Chapter 60 : My Happiness

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Song : I Was Here by Beyoncé

Song : I Was Here by Beyoncé

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Jonathan's POVA week later my wife Alina passed away

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Jonathan's POV
A week later my wife Alina passed away. Today was her funeral. I struggled with my tie today, and there was no Alina to help me. Douglas was confused on where his mom went and when she was going to come back. Not only did Frank lose his birth mother, but also his foster mom.

I grab my blazer and slip it on before grabbing my car keys and leaving with Douglas, Frank, and Andrée. Alec was taking care of Camila and Grace which helped a lot.

We all get into the car and I drive off to he church to help Jeff and Adam set up the small decorations.

We get to the church and I begin to set up the table filled with Alina's favorite things. Her camera, a picture of her family, a Blackhawks jersey, a Kings jersey, one of our wedding pictures, a picture of the kids, and my moms charm bracelet. Jeff decided to bring some more of her favorite stuff also which was fair since he was her brother.

I walk to Alina's casket and hold her hand. "Take her ring." Alec says behind me. "You can put it on a chain and wear it to remember her." Alec offers. "Then when you find someone to be happy with you can give them the ring." Alec adds.

I turn to him and glare at him. "You have some nerve to tell me what to do with my wife's belongings! She just passed away and you have the nerve to talk to me about loving someone else already!" I yell. "Hey, there's no need to be angry. Alina would of wanted you to find someone to be happy with." Alec says. He was right. Alina would want me to be happy.

I turn back to Alina's casket and grab her left hand and kiss it before removing her ring and slipping on the ring I proposed to her with. Alec places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. "I'm sorry for your lost." He says before walking away. I sigh and place a kiss on Alina's forehead.

"Can we have Mrs. Toews come up here to say some words?" The pastor asks. I stand up and make my way up to the stage. I grab ahold of the microphone and look down at Alina.

"She was my wife, best friend, and cheerleader when I was on the ice. When you were Alina there was never any dull moments. She gave you a reason to be happy and she gave you a reason to live. She loved photography it was like she married it. She retired, but somehow she found her way back to you. But I'm not going to stand here and tell you her life story. If you knew it then you knew it, if you didn't well then you lost out on a great woman. I'll miss her, no matter how much time passes by, I will always remember her and always have her in my heart. She was the love of my life, you can't just forget that so easy. She was my happiness and true love. I would like to read this letter she left for everyone." I say trying to move on. I take out the folded paper and open it up.

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