Chapter 53 : Take Us In

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"What are you doing here?" I ask

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"What are you doing here?" I ask. "We came in peace, not for a fight." Sam says. "I don't care, why are you here?" I ask. "We need your help." Sam says. "No you don't need my help, you need my forgiveness."

Sam sighs and I shake my head. "Look stuff like this can only heal over time I'm done with trying to fix our messed up family that can't seem to realize that we are all we got. Just because mom died doesn't mean that we can't still have our family reunions." I say. "Oh cut it Alina, you never even cared about them." Christine says.

"I was young and I was dumb, that's what young people do. And now I'm trying to fix what's left, but there isn't anything to fix it shattered into pieces that are too small to even glue." I say.

They all look at me with blank faces and I nod at them. "We're still your family." Michelle says. "No, I have made my own. I have the boy of dreams, kids that I love dearly, a cousin who acts as a brother, a soon to be cousin in law who is very nice and funny, a dad who may not have been there my whole entire life but is here now, a step mom who treats me as if I was her own, two half sisters who care so much about me, Jonathan's brother who treats me as his sister as if Jonathan and I were already married, and his dad who took me for me. Instead of judging me about my imperfections he gave me tips about how I could fix them. That right there is a family." I say. Michelle glares and I shake my head. "You guys can't even be happy for me. Finally once in my life I am happy and there's no problems just love. If you are my family then at least be happy for me."

I look at them one more time before closing the door. "Babe who is it?" Jonathan asks walking to the door. "No one." I lie. "Oh okay." He says placing his hand on my lower back.

We walk to the living room and continue our conversation.

The next day I wake up and got ready for tonight's game. "Alina!" Jonathan yells. I walk downstairs to where he is. "Hey honey." I say kissing his cheek before grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Hey why don't we get married, this week?" Jonathan asks. "This week?" I ask. He nods and smiles. "Jonathan I'd love to, but you gotta understand that we are too busy at the moment. We have games plus picture and scoreboard features to make, plus I have to start getting fitted for Keilani's bridesmaids dress." I say. "Fine, but I want to get married to you as soon as possible." Jonathan says grabbing both my hands.

"I do too, but the time is not right and you know it. We are too busy to have a wedding, plus don't you want a honeymoon?" I ask. "Of course I do, but the honeymoon can wait until offseason." Jonathan says.

I smile and he does also. "Fine, but we should send out invitations as soon as possible." I say. "Where would we even have the wedding though?" I ask brining it up.

"The ice rink. It's where we met, it's perfect." Jonathan says. "If that's what you want I'll do it there. One condition." I say. "And what is that?" Jonathan asks. "Our caters have to be from that sushi place you took me too on our first date or from 312 Chicago." I say. "Deal." Jonathan says nodding.

I smile and we head to the arena.

"Hey Alina." Patrick says greeting me. "Hi Pat." I say smiling. "Hey Douglas." Patrick says looking down at Douglas. Douglas smiles at him and I smile. "Anyway did you guys want to come over for dinner? Keilani's cooking." Patrick says. "Yeah sure I'll talk to Jonathan." I say nodding. "Okay, is David and Bryan still here?" Patrick asks. "Yes they are staying for the rest of the week." I say. "Invite them too." Patrick says. I nod and walk towards the ice rink.

"Hey Alina." Adam says smiling. "Hi." I say before turning to David. "Thank you so much for taking care of him." I say. David nods and I knee down to Douglas. "I promise you tomorrow I'll sit with you and watch the game honey. Okay?" I say fixing his hair and jersey. Douglas nods and I smile kissing his forehead. "I love you mommy." He says wiping his nose. "I love you too." I say smiling.

I nod at David and they walk towards their seats.

When the game was over we go over to Patrick's house. "So I have some news." Patrick says pulling me aside. "What?" I ask. "Danise is coming back to be on the ice crew." Patrick says. "Are you serious?" I ask raising an eyebrow. Patrick nods and I sigh. "Great, I'm doing their pictures this weekend." I say placing my hands on my face. "If it'll make you feel better I'll go." Patrick says. "I'll go." Keilani offers as she joins the conversations.

"Thank you guys, but I think it's bet if you two stay out of it this time. I mean you guys should plan your wedding whenever you have free time." I say. "It's okay Alina, I'll go." Keilani says smiling. "If you wish, but just a reminder. I warned you." I say pointing out. "Far enough." Keilani says nodding.

Saturday came faster than I expected. I was picking up Keilani to go to the photo shoot for the ice crew. We were having the photo shoot at the office and then going to the arena.

"Thanks for coming." I say to Keilani as I grab my camera bag as we get out the car. "Of course." Keilani says smiling. We walk into the green room and the whole ice crew is there. "Hey Alina." One says walking up to me. "Hi, Bell right?" I ask. She nods and I smile at her. "Okay let's get singles going and then group." I say.

Everyone nods and quickly changes into their first outfit. Danise was no where to be found, I was thinking she ditched but right when I thought she did she walked into the room.

"Alina." Danise says surprised. "Get in line." I say motioning to the line of girls. Danise smirks and does so. Right when I get to Danise she shows her left hand to me. "Your getting married?" I ask. "I already am." She says smiling. "You know him." She says posing as I take pictures. "Mark." She says smirking.

Keilani widens her eyes and I just stare at her. "I'm not effected by it if you were wondering." I say looking at Danise's face as she waits for my reaction. "Wow don't care about your sister getting her feelings hurts?" Danise says. "I never said that, I said I wasn't effected by you getting married to Mark. I don't care about him and he's a big jerk, I couldn't care less." I say.

"You know Danise, Alina is getting married." Keilani says grabbing my left hand and showing off the ring. "To Jonathan." Keilani says. Danise stares at my ring before glaring at me. "Don't worry Alina, I'll be at the wedding." She says smiling. "Don't worry Danise, we'll be ready for you." I say nodding. "Good, don't want to be intrude." She says. "You say it as if you never had." I say. Danise glares at me and I smile before motioning the ice crew into the group picture.

Keilani smiles at me and I think of how long this road is going to be until Danise leaves Jonathan and I alone to be happy.

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