Chapter 22: Out the Window

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The next morning I wake up to Camila crying. I sigh and stand up before walking towards her room. Frank stands there holding Camila and rocking her back and fourth.

I smile, "I appreciate what your doing Frank, but she actually hates that." I say. Frank smiles and nods. "I know, I just thought I should give it a try." He says before walking towards me with Camila.

"It's the thought that counts." I say smiling. He nods and hands over Camila. "Thank you." I say before walking downstairs with Camila.

"Good morning." Keilani and Patrick say as I reach the bottom of the staircase. "Good morning." I say back smiling.

Patrick hands me a plate full of pancakes to place on the table. I hand him Camila and he puts her down on the couch to watch cartoons.

"How's Alec doing? He got hit pretty hard yesterday." Patrick says. "He'll be fine." I say as he walks downstairs with Douglas, Grace, and Frank.

"Nice of you to talk about me. I'm flattered." Alec says placing Grace and Douglas on the couch before walking over to me to give me a kiss.

I smile and he turns towards Patrick and Keilani. "Where's Sam?" He asks. "Sleeping." Keilani says looking down at her watch. "At 11 in the afternoon." She adds. I chuckle and looks at the clock.

"I can't believe we slept in that late." Alec says stretching. "No I can't believe the kids slept that late." I say laughing. Alec smiles and my smile fades when the doorbell rings. Who could it possibly be?

I open the door and see Danise and Diana. "What?" I ask. "Ouch, really rude for you to answer the door like that to guests." Danise says. "Actually I didn't invite you so your no guests." I say smiling.

Danise rolls her eyes and pushes pass me. As Diana tries to I stick my foot out and she goes falling. "Get out." I say. "What makes you think I will?" Diana asks. "Oh trust me darling I'm pretty sure you will." Mariana says as Danise dangles from her shoulder.

"Don't tell me you knocked her out." I say as Danise just stays there without moving. "Knocked her out cold." Mariana says turning around so I can see her face. "Now stay out and don't come back." Mariana says laying Danise out on the front lawn with Diana being pushed out by me.

The boys didn't have a game today, but they had a meet and greet with the fans which kept them busy for the whole day I guess.

I didn't go with them since I wanted to stay home with the kids as I planned Chase's funeral. Adam was FaceTiming me to help me out with the funeral.

We both agreed to have it in LA, but bury him in Chicago where he was born and raised. We made the guest list easy, the players, his family, close friends, and some businessmen from the Chicago Blackhawks and the museums he knew.

It would be a big thing basically. Since Chase was loved by everyone basically. "Mom, is there any paper?" Frank asks. I nod and walk over to the shelf of books and pull out the drawer with paper. "Thank you." He says before taking two.

I nod and walks off to his room. Frank was a sweet boy, but he was getting to the age where you worry about him since they begin to hide secrets from you. He wasn't there yet so you can say I was glad.

"Mommy is daddy ever gonna spend time with us?" Douglas asks tapping me. I turn to him and my face falls. We all missed Alec, but then again we supported him in the playoffs. "Yes of course." I say, half lying.

If they do win the cup they would be surrounded my cameras all the time. If they don't they would be heartbroken and wouldn't want to be surrounded by no one.

Douglas nods and sits down next to me. "Sorry Adam." I say sighing as I turn to the laptop. He shrugs smiling, "It's okay." He says looking over to Douglas. "Hi Douglas." He says waving. Douglas smiles, but stays quiet as he hides behind me.

"What a cutie." Adam says before turning back to me. "So we good for now?" Adam asks talking about the funeral plans. I nod and he smiles. "I guess I'll talk to you later then." He says. "Okay, bye Adam." I say before ending the FaceTime call.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask turning to Douglas. "Go visit daddy." Douglas says quickly. "Sorry buddy, but no can do." I say frowning. Douglas frowns also and I almost want to cry.

"Okay then." Douglas says crossing his arms. "I'm sorry honey, but daddy's working." I say placing him on my lap. "He never has time for us." Douglas says pouting.

I sigh and nod. "It's his job honey, there's nothing we can do about that." I say pushing his hair back. Douglas nods before making his way upstairs, probably to bug Frank.

"Hey darling." Marina says walking into the living room. "Hi." I say looking at her. "What's wrong?" She asks grabbing the tv remote. "Nothing." I say shaking my head before standing up to clean up my papers and laptop.

Mariana smiles and places a hand on my shoulder to stop me. "Alina, you do know we're sisters and you can tell me anything." Mariana says. I nod and she smiles. "Good be you mean a lot to me, and especially to Alec. The man has you under 'queen' in his contacts." Mariana says smiling.

I chuckle and nod. "He's the one." I say smiling, before thinking of Jonathan. I shouldn't be thinking about him. Alec is in the picture now, not to mention the three kids I have with him. Then again I have one with Jonathan also.

"Thank you Mariana." I say smiling. She nods and Sam joins us. "April is coming over if you don't mind." Sam says. I shake my head and he smiles. "She better be coming over, I haven't seen in her in forever." I say.

Sam blushes knowing it's mostly his fault. Every time he has brought home a girl Christine, Michelle, or myself scare her away. So for now on he only brings his girlfriend over one or two times.

April was different though, she wasn't scared of neither of us. Which was a big surprise knowing the Christine has great pressuring skills due to her behind a lawyer.

"And don't be mean!"

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