Chapter 34 : Vanish Away

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The next day I'm woken up by Jonathan. "Alina, you have to get the divorce papers signed." He says. I nod and push his arm away from me.

"And I'm guessing you totally forgot about it." He says. "And also the doctor called about the DNA. She wants you to come in as soon as possible." He says. I nod and look at the time.

"Im sure I can make it before I go to the meeting." I say standing up from the bed. "Okay then." Jonathan says smiling.

I quickly change into my black pants, white blouse, and black blazer.

I walk out the bathroom in a hurry knowing that I have to do so much today

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I walk out the bathroom in a hurry knowing that I have to do so much today.

"You got the kids?" I ask Jonathan. Jonathan nods and I kiss him on the cheek before leaving.

When I get to the hospital I'm quickly called by Dr. Hopkins. "Hello Miss. Kane." She says closing her office door as I take a seat. "I have some news." She says sitting down in her office chair.

She hands me an envelope and gives me a small smile to encourage me to open it. I slowly open it scared of what I was going to find out.

I open the piece of paper and see one negative stamp and one positive.

"Your blood was positive, but that guy, Jonathan's came back negative. He isn't the father." She says. "Then who is?" I ask rethinking of the past five weeks.

"Oh god." I say sighing. My soon to be ex-husband. Alec Martinez. "You do know who it is right?" She asks. "Yes. I do." I say nodding.

Dr. Hopkins nods and stands up from her chair. "I wish you the best with your pregnancy." She says lending out her hand for me to shake. "Thank you." I say shaking it before rushing the hell out of there.

I wasn't sure if I should tell Alec. I didn't want him to be the father of my unborn baby. I didn't want to be around him anymore. He hurt me bad. More than Jonathan when he turned against me for Danise. But it was for the best according to Jonathan.

But this was something else. He not only made one, but two children with the woman who wants my head on a stick.

I quickly drive off to my lawyers office where we will be signing the divorce papers. I decided to tell Alec, since I wouldn't want someone holding that kind of information from me. Or was I being stupid?

When I get to the office I get out and hurry inside since it was raining hard. Alec was there already with his lawyer and I didn't want to look at his handsome face that I loved.

"Alina." Alec says greeting me. "Alec." I say back. "I need to talk to you." I add. "Don't worry Mrs. Martinez we'll be talking for a long time." His lawyer says.

"No, I mean private." I say. "Oh okay." Alec says standing up to leave the table. We both walk to the hallway and he stands there waiting for me to speak. "Your not reconsidering?" Alec asks.

"No, I just um-" I say trying to be brave enough to say that I'm pregnant. "Well then what?" Alec asks crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. Boy, did he look good in a suit. "I'm pregnant." I say not looking at him.

"Your what?" Alec asks leaning towards me with a confused face. "Pregnant." I say again. "My baby?" Alec asks. I nod and he has a serious face on. "But you still want to get a divorce?" He asks. "Yes." I say nodding. "Why?"

"Your no good for me, you hurt me really bad. I will never be able to trust you again." I say. "What about the baby?" Alec asks. "The baby will come with obviously. It's in my stomach." I say.

"Okay then we'll sort things out in there." He says. I nod and walk into the obvious. "Hi Alina." Christine says sitting down. Yes, she was my lawyer.

"Okay so, the most top priority I guess is the children." Christine says. "Yes." Alec says. "Well, Alec never has time for the children during the hockey season, or preseason so I say they stay with Alina during the time." Christine says. "They need to go to school too." I say. "They'll just transfer schools." Alec's lawyer. "No, that's too hard for them. They need to complete one whole year at the same school." I say. "Fine, you guys get every other school year." Alec's lawyer says.

"And the holidays? Such as Christmas, Halloween, or even birthdays." Alec says. "Whoever doesn't get the school year gets the holidays." Christine says. "Wait, school runs through the hockey season. How is that going to work Alec?" Christine says. "I have people who would be willing to help." Alec says.

"Like who?" I ask. "My sister, and Jeff." Alec says.
"Jeff has the same schedule as you, he won't be able to find time to help." I say. "Fine you get the school year, but when it's offseason like now, I get them." Alec says.

"Not so fast, you just won the Stanley Cup you won't have time for the kids." Christine says. "Look, you can show them around Chicago, but we still have what two or one months left until pre season starts?" Alec says. "But school starts in July so, I'll need them then." I say. "Fine." Alec says nodding. I nod and we both get to the signing of papers.

I open the packet up where it says to sign and do so. "You changing your last name?" Alec asks. "No, I'll be keeping it until I get married again. If I get remarried." I say looking up at him. "Oh okay." He says nodding. I nod and finish my last signature.

"Goodbye Alec." I say before standing up to leave. "Oh my god!" I hear the familiar voice of Louis.

I turn and see him grinning. "Louis!" I say bringing him into a hug. "What the hell are you doing here?" We both ask. "You go first." I say. He nods and sighs. "My sister is getting a divorce and wanted me to be here for her." He says. I frown and he nods. "And you?" He asks.

"I got a divorce with Alec." I say sighing. "No way?" He says. I nod and he pulls me into another hug. "I'm so sorry." He says rubbing my back. "It wasn't meant to be." I say shaking my head. He nods and pulls out of the hug. "Louis!" A girl calls out. Louis turns and chuckles, "I'll be right there!" He yells.

"Looks like I'm getting pulled back in." He says smiling. I nod and he frowns. "I hope to see you around more." He says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Also, good luck in Chicago." He says smiling again. "Thank you." I say smiling. He nods and turns to leave.

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