Chapter 5 : Take My All

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I walk into the coffee shop and look around. Jonathan sits in the corner of the shop drinking something.

I walk up to the table and sit down. Jonathan looks up and smiles placing his phone down. "Hello." He says. He points to the mug in front of me and I raise an eyebrow curious of why he points at it.

"That's for you." He says. "Thank you." I say as I wrap my cold fingers around it taking a sip of it before placing it back down.

Jonathan stares at me waiting for me to say something, but I don't. I stay quiet wondering why he invited me here. He moved on, I did too but something told me deep down that I still loved him.

"Why did you invite me here?" I ask. "You seemed to be sad." Jonathan says leaning on his hand as he stares at me. "Like you care, you never did Jonathan. That's why you left." I say rolling up my sleeves.

"I act like I don't care, but deep inside it hurts." Jonathan says grabbing my hand. I jerk back and stare at him. "You hurt? You have some nerve Jonathan. You took all that I had. You took everything. Your face when you did it was a smile. Clearly you didn't care or else we wouldn't be in this situation." I say.

"I did it for your own good, Alina. Danise threatened us." Jonathan says. "Shut up please. I'm tired of getting lied to. Especially by you." I say standing up.

"I know he's my soon." Jonathan says. "Who?" I ask. "Douglas. He's mine." Jonathan says.

"No he's not. You made him, the difference is you left and Alec stayed with me to raise him." I say. "You make him call Alec dad." Jonathan says standing up.

"You left me, Jonathan. Why would I let you raise our son? It's just another way you can leave again." I say grabbing my purse. "You could of told me, I had a child!" Jonathan yells making a scene.

"And what? Let you ruin that child's life? No thank you." I say walking out the coffee shop.

Later that day before the game Alec and I make our way to the foster home where Frank is. You know the one I was suppose to adopt. Well that day was today.

Turns out Frank had some family members to stay with, but just last week his last part of his family died. "He's gonna be excited." Alec says as he turns into the driveway of the foster home.

I nod and Alec grabs my hand as he knocks n the door. Someone opens the door and smiles. "You must be Mr. and Mrs. Martinez." The lady says. I nod and she smiles moving aside for us to walk in.

"Alina!" Frank yells running to Alec and I.

I smile at him. He's gotten so big. 14 years old already.

"My name is Karen, I'm Frank's foster mom

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"My name is Karen, I'm Frank's foster mom." The lady says holding out a hand for me to shake. I smile and shake her hand. "I'm Alec and this is my wife Alina." Alec says.

Karen nods smiling. "Let's get to the paperwork shall we?" I nod and she leads us to the kitchen where all these papers lay out on the table with pens.

When we get home Alec gives Frank a tour of the house as I cook dinner. Yes, my chef skills have improved. Christine walks into the kitchen and smiles at me. "You actually adopted him." She says. I nod and smile. "The boy deserves to be happy." I say turning the stove on.

"He does." She says rocking Camila in her arms. I smile and she places Camila in her rocking chair. "I'm gonna get going, I have a case to work on." Christine says bringing me into a hug. "Thank you." I say before she leaves the kitchen.

Frank and Alec walk into the kitchen. "Hello." I say as I grab a big pot big enough for pasta. "What are you making?" Alec asks. "Spaghetti." I say placing the pot on the stove. Alec nods smiling.

"Did you show him his room?" I ask. Alec nods and Frank smiles. "Thank you." Frank says smiling at me. "Of course Frank." I say bringing him into a side hug.

"I gotta get to the game, I'll see you there right?" Alec asks. "Ya of course." I say as he leans down to kiss me. "Bye I love you." Alec says. "Love you too." I say before turning to Frank and smiling.

"What happened to Jonathan?" Frank asks. "He left me." I say as I place water in the pot along with the pasta. "Why?" Frank asks. "To be honest, I do not know." I say frowning.

Frank nods and grabs a bottle of water. "You like him?" Frank asks. "Yes, I do." I say. "Alec's a good man." I add.

"No, Jonathan." Frank says. "I'll always love him." I say placing a hand on Frank's shoulder. Frank looks down at the floor and nods.

"You'll get to see him today." I say. "Really!" Frank asks. "Yup." I say smiling. Frank smiles and I knew right there and then, he always wanted Jonathan as a father.

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