Chapter 50 : Another Stage

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"Alina!" Jonathan yells

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"Alina!" Jonathan yells. I walk downstairs and he stares at Camila. "What do I do?" He asks as Camila cries. "Hold her." I say chuckling. Jonathan picks Camila up and she settles down.

"Okay now I have to go to the office, you'll be okay right?" I ask. Jonathan nods his head. I smile at Camila and give her a kiss. "Bye boys." I say to Frank and Douglas who sit on the couch playing Jonathan's Xbox.

Jonathan's been moving his stuff in little by little, out of all things he brought his xbox first. Forgetting that he needed to be dressed everyday he forgot clothes.

"Bye." They say not bothering to look at me. I turn to Jonathan and he chuckles. "Didn't mean to get them hooked." He says. I shake my head and he leans down to kiss me. "Grace is in our room taking a nap." I say.

"Okay, drive safe please and I love you." Jonathan says smiling. I smile and kiss him one more time before leaving.

When I get to the office I walk in and see Adam. "Hurry." He says grabbing my hand and leading me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Shut up and keep walking." Adam says opening a door to a staircase. We walk into a theater. "We just made it, and I made Chase a video. I wanted you to see it." He says.

I nod and he points to a chair. I sit and turn to the screen. "We all interviewed the boys on their thoughts about Chase." He says before walking somewhere.

"Honestly, I can't believe it." Jonathan says as he pops up on the screen. I smile and then Patrick shows up. "I'm gonna miss one thing." He says.

The lights go down and all the boys pop up. "Honestly I'm out of words, on what is happening." Andrew. "He's all grown up." Corey says.

Now I was confused. "I'm gonna miss her awesome last name." Patrick says appearing on the screen. Jonathan is back on the screen and the boys are now on the stage. "All of the boys will hide somewhere that leads you closer to me, they have hints and you better remember the places we've been to or else you don't know what happens." Jonathan says chuckling.

"Anyways I love you lots." He says before the screen goes blank.

"Come on Alina, I'm the first hint!" Corey yells. I chuckle and walk to the stage. The rest of the boys smile at me before leaving. Corey hands me a piece of paper.

A house as a hotel.

"That is not a hint." I say. Corey chuckles and I stare at the piece of paper. "Omg it's his house right?" I ask. Corey stares at me. "Right?" I ask hopefully.

Corey nods and I exhale in relief. "I'm going to be waisting a lot of gas on this." I say before hugging him and running out to my car.

When I get to Jonathan's house, well old house now Artemi is outside with a smile. He hands me a piece of paper.

Practice makes perfect.

"Practice makes perfect?" I ask myself. Artemi smirks and starts to act out a hockey game. "The arena?" I ask. He shakes his head and I widen my eyes. "Johnny's Ice House!" I yell.

"Thank you." I say hugging him before leaving.

This running around was so tiring yet fun at the same time. I just wished I could travel faster. When I get to Johnny's Ice House Keith is there.

"Hey." I say smiling. He smiles and hands me a piece of paper.

The Wedding Date

"I know this one!" I yell excited. It was Christine's house. We were going to watch a movie, but I fell asleep right before.

When I get to Christine's house Hossa is there. "Your sister was yelling at me to get off her property." He says. I chuckle and he hands me a box.

I open the box to see flowers and of course a piece of paper.

Sight seeing.

"Cloud Gate!" I say smiling. Hossa nods and I smile knowing the boys were in order as to where we go after we meet.

I was all over Chicago. After the Cloud Gate I went to Chase's old shop, the airport, the sushi restaurant we went to on a date, the hospital, my moms old house, and many more.

Now I was at the restaurant we went to after his game with Patrick and Sam.

I walk in and see Patrick smiling ear to ear.

"Now before I give you this I have some words to say." Patrick says standing straight. "I love you no matter what Alina, you are my sister that I will never be able to replace even if I tried my best. It isn't about me though. Jonathan. You fit him better than his uniform. You are on top of his list of most important things, you even are above hockey. I mean I haven't even got that high. Alina, all I'm saying is that he's the one. I know he is. You always put a smile on his face even if he's in the darkest places. You give him a reason to wake up and you give him a home to go home to. I thank you for everything you have done in our lives. I don't know what else we would of done if you didn't accept the job." Patrick says before pulling me into a hug.

"I love you Alina Kane." Patrick says. I smile and rub his back. "I love you too." I say.

When we pull out the hug Patrick hands me a piece of paper.

Tie his tie.

I chuckle, it was the United Center. I give Patrick one last hug before walking out.

When I get to the united Center I go through the back to the hallway where I meet Jonathan. I remembered it. The time Sam told me to tie Jonathan's tie and when I refused to do so because  Sam pointed it out.

Jonathan turns the corner with a suit and a smile plastered on his face.

Then I saw it. A black small box in his hands as he made his way towards me. I take a deep breath.

"Alina Kane Martinez, one day I wished to replace Martinez with Toews. That day has come. Alina you have made my life a living heaven. I no longer sleep alone at nights without you by me, I no longer have to worry about being sad because you are my happiness, the true love of my life, and I wish I could get all the kisses in the world from you because let me tell you something, I feel sparks every time we touch. I never want that to fade away. When your gone I feel empty and dull. You add the color to my black and white world." He says as he grabs my hand.

"So Alina Kane Martinez, will you marry me?"

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