaceTime call ends and I walk back into Chase's room.

Jonathan turns and smiles at me before I sit down across from him. All of a sudden someone walks in. The devil herself; Danise.

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