Chapter 6 : Hot Shot

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Sad Song by: We the Kings (feat. Elena Coats)

I looked at him. Studying every moment he made as he talked to Frank. They laughed, and smiled ear to ear. As if they were father and son, but they weren't because it was Jonathan.

"They'll be fine." Alec says placing a kiss on my neck. "I know." I say. "It's our five year anniversary tomorrow." Alec says. "Yup, five years with your pain in the ass." I say smirking.

Alec rolls his eyes and kisses me again. "We all know you love me." Alec says. "Oh it's true. Trust me." I say smiling. Alec smiles his crooked smile. The famous one that has all the laddies falling in love with him. Even me.

"Ready?" Jeff asks walking up to me. I nod and he looks at Jonathan and Frank. I nod and a little girl walks up to me. "Do you know where my daddy is? I lost my mommy, but can't find her," she says.

I bend down to her and shake my head. "Whose your dad?" I ask. "My daddy is on the Blackhawks. He's number 19." She says. "Daddy won't tell me his real name yet." She says.

"She's Jonathan's daughter." I say standing up. "Alina there you are." Jonathan says walking up to us. "Here I am." I say rolling my eyes. "No, my daughter. Her name is Alina." Jonathan says.

Alec, Jeff, and I all exchange confused looks. "You named your daughter Alina?" Jeff asks. "Yes." Jonathan says picking Alina up. "Why?" Jeff asks. "The name Alina means noble." Jonathan says. "So?" Jeff asks.

"Okay, so? I named my daughter Alina. Don't make a big deal out of it." Jonathan says shrugging. "I think it's cute." Frank says. "What do you think Alina? It is your name." Jonathan says.

"Honestly, I think you aren't telling the truth." I say. "What about my son? Huh why that name?" Jonathan asks. I stay quiet and shake my head. "Now you want to know your son?" I ask. "Yes Alina he's my son! You didn't even have the nerve to tell me about him!" Jonathan yells.

"Because you ran away with Danise! Plus you were taking everything I had. I didn't want you to take my son also." I say. Jonathan stares at me blank and I shake my head.

"You've hurt me too much by then for you to deserve to know about that child." I say before grabbing my purse. "I'll be in the car."

When Alec, Frank, and I get to Jeff's house we find that the whole family was there. Including my dad, step mom, and half sisters. Michelle and Cody also who brought my three children.

"You guys are still here? I thought you guys went back to Chicago." I say placing my purse on the counter. "Oh no, we're here for the rest of the week." Dad says. "Oh good, we can go out again then." I say smiling.

Dad nods and I turn to Alec who begins to play hide and seek with the kids. "Sean play nice." Michelle says as Sean sticks his tongue out at Alec. "No need to worry." Alec says smiling at Sean. "Okay mom." Sean says as Alec begins to count.

The kids begin to run to all their hiding places and I chuckle. "Hey it's yours and Alec's five year anniversary tomorrow." Dad says eating the chips that lay on the table. "Yup." I say walking to the kitchen to help Megan cook. "Nice to see you in the kitchen now. Not actually eating, but cooking." Megan says smiling. "Oh you love me either way." I say grabbing some meat to cut.

"Very true." Megan says throwing the meat she cut in a pan.

When dinner is finished we all settle down in the kitchen to eat. "Not too bad." Alec says placing a hand on my thigh. I smile as he eats the chicken Megan and I made.

"Did you want us to watch the kids while you and Alec spend time tomorrow?" Jeff asks. "Oh no it's fine." Alec says. "Really? It really isn't a problem." Megan says smiling. Alec looks at me and I shrug. "Sure," Alec says "Thank you." He adds.

Jeff nods and I smile. "I have a announcement." I say standing up. Everyone looks at me and I smile. "I'm nominated for the Photographer of the year award." I say. "Congratulations." Dad says standing up. I smile as he pulls me into a hug and everyone clinks their glasses together.

"And where is this award ceremony going to be at anyway?" Michelle asks. "Chicago."

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