Chapter 39 : Rain On You

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We land in Las Vegas and automatically get hit by the heat. Jonathan grabs ahold of my hand. "Too bad you can't drink." Jonathan says looking at my stomach. I roll my eyes and he winks before grabbing are belongings.

Douglas stayed with Jonathan and I since he is Jonathan's son Alec agreed that it was fair for him to stay with us.

"Mommy?" Douglas asks. I look down at him and nod for him to continue. "Can we go swimming?" He asks. "Of course sweetie." I say before getting into the rented car we got.

When we get to the hotel Douglas and Jonathan go explore the hotel as I check us in. "Alina?" Someone asks tapping me. I turn and see Cody and Mark. "Hi." I say surprised. They smile and I bring Cody in a hug, but stand awkwardly next to Mark.

Since the last time Mark went off on me Christine and I haven't talked much. "What?" He asks as I stare at him. "Mark not now." Cody says. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask. "Nothing." Mark asks. "What?" I ask. "We're here on a family vacation." He says. That's right I'm no longer family to them since I have another dad.

"I see, you two have fun." I say as Jonathan joins us. "Wait Alina we meant to invite it's just..." Cody says. "No, I get it I really do. But the fact that you have to lie to me and tell me your doing nothing here makes it worst." I say.

"What's wrong?" Jonathan asks as he holds Douglas in his arms. "Nothing, I was just about to check in." I say walking up to the desk.

When I'm done I turn to see Sam, April Christine, and Michelle. "Wow I didn't know you invited your family." Jonathan says. "I didn't, trust me they're the last people I want to see at the moment." I say.

"Alina, please we didn't mean for this to happen." Michelle says. "Yes, you just forgot that this week was the NHL awards." I say grabbing Douglas from Jonathan so he can grab the luggage.

"Oh shut up Michelle tell her the truth." Mark says rolling his eyes. "We don't like you around us Alina, we don't care if your family. You're always causing drama. I almost got killed because of Danise." He says.

"I'm sorry I have to do this." Jonathan whispers. "Wha-"
"Oh please Mark you told Alina she wasn't capable of taking care of children. Your always at a bar late at night leaving your wife with the children. At least Alina doesn't have a drinking problem." Jonathan says.

"She doesn't have a choice she's always getting pregnant." Mark says. "No she does. She could not care for her unborn children but she does care. You know even without the damn baby she wouldn't drink." Jonathan says. "And why is that? Because her step dad ruined her when he drank? Oh boohoo I don't give a damn she is a brat and deserved it." Mark says.

Tears rush to my eyes and I see someone I haven't seen for a long time. Chase. "Alina he isn't worth the fight, stay with me darling." Chase says walking towards me as I get dizzy. "Alina?" Chase asks.

I place Douglas on the floor, and turn to Chase confused. "And now she's high." Mark says laughing. "Shut up please Mark. Shut your drunkard mouth. Christine get your husband under control before I do it myself. If we're letting the truth out please let me begin. You all stabbed me in the back today and it hurts really bad. I have never done it to you all or thought of it. Cody and Michelle I have been there for you when you needed a place to stay at or just needed a talk. Mark and Christine, you two are so bad for each other. Christine you let the man control your life, come on stand up for yourself before your too little to do it and Mark shut your mouth before something comes and bites you in the ass. Sam and April? I really thought you were better than this Sam." I say.

"Atta girl." Chase says. I turn and begin to get dizzy again. "I think I need some water." I say turning to Jonathan. Jonathan nods and hands me his water bottle.

"Don't ever call me if you need something." I say before walking away with Jonathan.

When I wake up from my nap I hear talking in the living room. I walk into the the living room and find Jeff and Megan. "Hey." I say. "Good morning." Jeff says standing up to give me a hug.

"Um Alec is two room down from you if you wanna visit the kids." Jeff says. "Thank you, where are you two staying?" I ask. "Um Jonathan offered us to stay with you two, but if not were welcomed to stay in Quickie's room." Jeff says.

"Oh sure." I say nodding. Megan smiles and I look at the time. "You wanna go walk to the strip it's barley three." I say. "Oh sure." Jeff says. "Douglas is sleeping." Jonathan says. "I'll ask if Quickie or Alec can take care of him." I say. "Quickie says he will." Jeff says. I nod and look down at my jeans and random shirt.

"I should change first." I say.

When I finished getting dressed Jonathan was dressed in jeans, navy blue blazer, white shirt, and some nice vans

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When I finished getting dressed Jonathan was dressed in jeans, navy blue blazer, white shirt, and some nice vans.

Jeff was also wearing the same thing and Megan had a black dress on. "I guess we're all twinning." Megan says chuckling. I smile and we all begin to walk to Quickies room to drop off Douglas.

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