Chapter 33 : Onto You

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"Okay, we have your test results back. You aren't sick or anything." Dr. Hopkins says walking into the room. "Then what do I have?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

She quickly flips through her iPad and looks up at me. "You are pregnant." She says smiling. "You are five weeks pregnant." She says nodding.

Jonathan looks up from his phone and turns to me. "Don't tell me." Jonathan says raising an eyebrow. "I don't know." I say widening my eyes.
"Don't know what?" Dr. Hopkins asks smiling. "We don't know if it's his or my ex-husbands." I say.

"I see." She says nodding. "Well we can always run a DNA test." She says smiling. "I think that's a good idea." Jonathan says. "Okay, I'll get one of the residents in here to help you two out." She says before leaving.

"Do you really think it was me?" Jonathan asks raising an eyebrow. "Well we weren't smart at all that night. I mean no protection. None." I say shaking my head.

Jonathan nods and smiles. "I wouldn't mind to have a baby though." He says. "I mean I only have one." He says. "Well three. You did raise Alina and Annabelle." I say nodding.

Jonathan shrugs. "And what if the baby isn't yours?" I ask. "Oh I'm leaving you." Jonathan says. I turn to him shocked and he smiles. "I'm kidding, you know I could never do that." He says grabbing ahold of my hand.

"Well you did it before." I mumble. "Alina you know I didn't have a choice." He says frowning. "Everyone has a choice Jonathan." I say turning to him. Jonathan sighs and checks his phone. "Well I have to go, I'm gonna go sign the divorce papers now." He says.

I nod as the resident walks in. "You're Jonathan Toews." She says widening her eyes. "Yes I am." He says smiling. "And your the ex, Alina Kane." She says turning to me. "That's me." I say nodding.

"Okay so let's get started." She says smiling. Jonathan nods and hands her his arm so take some blood. Three minutes later she was done with him.

"Okay, I'll see you later." He says leaning down to give me a kiss on forehead. "And the ex becomes the present." She says smirking. Jonathan chuckles and says goodbye before leaving.

When the resident is done taking blood from me she leaves. Dr. Hopkins walks in and smiles at me. "You're good to go for the day. We'll call you when we have the test results back so you can come in." She says.

"Okay, thank you." I say smiling at her before she leaves. I quickly change into my clothes before leaving to Dad's room.

"You okay darling?" Dad asks when I walk in. "Ya, I'm fine." I say. "I would rather go out to dinner to tell you this." I say. "Okay, well I get discharged tomorrow. That should be fine right?" He asks. "Yes." I say nodding.

When I get back to Christine's house she and Mark agree to help me out at my house to pack for Chicago.

"So you two are getting divorce?" Mark asks turning around in the passenger seat to look at me. "Yes." I say looking down at my lap. "Why?" He asks confused.

"He had two children with Danise." I say. "Oh come on Alina. He's the love of your life, you must forgive him." He says.

"No, he isn't. The love of your life wouldn't cheat on you and make not one but two babies." I say shaking my head. "He may take this to court, you know for the children." Mark says turning around in his seat.

"Honestly, he isn't stable to take care of them all." I say. "And you are?" Mark asks. "What are you trying to say here?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows. "I'm just saying, now your single and ready to mingle so you know. Who's gonna take care of the kids when you're out and about in Chicago?" Mark asks. "Mark!" Christine yells.

"I'm sorry, but not only are you calling me unstable to handle my children, but now you're calling me a slut? I'm sorry Christine can you pull over." I say. "Aline, we're almost there." She says. "Pull over." I say angry. "Okay, okay." She says pulling over to the curb.

"Thank you." I say as I let the kids out and close the door.

"Mommy, we're going to Chicago?" Camila asks. "Yes darling." I say as we begin to walk towards the house. "Why?" She asks grabbing ahold of my hand. "Mommy needs to work." I say looking down at her. "Why was Uncle Mark being mean to you?" Douglas asks.

Damn, these children for being so curious. "Uncle Mark was just in a mood." I say nodding. Douglas nods and we finally reach the house.

I unlock the door and hurry inside. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Alec asks. "Um, I just needed to pack somethings." I say quietly.

Alec nods and I walk upstairs leaving him with the kids. I quickly throw things in suitcases and think of where to go.

I text Jonathan and ask where he's staying. Turns out he was at a hotel and said it was perfectly fine with me staying there. When I finish three luggages filled with clothing I walk downstairs.

"So I got a lawyer for the divorce, and he's willing to sit down tomorrow to talk about the divorce and the kids." He says. "Oh okay. That should be fine." I say nodding. "But you want the kids?" I ask. "Well yes Alina, they're my kids too." He says.

"You can't just move across the country and think that you can keep them and never let me see them." He says. "Fine, but when it comes to the hockey season I get them." I say.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow." He says. I nod and he turns away to say goodbye to the kids. "You can stay here if you want." Alec says. "I'm fine, we're fine." I say.

"Okay then, you need a ride to wherever you're going? Maybe a cab?" He asks. "I have a cab outside." I say nodding.

"Okay then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He says. I nod and the kids and I walk outside to the cab.

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