Chapter 9 : Take Your Time

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Dear Jonathan,
I heard your in Chicago. How's it going? I know we just spoke to each other and we don't want nothing to do with one another, but can we just start over? I miss you, as a friend. Besides Patrick you were the person who I shared my secrets with. If you do want to start over meet me at the place we first had dinner.
Alina Kane-Martinez.

The letter was short and quick. I place it in an envelope and chuck it into Jonathan's mailbox before walking towards my car.

"Alina?" Someone asks behind me. I turn and see Justin. "Justin." I say fully surprised that he's still around and about in Chicago.

"How are you?" He asks pulling me into a hug. Although he did always bug Jonathan and I, I kind of missed him around. "Good and yourself?" I ask.

"Good, I'm doing good too." He says smiling proudly of himself as if he achieved something great in like. Which is true.

"I heard you married the defenseman of the Kings. Drew right?" Justin asks. "Oh no, Alec Martinez." I say chuckling. "Oh right, right Alec." Justin says. "So what brings you here to Chicago?"

"I'm here for an award ceremony." I say smiling. "Award ceremony? You nominated for anything?" Justin asks. "Yes. Best photographer of the year." I say smiling. "That's, wow. That's really good." Justin says smiling.

"Thank you." I say. "Okay well. I gotta go. Hope to see you around again." Justin says before walking away.


I get to the cemetery and walk towards my moms grave. It was still day time so it wasn't that scary. I lay down the purple tulips I bought for her.

I smile and sit down for a second and notice some red roses on her grave also. They weren't dead either as if someone just put them there. I look around and see a family five graves away and notice someone. It was David. David Toews.

I widen my eyes and stand up dusting off the grass from my butt before walking towards the family. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I can't help to ask, do did you guys happen to see anyone put those red roses on that grave?" I ask pointing towards the grave. "Oh no, sorry." A lady speaks.

"Wait hold on. Alina?" David asks turning to me. I smile and nod. "Nice to see you." David says pulling me into a hug. "This is my wife Blue." David says pointing towards the lady who spoke early.

"And yes actually. Jonathan put them there." David says. "Oh, thank you." I say. He nods and I look down at the grave they crowed around. "Andrée Gilbert-Toews" it read.

I frown. Their mother passed away on this day a year ago. "Your mother passed away." I speak without knowing. "Yes." Someone says behind me. I jump and turn to see Jonathan.

"She passed away from a car accident." Jonathan says. I stay quiet not knowing what to say. I wasn't good at these things at all.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I say. "Don't be. She lived a great life." Jonathan says smiling. "She's was a wonderful lady." I say.

Jonathan smiles and looks at my moms grave. "I didn't know you were visiting." Jonathan says. "Oh I wasn't." I say. "I know, Patrick told me. Congratulations." Jonathan says.

"Thank you." I say. Danise walks up slowly behind Jonathan with their daughter Alina and I almost get caught of guard as Alina hugs me.

David chuckles and I gain my balance as she lets go of me. "Someone is happy today." Jonathan says picking up their daughter. "Where you staying at?" David asks. "Oh my old house." I say. "Why don't you stay at Jonathan's place. I'm sure he won't mind." David says.

"Oh we all know what happened last time she stayed there." Patrick says joining us. I don't laugh an so does Jonathan. Everyone laughs, but we stay there silent.

"I'm sure I'll be fine." I say straightening out my skirt. "Are you sure? Your welcomed to stay at our house?" Jonathan says. "Yes, I'm fine." I say.

"What house are you staying at anyway?" Patrick asks. "Mine, the one I bought." I say. Patrick nods and I yawn. "I should get home." I say.

"You sure? We were just about to go Jonathan's place to have a barbecue." Patrick says. I turn to him and as I'm about to speak David talks, "Yea, go. It will be fun." He says.

Jonathan nods and I shrug. "Sure, why not." I say as we all walk towards the parking lot.

"Your boy made the winning goal you know." David says as I open my car door. Danise rolls her eyes and I smile. "I don't know if I should be sorry or should be happy." I say.

David chuckles and I get into my car and begin to follow them to Jonathan's house, even though I already know where it's at. Danise thinks I have forgotten over time so don't really know exactly where it's at.

Once we get there we all get out the car and walk into the house. Jonathan goes out back and starts the barbecue.

Everything is the same. The only thing different was the pictures.

Patrick leads me to the kitchen and smiles. "We heard you can cook." Patrick says smirking. "How?" I ask laughing. "In an interview someone asked Alec what he was gonna do when he got home and he said, 'Kiss my wife, and enjoy what she cooked for me' S'cute right?" Patrick says.

I chuckle and nod. "Yes I did learn how to cook." I say smiling. "Then what are you waiting for? Start cooking." Patrick says smirking. I roll my eyes and look around the kitchen. "Very well then."

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