Chapter 7 : An Old Memory

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"Chicago." I say quietly. "The city where you fell in love with Jonathan." Alec says. "And where I met Frank, our son." I say turning to Frank who eats his food.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I say nodding. "I can handle myself." I add. "I know you can." Alec says. "See then, we don't need to discuss this." I say shrugging.

The series between the Chicago Blackhawks and Kings was 3-1 with the Kings leading it. This meant if the Kings won we would go to the Stanley cup Finals.

The boys are soaked with sweat from training today, they do work hard. I'll admit it. "Hey." Alec says walking up to me and kissing me. "Hi." I say. "Happy Anniversary." Alec says.

I stay quiet because I knew he was mad at me. I was leaving to Chicago today for the week since we did have to rehearse the show and I was in it to announce an award.

"Happy Anniversary." I say smiling. "Are you all set to go?" Jeff asks wiping his sweat with a towel. "Yes, I already dropped the kids off at the baby sitter and my stuff is already in the car." I say.

"Okay let me just put on a clean shirt and I'll we'll get going." Jeff says. I nod and and Alec walks into the locker room. "Have fun, but not too much fun," Alec says kissing my cheek.

"Of course, and I'll make it up to you when I come back okay?" I ask smiling, Alec nods leaning down to kiss me. "Bye I love you." I say, "Love you too." Alec says before letting me go from his tight hug.

I wait in the car for Jeff and finally he runs out the practice arena while putting on a shirt and avoiding paparazzi.

He opens the drivers seat and smiles at me. "Ready?" He asks. I nod and he turns the car on and begins to honk to move the fans out the way.

"Are you staying in a hotel or are you staying with some family members?" Jeff asks. "I'm actually gonna stay at my old place." I say. "What? Jonathan's house?" Jeff asks. "No we bought a house before we went out separate ways, and I just kept coming back and fourth so decided to keep paying for that house." I say.

"Oh nice, but won't it be all dusty?" Jeff asks laughing. "No I have a maid that cleans it every Saturday. Sometimes my friends or family stay there." I say nodding. "Oh cool." Jeff says getting on the highway.

"You sure you'll be fine, because Megan or Jaclyn could go with you." Jeff says. "I'm fine, plus I haven't seen Keilani for a long time, we need some catching up to do." I say.

I land in Chicago and the familiar sound of cars in traffic and subways fills my ears. I sigh and grab my luggage. "Thanks Mia." I say as she climbs out of the plane. She was my pilot for the day. "Anytime." She says smiling before she walks into the 'employee only' room.

I roll my luggage out the airport and whistle for a cab. Luckily one pulls up right away. I climb into the cab and give them the address for my house.

"Aren't you Jonathan Toews' ex?" The cab driver turns around. "Yes, I am." I say looking at him. "What a shame, this must be a surprise for him then?" He asks. "Actually no, he's in LA going against my husband. Alec Martinez he's on the Kings." I say.

"Oh, no kidding?" He asks. I shake my head and he smiles showing off his silver teeth. I smile back and he turns around in his seat to pay attention to the road.

When I get to the house I walk up the driveway and to the door. I unlock the door and walk in. I never cleaned out everything in here. The pictures of Jonathan and I still stand and hang everywhere.

The couches and other important things are covered in sheets to keep dust off. I take the sheets off and sit on the couch.

My phone blows up with messages, but I ignore them. It was four o'clock here which meant it was two o'clock in California.

The rehearsal was in an house so I had to get ready already. I open my suitcase and grab out my  long sleeve knitted shirt, black jeans, and brown pointed leather shoes.

I figured it would be cold in the Chicago weather, especially at this time of month

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I figured it would be cold in the Chicago weather, especially at this time of month.

I grab my makeup bag and begin to touch up my makeup, and fix my hair into a bun. Once I'm finish I walk out the door and into the garage to get my car.

When I open the garage I don't find my Audi, I find my Mercedes that Jonathan had bought for me.

I widen my eyes and look down at my keys to see the Mercedes logo on it, I didn't even notice it. How did he even get the car in my garage. Oh what am I kidding. It's Jonathan, he will find away.

I unlock the car and climb into the drivers seat before taking off to the arena where the awards are going to be held.

When I get there I'm greeted by two people. Both woman and both very neatly dressed from top to bottom.

"You must be Mrs. Alina Martinez. I'm Rachel Buen and this is my assistant and sister Mae Buen." The oldest girl says. "Nice to meet you." I say smiling.

"We aren't this years hosts, but we are the ones in charge. The person who was suppose to be in charge was Chase, you know him. He worked with you. But he's sick, really sick. So his coworker Adam is it? He'll be filling in his spot." Rachel says.

"Yes, Adam is his name." I say nod. "Very well then, I'm sure you'll be very happy then to see a familiar face in the room." Rachel says walking into the arena.

I follow close behind, afraid I'll get lost. This wasn't as big as I pictured it. I pictured it small since no one really cared about photography. So not that many people would come.

"Mae, lead her to the stage, and introduce her to her partner." Rachel says. Mae nods and starts walking towards the big stage.

"Your partner is actually Annie Leibovitz. You must know her. She has wonderful work." Mae says smiling as we walk up the stairs and onto the stage.

"You two are kind of familiar. You both love to take pictures of people. Which is very beautiful by the way. I'm a big fan." Mae says smiling.

"Thank you." I say smiling as an elder lady walks up to us. "Hello Miss. Leibovitz this is your partner in the award ceremony Mrs. Alina Martinez." Mae says smiling. "I've hard about you. You have amazing work." Annie says smiling as I shake her hand. "Thank you very much." I say smiling.

Annie nods and I hear my name being shouted. I turn and see Adam. "Hi, again." Adam says smiling. "We need to talk."

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