Chapter 42 : Fire

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"Are you ready?" I ask Jonathan. It was the first time I finished getting ready before him. "Yes." He says buttoning his blazer. I nod and we both gather our belongings before leaving.

"Finally." Patrick says as we reach the lobby. I roll my eyes and point at Jonathan. "Of course it's him." Patrick says helping Keilani up from her chair. "Patrick told me that your speaking at the awards." Keilani says smiling.

"Yes, I'm announcing an award with Martin Brodeur." I say. "Which award?" Patrick asks. "William M. Jennings Trophy." I say.

Patrick nods and we all squeeze into the bus where everyone is.

We get to the carpet and begin to make our way down it. "Oh there's Jeff." I say spotting him getting out of the car with Megan. "I got seats next to him." Jonathan says. "Oh really? They just gave them to you?" I ask turning to him.

Jonathan nods and I think awhile before turning back to the cameras and smiling.

When we finish walking the carpet we enter the arena. Everyone was quickly walking to their seats. It was a room filled with legends, and future legends.

We find our seat and see Jeff and Megan already were seated. "Hey." They both say standing up to greet us. "Hi." I say hugging them both. We both sit down after greeting one another and wait for the ceremony to start.

"So where's Martin Brodeur?" Jeff asks turning in his seat to look for him. "I do not know." I say chuckling. Jeff laughs and I check the time.

The lights go down and people begin to walk on stage to start things up. I smile as Jonathan places a hand on my thigh.

When it was my turn to go backstage some crew member gathered Martin and I. "Wait." Jonathan says grabbing my hand. I turn to him and he puckers his lips. I chuckle and lean down to meet my lips with his.

"Okay I got to go." I say leaving with the three.

"I know we didn't get to rehearse since I was on vacation or meet each other. My name is Martin Brodeur." He says placing his hand out for me to shake. "Alina Kane-Martinez." I say. "Oh wow your married." He says. "Recently got a divorce." I say.

"And it must be to Alec Martinez, I believe." He says. "Yes." I say nodding. "Who'd you come with?" He asks. "Jonathan Toews." I say as the makeup artist touch up my face. "You?" I add.

"I came here with my wife Genevieve." He says. I nod and help the crew member put my wires and microphone on.

"Are you related to Patrick Kane?" Martin asks. "Yes I am." I say smiling. "So your photographer?" He asks. I nod and he smiles. "I heard you won the best photographer and the best action shot in sports. You even went against the Dodgers photographer and he's good. Yet you still won it." He says.

"That's impressive." He says fixing his tie. "Thank you." I say smiling. He nods and our names are announce making us walk onto stage. We stand on the 'X' mark that was made for us and look onto the crowd. "If you don't know who Alina Kane-Martinez is, she is the best photographer in sports and in general." Martin says smiling. "Thank you Martin, but I'm sure having 125 shoutouts and still being the leader of shoutouts is more valuable." I say putting on my best fake laugh.

Martin smiles and begins a long speech about goalies before turning to me to continue the announcement of the winner. "And the winner of the William M. Jennings Trophy is Jonathan Quick for the Los Angeles Kings!" I say smiling.

The light turns into Jonathan as he kisses his wife  before heading to the stage. Jonathan greets me first and I laugh as I feel his hand shaking. They bring out the trophy and Jonathan smiles with it as the photographer takes the picture. We make our way off the stage and Quickie begins to get interviewed.

"It was nice to meet you." Martin says smiling. "You too." I say smiling as he brings me into a hug. We both go our separate ways and I head back to my seat.

Jonathan and I head to Quickie's after party. "Excuse me." Someone says tapping me. I turn and see a girl around my age. "Yes?" I ask smiling. "Do you know Alec Martinez?" She asks. I nod and she smiles. "Oh thank god, have you seen him around? I lost him in the crowd." She says. "Oh no sorry I haven't seen him." I say.

She nods and Jeff turns to her. "Your his date?" He asks. She nods and Jeff widens his eyes. I ignore the fact that she just asked her dates ex wife where her date was.

"Oh thank you anyway." She says smiling before walking somewhere else.

I nod and we keep walking towards the hotel.


When we get there I'm greeted by Jaclyn. "How are you?" She asks. "Good how about you?" I asks. "Good." She says smiling. I nod and she pulls me into a hug. I walk into the crowd and she greets Jonathan, Jeff, and Megan.

"Hey Alina." Drew says pulling me into a hug. "Hi." I say smiling at him. "No way Monroe." I hear the familiar voice of Andy. I turn and smile. "Hey." I say hugging him. Majority of the team was here so they all greeted Jonathan and I.

"Hello." Patrick says smiling at me. "Hi." I say hugging him. "Where's Keilani?" I ask looking around the room. "She at our hotel room sick." He says. "Awh poor thing." I say. Patrick nods and Jonathan joins us.

"So there's a bunch of beer here." Jonathan slurs. I sigh knowing tomorrow morning was going to be hell.

"You did this to yourself, not me." I say placing my hand on his chest. Jonathan smiles and pulls me closer to him. "Did I ever tell you, you're the prettiest woman on this earth?" He asks. I chuckle and nod. "Yes you have." I say planting a kiss on him. He smiles and turns to Patrick.

"Did I ever tell you, that your cousin is the prettiest woman on this earth?" He asks. I chuckle and Patrick nods. "Yes, as I remember you also said you were the luckiest man on this planet to have a girl like her." Patrick says smiling before turning to me and winking.

"Oh that is the truth." He says slurring again. "Okay I think it's time to go buddy." I say. "Oh aren't I lucky? Leaving with this woman." Jonathan says wrapping an arm around me.

"The party barley started and here you are drinking." I say. "Sorry." He says kissing me. I roll my eyes and say bye to Patrick before leaving with a drunk Jonathan.

Happiness, Love, and Kisses || Jonathan Toews Book 2Where stories live. Discover now