Chapter 19 : Under Review

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"What in the world are you doing?" Alec asks as I toss a m&m up and try to catch it with my mouth.

"What? I can't have a little fun?" I ask standing up. "I never said that, but weren't those Douglas'?" He asks. I widen my eyes and nod. Alec smiles and walk around the locker room.

"How's Nick doing?" I ask. "Nick Shore?" Alec asks. I nod and Alec looks over to Shore's locker. "I don't know, he got hurt last week." He says shrugging. "I'm sure if you ask Keilani, she'll go and find out." Alec says beginning to tape his stick.

The rest of the team walks in. "Nice to see you back in LA." Anže says tapping my shoulder. "It's good to be back." I say smiling. "Sorry for your lost." He whispers. I nod and he smiles before walking away.

"Alina!" Jeff yells. I smile and he brings me into a hug, a hug that is filled with his sweat. "Yuck." I say pulling away. He smiles and places his hands on his sides. "Well where's the trophy?" He asks. I smile and nod over to Alec's locker room where I placed the trophy for display.

"Congratulations." He says smiling. "Thank you." I say smiling. "How's Chase doing? No wait how are you doing?" He asks. "I'm doing fine, I'll be okay." I say.

Jeff nods and walks over to Alec. "I swear we got something good." Jeff says looking at me. I roll my eyes and Alec nods.

"I'm gonna go look for Patrick now." I say. They nod and I walk out the locker room.

When I get to the suite my four little babies are in there with Michelle and Christine.

"Hi mommy." Douglas says waving his hand. "Hi honey." I say laughing. I sit down next to Patrick and he climbs onto my lap.

"What a cutie." Keilani says leaning over Patrick to see Douglas.

"So he's Jonathan's baby?" Keilani whispers. I nod and she gasps, "Alec knows right?" Keilani asks. I chuckle and nod. "Of course he does." I say pushing Douglas' hair back.

"That's cute, he even excepted you with someone else's child in your belly." Danise says. "Ya at least someone wanted her, unlike you. You want everyone, but the truth is, you can't get everyone. Shit you barley got Jonathan." Patrick says. "Silly Patrick she didn't get Jonathan she threatened him and then paid him money." I say smiling.

Patrick chuckles and Danise growls at us. I was officially winning at this game and I wasn't going to give up on making her life hell just as much she did to mine.

We lost tonight's game making the series 2-2. We all make our way to the press conference with Alec and Trevor. They both talked about the game and how they weren't on their game.

Camila and Grace begin to bug him when they start calling his name which made me laugh. "Can I have my beautiful wife here please?" Alec asks chuckling.

I blush, but make my way up there. "Why are you waving at me?" He asks. "I was trying to tell you to check your phone." I say smiling. "And why is that?" He asks looking at me. "Because our daughters are being really loud for some unknown reason so I was just gonna meet you at home." I says shrugging.

"Okay then, your gonna go home?" He asks with his hand still on the mic so no one would here our conversation. I nod and he leans up to kiss me, since he was sitting down.

"Oh and by the way Marty's girlfriend won the photographer of the year award." Trevor says smiling as he pinches Alec's cheeks. "They're so cute he has the trophy in his locker to show it off to all the boys." Trevor adds.

I roll my eyes and grab Camila as Patrick grabs Grace. "What a wonderful husband." Patrick says smiling. "Oh very." I say blowing a kiss to him before leaving the room.

The next day was quiet. Alec was out practicing with the team, Jonathan and Danise were visiting family, Corey and Andrew were out exploring, and Patrick and Keilani went to go visit Jaclyn and the kids.

So I was home alone with the kids and I guess that was alright because I missed them. Douglas and Grace sat on the couch watching their all time favorite; Spongbob.

While Camila and Frank helped me in the kitchen as I made chicken parm for dinner tonight.

Suddenly a loud crash comes from the living room. Frank and I run out and see it was Sam. You know my brother Sam.

"What the hell Sam." I say sighing. He smirks and I roll my eyes. "You scared the living hell out of me." I say. "Oh come on you know you needed a little surprise from your big brother." Same says bringing me into a hug.

"A little surprise?" I say rolling my eyes. "Oh come on, it wasn't that big." He says laughing. "Now what did you break?" I ask. "Oh that vase over there." he points at all the glass on the floor.

I nod and all the kids stare at us. Sam hasn't been around lately so he never gets a chance to really hangout with the kids. They usually meet him, but forget after awhile.

"Sam this is Camila, Grace, Douglas, and Frank. We adopted Frank last month." I say. "Kids this is your Uncle Sam, my brother." They all wave at him. "Why don't we go out for lunch?" Sam asks.

"Sure, let me just finish up dinner." I say before walking back to the kitchen. My phone buzzes and it's a text from Patrick.

You wouldn't believe what I just found out. Danise has a sister and they're planning the most evil thing ever.

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