Chapter 48 : All My Heart

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Lea Michele plays Gen

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Lea Michele plays Gen.

David, Bryan, and I sit on the couch as David Skype's Blue. It was two in the morning and David and Blue have been on Skype ever since we got home.

"He'll be here soon." Bryan says as he checks the time. I yawn and sigh. "I'm gonna get some sleep." I say, "Wake me up when he comes home." I add.

"Alina, wake up he's here." David says. I nod and slowly get out of bed and slip on a hoodie.

I walk downstairs and see a very tired Bryan, a wide awake Jonathan, and a happy Gen.

"I thought you said she wasn't going to be here." Gen says turning to Jonathan when she sees me. Jonathan stays quiet. Unbelievable, she was here. "Jonathan really?" David asks. "She isn't your responsibility." David says.

"We have no more guest rooms." Bryan says. "You two took the only one we have." Bryan says. "Well I'm sure Alina doesn't mind sleeping downstairs with me on the couch." Jonathan says. "Actually I do. Seriously Jonathan? I just got out the hospital and if you forgot let me remind you. I have stitches on my stomach." I say.

"Ouch, too bad I'm the guest." Gen says giving me a sympathy smile. "Actually the owner of the house didn't invite you, you invited yourself so you aren't a guest." David says turning to Bryan. "He's correct." Bryan says. "Dad really?" Jonathan asks.

"No Jonathan, you have a girlfriend. You shouldn't be inviting any girls to my house especially if your girlfriend is staying here." Bryan says putting his hand on my shoulder. "And then you have the nerve to tell Alina to stay on the couch with you when you know she has a bunch of stitches." He adds.

"You know the situation here dad." Jonathan says motioning over to Gen. "She isn't your responsibility." Bryan says. Jonathan sighs and turns to me. "I'll check her in the closest hotel." Jonathan says turning around. "You aren't even going to ask what Alina thinks?" David asks.

Jonathan sighs and turns to me. I cross my arms and motion to the kitchen so we can talk alone.

"So?" Jonathan asks. "I have so much to say, but I'm not going to say much. You should know already how I feel about this. If it was me in this situation and Gen was Justin and he had the same problems as she did you wouldn't care. If I did the same thing you are doing you would tear Justin's throat out and you know that." I say. "I know that Alina, but what if I leave her alone and she attempts to kill herself?" Jonathan asks.

"She only does it for your attention. Isn't it obvious?" I ask confused and why he still defending her. "Jonathan it's suppose to be you and me, me and you against this world. Not you, me, and Gen. I'm sorry, but was she has needs some help. You aren't her doctor so stop trying to be. It's her choice to do what she wants to do, if she doesn't want to do it what makes you so sure she's going to do it know? Especially when you show up back in town with a girlfriend." I say. "I know, your right." Jonathan says.

"So what the hell is she still doing here?" I ask. Jonathan nods and leans down to kiss me. I dodge the kiss and he stares at me confused. "Your funny, not now." I say pointing to the living room door where Gen is.

Jonathan sighs and walks out the room. I follow his and see David glaring at Gen with all his energy. "Gen, I'm gonna take you home." Jonathan says. David turns to me and smiles brightly. "W-what why? I thought I was staying." Gen says nervously. "No, they were right." Jonathan says pointing to David, Bryan, and I. "You aren't my responsibility to take care of. You need some help with your problem and I am not your answer." Jonathan says. "Yes you are." Gen pleads.

"No I'm not." Jonathan says sighing. "I'm not a doctor and I can't help you." Jonathan says nervously. "Your the one that I want." Gen says grabbing Jonathan's face and kisses him. I widen my eyes and Jonathan quickly pushes her away.

"I've tried. I really have Gen, but you seriously have problems. You think you can come to Bryan's house and try to kick me out of the guest room so you can sleep there and I can sleep on the couch? You push me out of the way to sit next to my boyfriend? Now you kiss him? Sorry to break it to you darling, but earlier we were making out and there was lots of tongue so your basically kissing me. I'm flattered, but not interested. So you can guide your way out or I can push you the hell out." I say.

Gen growls at me and stomps her way out the house. "Wow Alina I'm usually scared of Dad when he yells at me, but you didn't even yell at her and I, myself was scared." David says pointing to me. Bryan chuckles and smiles at me. "Alina I was going to handle it." Jonathan says turning to me. "Jonathan she kissed you. What do you expect?" I ask.

Jonathan sighs and nods knowing I was right. Jonathan wipes his mouth and sticks his index finger up. "After I go brush my teeth expect a long kiss." Jonathan says running up stairs. "He thinks he's going to get off easily? He's funny." I say to David.


The next day we decide to go to the zoo so we can get out of the house. "So Alina, how old are your children?" Bryan asks. "My twins, Camila and Grace are two, Frank is adopted he's 14, and Douglas is five." I say smiling. "Douglas is Jonathan's son too right?" Bryan asks. Jonathan nods and smiles.

"If you want we can Skype them tonight." Jonathan says. Bryan nods and we all get out the car since we were now at the zoo. "Is that Matthew and Adam?" Jonathan asks pointing. I nod and we walk over to them. "Uncle Matthew!" A little boy says running. "Surprise!" Adam says smiling.

I look down at the children behind them and see Douglas, Frank, Grace, and Camila. "How did you two know where we were?" I ask. They point behind me and I turn to see Blue. "No way!" David says bringing Blue into a hug. Blue smiles and turns to Jonathan and I. "Hey Blue." Jonathan says as she pulls him into a hug. "Nice to see you again Alina." Blue says smiling at me. "You too." I say smiling. "So how do you know each other?" I ask Blue, Matthew, and Adam.

"Well we called David and told him we needed to talk to Blue about her job and he gladly gave us her number since he didn't want to her to lose any information on her 'speech' she was giving. This story was all Adam's idea by the way. Then we called Blue and she decided to join in on our little surprise. She asked David what he was doing all day and he told us then we came here as soon as could." Matthew says.

"Well thank you all." I say smiling. They nod and Douglas begs me to pick him up. I do so and walk over to Bryan who is smiling ear to ear. "I have a grandson." He says as he takes Douglas from my arms. "Douglas this your grandpa." I say smiling.

Douglas smiles and hugs Bryan. I was so glad Douglas was a very sociable person. "Nice to finally meet you Douglas." Bryan says smiling.

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