Chapter 31 : You're My First Love

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The next day the boys had meetings which included the wives of the players. "You sure you want to do this?" Alec asks. I nod and he sighs. "Okay." He says looking down at his tux. I look down at my outfit and smooth it out before turning to Alec.

"Is this good?" I ask. "Of course, you look gorgeous."

I blush and he smiles

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I blush and he smiles. "Like always." He adds.

We walk downstairs and I look at Frank on the couch eating breakfast. "You ready?" I ask. He nods and looks over to Camila. "Douglas is dressed, and Grace is too." He says. "Thank you." I say.

Frank nods and we all load the car with extra things we'll need for the day plus an extra change of clothes in case of an accident.

When we get to the set we all walk in. Danise was there, along with her children and Diana. I was furious with Alec, but I was gonna ride this out to see where it will go.

I have made plans for Chicago. I was going to pack up and leave with the kids. Yes, I'll miss Jeff and the boys I have grown to love, but it was the best for my children.

They may grow up without a dad, but we have mine that can guide them and even Patrick if he wanted to help.

"Hey." Jeff says walking up to me. "Hi." I say smiling. "Where's Megan?" I ask. "Oh she wasn't able to come." Jeff says. I frown and he nods.

"I saw Jonathan in the crowd. I thought he went back to Chicago." Jeff says. "No he's leaving next month to his hometown." I say. "Oh I see. When are you leaving to Chicago?" Jeff asks.

"Well I was gonna go next month to get the place set up for the kids." I say. "Good idea." He says chuckling. I nod and he turns to Alec to say hi. "Plus we start conditioning and practicing during the third month mostly." Jeff says picking up Douglas.

"Hi uncle Jeff." Douglas says smiling. "Hi buddy." Jeff says. "Alina can I talk to you for a second." Alec asks. I nod and we walk to the side. "Your actually going to Chicago? I thought we discussed this?" He says.

"What did we discuss?" I ask. "You aren't going. The reason you retired was for the kids and now your going back into the business." Alec says. "Yes well that's why I'm taking them with me. Since you seem like you don't have time for them either." I say.

"No Alina you aren't." Alec says chuckling. "Yes I am." I say. "And why is that?" Alec asks. "Because you have your own kids Alec!" I yell. "Yes I already know that. Camila, Grace, and Frank." Alec says.

"No, Alina and Annabelle." I say. Alec widens his eyes and I nod. "You act like I wouldn't find out." I say stepping away from him. "If you go to Chicago I'm divorcing you." Alec threatens. "Do it, please. Cause it's not just the fact you had a baby with her it's the fact that you had two and lied to me about it. You kept it from me and I never kept anything from you." I say.

Well Alina you actually did. My mind says. You didn't tell him about Jonathan and you.

I mentally hit myself for saying that, but don't say anything. "Yes you have, so don't start that crap." Alec says. "Oh kiss my ass." I say turning to walk away. Alec grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. "Alec let go of me." I say trying my best to pull away from his grip.

"No, stay." Alec says, I shake my head and he growls. "Let go of her dude." Jonathan says coming out of nowhere. "Whoa whoa what's going on here." Jeff says walking over. We all stay quiet and look at one another.

"I'm gonna go home." I say. "Why?" Jeff asks. "I'll tell you later." I say grabbing my belongings. "Oh hey Alina." Danise says walking over to us.

I stay quiet as I grab Douglas. "Here let me help." Jonathan says grabbing Douglas from my arms. "I'll be at the park with Jonathan." I say to Alec. "When you want to apologize." I add.

Alec glares at Jonathan and I say goodbye to everyone before leaving.

When we get to the park the kids run off to play. As for Camila, she stays behind waiting for me. "Mommy come push me on the swing." She says grabbing onto my hand.

I nod and follow her to the swings. Frank was pushing Grace and Jonathan was pushing Douglas.

"I don't have a chance huh?" Jonathan asks. "A chance at what?" I ask turning to him. "You, at us again." He says.

I stay quiet and he waits for an answer. "You're my first love, I'll always love you. But to be able to trust you? It'll take some time." I say. Jonathan smiles and I chuckle. "But I'm still married." I add.

"Are you serious? That bastard just told you not to go to Chicago for your dream." Jonathan says. "Jonathan, my dream came true three years ago." I say turning away from him.

"It doesn't mean you can't get knew ones." He says. "I have children, their dreams are way more important than mine." I say. "No they are both important." He says.

"Plus we need to say our goodbyes to Chase." Jonathan says. "Yes." I say remembering the cheerful guy. "He wanted you to do this." Jonathan says smiling. "But do what you want."

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