Chapter 3 : Nothing Special About Love

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Do What You Do by Kalin and Myles

Dinner was okay I guess. I was just excited to go home. I was tired and I wanted to just curl up with Alec and watch a good movie.

When I walk in the house everything is quiet which meant the kids were sleeping, and the tv was on which meant Alec was watching tv.

I walk into the living room and he turns and smiles. "How was it?" Alec asks. "Good." I say nodding. "That's good." He says patting the couch for me to sit down. Which I do.

Alec pulls my closer to him and I smile. "You know I'm always here for you right?" Alec asks. "Of course I know that." I say looking at him. Alec nods and grabs my hand and kisses it. "Good." He says smiling.

The next day I wake up from Douglas pulling on my shirt. "Yes?" I ask. "Daddy said he went to practice." He says. I nod and Douglas walks away.

That's it? That's all he wanted to tell me? I chuckle and stand up. I walk downstairs and find Douglas with his sisters on the couch watching tv.

"How about we surprise Daddy at practice?" I ask. Douglas nods and I smile. "Okay let's get ready and we'll pick up breakfast on the way." I say. They all walk upstairs and I follow them to their room.

I dress Douglas in some jeans, a Kings jersey, and his vans. For the twins I both put on their Kings dress, and some flats. I change into some black jeans, a Quick jersey, and some black vans.

Once we're all ready we all get into the car and I drive off.

"Mom?" Douglas asks. "Yes?" I ask. "Does uncle Patrick love us?" Douglas asks. "Why do you ask that? Of course he does." I say. "He never visits us." Douglas says.

I frown and but don't say anything as I pull into the drive through of Starbucks.

We get to the Toyota Sports Center and us four all walk in and find some benches to sit on. "Hello there." Louis says sitting down next to me. "Hey Lou." I say. "Guess whose here." He says. "Who?" I ask.

"Your favorite baseball player, a.k.a your boyfriends." Louis says. I roll my eyes and wave him away. "What's his name? Oh right Joc Pederson." Louis says winking.

"Shut up." I say before I notice Joc walking over to us. "Don't worry I'll keep it a secret, we all know you like him." Louis says. "Ya and you like Margot from the camera crew. Your point?" I ask.

Louis flips me off and I gasps as I look down at my children. Louis smiles and Joc finally stops in front of us. "Hey Alina." He says smiling. "Hey." I say smiling. "Hey kiddo's." Joc says turning to the three little brats. "Hi Joc." Douglas says smiling.

Joc smiles at him and Alec bangs on the glass trying to get my attention. "Wanna go for a skate?" He yells. I smirk and he winks. "Let's go for it!" I yell back. He smiles at me before skating away.

"Lover boy is such a flirt." Joc says. "The love never dies you can say." I say smiling. "At one point love does die." Joc says. "Don't be so negative." I say smiling. "Don't make your expectations too high either." He adds.

I roll my eyes and he smiles. "I'm just kidding." He says. "No you have a point." Louis says. "Boys, always so negative." I say as Grace climbs into my lap. "She's a cutie." Joc says looking down at Grace. I smile and Joc leans down to her.

"She looks like her momma." Joc says. "I did make her." I say smiling. Joc smiles. "Do you want to hold her." I ask.

Joc nods and I smile handing him Grace. "Mind keeping an eye on them as I get my skates in the locker room?" I ask Joc. "Sure." He says smiling. "Thank you." I say before walking to the locker room.

Luckily I found my old skates in Alec's locker right away. "Hey." Jeff says walking into the locker room. "Hi." I say smiling. "Come to dinner tomorrow?" Jeff asks. "Yea, sounds good." I say. Jeff hasn't married Megan yet, but she has a big diamond ring on her still.

"The rink is all yours." He says before sitting down on his chair. "Thanks." I say as I walk out the locker room. "Oh hey Alina!" Jonathan calls out. I turn and smile. "Nice jersey." He says smirking at his last name on the back of it. "You already know." I say as I walk out to the benches.

I start to put on my skates and lace them on as Alec walks over to me. Some fans walk up to him asking him for an autograph or a picture. I of course am asked to take the picture, but in some they do ask me to be in it.

"Weren't you Jonathan Toews' girlfriend?" One asks. Alec and I stare at each other before I turn to them and nod. "What? Were the blackhawks not good enough for you?" She asks. I stay quiet and don't answer the question.

Finally Alec and I go on the ice and me being the scaredy cat I am, I was scared of falling since I do have a baby in me growing. Alec chuckles and holds out his arms in front of me to hold onto. "Your boyfriend is here." Alec says nodding over to Joc. I roll my eyes. "Just because he likes me doesn't mean I like him." I say. "I know, I know." Alec says chuckling.

"But us, men love to tease you ladies." He says kissing my cheek. I smile and he leads me across the rink before Douglas, Camila, and Grace join us. "Thanks for taking care of them." I say to Joc as he hands me Camila. "Of course, see you tonight." He says. I raise an eyebrow and he chuckles. "At the game." He says. "Oh ya." I say smiling. He nods and leaves.

"I'm gonna go change." Alec says. "Okay." I say as I get off the rink.

The Staple Center was empty, but soon it would be filled with Blackhawk fans and Kings fan. I grab phone out my purse as it begins to ring. Alec and I had just dropped off the kids at Christine's house.

Alec turns to me and I shove my phone back in my purse. "Who was it?" He asks. "Patrick." I say as we turn into the locker room.

"You could of answered it." He says. "I rather not," I say, but pause. "He's been acting weird."

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