Chapter 58 : Xo

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I had a few more hours before surgery and I was spending that time with family

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I had a few more hours before surgery and I was spending that time with family. Mostly the boys and Keilani. Dad, Amanda, Beatrice, and Natalie couldn't make it, but they promised they'd be here after surgery.

I was about to FaceTime Jeff when I got a call from Alec.

"Hey Alina."
"What's going on?"
"I just wanted to tell you, that even though we aren't on good terms, I hope you have a successful surgery."

I smile and Jonathan raises an eyebrow at me. "Thank you Alec." I say. "Yeah no problem, well the kids are with Jeff so they can see you." He says. "Thank you." I say before we both hang up.

"Who was it?" Jonathan asks opening his laptop. "Alec." I say. Jonathan's head shots up to look at me. "He just said he hopes the surgery goes well." I say sitting up. Jonathan nods and walks over to me t hand me his laptop to see Jeff, Camila, Grace, and Frank. "Mom!" They all say, not including Jeff.

"Hey." I say smiling. "What are you guys doing?" I ask as I see Camila entertained by something. "We're at Aunty Jaclyn's house." Grace says smiling. Jaclyn and Quickie appear on the screen and smile. "Hey." They say waving. "Hi." I say smiling.

"The other boys should be here soon." Quickie says checking his watch. "Other boys?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Yes. Drew, Andy, Trevor, Tyler, and Anže." He says. I nod and Jonathan joins me on the bed to see everyone. "Hey." They all say. Jonathan waves at everyone.

"So what are you guys doing right now?" Jeff asks. "We are currently counting down the hours." I say nodding. Jeff frowns and I shake my head. "I wish I can be there for you." Jeff says. "We all do." Jaclyn says motioning to everyone. "Yeah!" Camila says. I smile and a tear falls down my cheek. I missed them.

"We're here!" Drew yells as him and the rest of the guys walk. "Hey!" Jonathan and I say smiling. "What's up?" Tyler asks as they all try to squeeze into the picture.

"Nothing much, it's quiet over here." I say turning the camera to Patrick, Corey, Artemi, Duncan, Marián, Adam, and Keilani who are sleeping on the floor or chairs.

They all laugh and I turn the camera back around. "Where's Douglas?" Jeff asks. "He's in the cafeteria with David, Bryan, and Andrée." I say.

"Andrée?" Frank asks. "You didn't tell them?" Jonathan asks turning to me. "I forgot." I say before turning back to the computer. "We adopted a girl." I say smiling. "Who?" Camila asks excited. "Her name is Andrée." I say smiling. "Congratulations." They all say smiling.

"Thank you." Jonathan and I say before Luca walks in. "Hello Mr and Mrs. Toews." He says before walking over to my vitals. "FaceTiming family?" He asks. I nod and turn the laptop so the camera faces him. Everyone says hi and Luca waves hi back.

"So we'll start prepping you in about an hour." Luca says as he writes something on my charts. "Okay, thank you." I say nodding. He nods and walks out the room.

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