Chapter 18 : Out in the Open

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You Don't Own Me by Grace ft. G-Eazy
All Night by Beyoncé

Day 2
Patrick and the team decided to go home with me in LA to get away from Chicago. Due to Chase passing away they were all down.

I never saw them this sad. Not even when they lost against the LA Kings by one goal.

We all load the luggage into the van and get in, and by all I mean Patrick, Keilani, Jonathan, Danise, and I. Sadly we all agreed to carpool to save money.

It was awkward silence before Danise's loud mouth opened, "We should of brought Alina and Annabelle."

Jonathan turns to her and shakes his head. "My dad deserves to spend time with his granddaughters." Jonathan says. Danise rolls his eyes and I knew that he wasn't going to be let off the hook easily.

"They're our daughters Jonathan, they deserve to travel with us too." She says. Jonathan sighs and she growls. "Geez you always have to leave them behind," Danise says rolling her eyes.

"Oh my god shut up, please. If you miss them that much get the hell out." I say. "Stay out of this Alina." Danise says. "No shut up, please the only damn reason your in the van is because Jonathan had to bring you or else you would whine like a baby. You think we all want you here? Every time your around us all you do is whine about the most dumbest crap." Patrick says.

Jonathan turns to Patrick surprised. Danise rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Probably thinking of a good comeback. But it sure did shut her up.

We land in LA and I smile when I see my four wonderful children with Alec. "Welcome home." Alec says bringing me into a hug. I smile and breath in his scent. "Hi my little love bugs." I say bending down to the four small ones.

"Hi momma." Douglas says hugging me. I smile and he shows off his teeth. "I lost my tooth!" He says smiling. I chuckle and nod. "Papa helped me pull it." He adds. "Well isn't that lovely." I say looking up at Alec.

Alec chuckles and helps Patrick with bags.

Patrick, Keilani, Andrew, Corey, Danise, and Jonathan were staying at the house with Alec and I. Patrick and Keilani had the room next to mine, Jonathan and Danise had the room across, and Corey and Andrew slept in the living room.

"So, how's the series going?" Jonathan asks looking at Alec. "Good we're up by one game." Alec says. I smile and the doorbell rings telling us that Quickie, his wife, and kids were now here. Andy wasn't coming until later and Drew was already here.

"Where's Trevor, Jeff and Dustin?" I ask. "Oh they're doing this fundraiser for the whole day." Alec says. I nod and greet the Quick's. "Nice to see my sister alive and doing well." Quickie says hugging Keilani. Keilani smiles and bends down to her niece and nephew.

"Hi Madison and Carter." Keilani says smiling at them from ear to ear. They both smile and bring her into a hug. "Someone's excited." I say as Carter runs off to Douglas.

"We brought pasta for the kids." Jaclyn says. "Thank you." Alec says taking the bowl from her. We all make our way to the kitchen where all the food Alec, Jonathan, and I made is. "You guys cooked a lot." Keilani says. "Yes. But knowing these boys, they probably would eat majority of it." I say smiling. "Plus you." Danise says laughing.

Quickie turns to her and shakes his head. "Not so quick now?" Danise says smiling. "Oh don't start." He says rolling his eyes. Danise smirks and I sigh knowing it was going to be a long night.


The next days I wake up to Camila and Grace crying. "I'll get them." Alec says groaning. "Thank you. You're the best." I say turning towards him. He smiles at me before standing up and walking to their room.

My door flies open and incomes a blonde annoying cousin named Patrick. "Oh man." I say yawning. Patrick jumps on my bed and I groan. "Jesus your the worst cousin ever." I say. He smiles and brings me into a hug. "Oh shut it. You know you love me." He says being so confident. "Get off me you whale." I say trying to escape his hold.

Patrick laughs and I roll my eyes. "So what's your plan with the devil named Danise?" He asks. "I don't have a plan. I'm a go with the flow person." I say smiling. "Ha your really funny. But news flash Alina. That isn't the person you are." Patrick says smiling.

I roll my eyes and he finally climbs off of me. I stand up and we walk downstairs. "Uncle Patrick look!" Douglas says smiling at his dollar that the tooth fairy gave him. "Nice buddy." Patrick says smiling.

Douglas chuckles before walking away to the living room. "Breakfast is ready." Jonathan says appearing from the kitchen. We nod and all walk in to see what he made. Turns out it was eggs, pancakes, and bacon. "Thank you." I say before serving myself and sitting down to eat.

"Goodmorning baby." Jonathan says as Danise walks downstairs. Danise smiles at me as they begin to kiss. "Oh aren't they cute?" Alec asks lifting me onto the counter as he points over to Camilia and Grace as they laugh at each other. I nod and Alec smiles wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me.

When we pull out he smiles. I raise my eyebrows and he smiles. "Your lucky I hate her just as much as you do." Alec says. "Even if I didn't I would of done that anyway. Since you are my wife." He whispers. I smile and Alec kisses me one more time before putting me down.

Danise and Jonathan stare at us in surprise. As for Patrick, Keilani, Corey, and Andrew they stare at us in awe.

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