Chapter 41 : In The Toilet

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"I told you not to drink too much." I say as Jonathan throws up in the toilet. He waves me away and I sigh squatting down next to him and rubbing his back.

I grab a small towel and hand him it when he's done. "You okay?" I ask. He nods and begins to brush his teeth. "I'll get you some Advil." I say walking to my purse. Once I find some I get a glass of water and bring it to Jonathan.

A knock on the door makes Jonathan groan and I chuckle. I answer it to see Alec and the kids. "Hey." He says. "Hi." I say smiling. "They wanted to spend time with you." He says. "Oh okay." I say nodding. They run into the room and I knew Jonathan was going to be in pain.

"Thank you." I say. Alec nods before leaving and Jeff appears with the cup. "No way." I say. Jeff smirks and walks in with it. "I'm guessing you wanna take a picture." He says. "Heck yes." I say. Jeff nods and places it on the coffee table for the kids and I to take a picture with it. "Beautiful." He says. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Jeff says and Jonathan walks in. Jonathan gives him a small smile before walking over to me.

"Hangover?" Jeff asks. I nod, "And food poisoning." I add. "Anyway, I'll get out of your hair, I have lots to do today." He says. I nod and Jeff says bye to the kids before leaving.

"What do you guys wanna do? Jonathan is too sick for us to be here." I say. "We're tired." Douglas says. "Oh okay, then let's go lay down." I say. Jonathan chuckles and I raise an eyebrow. "Nothing." He says smiling as we all go to the room. Douglas jumps onto the bed between Jonathan and I and Frank squeezes on Jonathan's side and Camila and Grace on mine.

When I get woken up by Camila we decide to go out for lunch. "Jonathan, honey do you want to come?" I ask. "Sure let me get dressed." He says. We all wait for him in the living room. Patrick bursts in and I look at him confused.

"Did you know Danise is in town?" He asks. "No I didn't." I say. "Well she is, and you wouldn't believe it. She's staying with Michelle and Christine." He says.

"And how did you find this out?" I ask. "Jeff is across the hall from them and every time he leaves his room Danise is either going into their room or leaving it." He says.

"I see." I say nodding. "Anyways, just watch your back please." Patrick says. "Thanks for the heads up." I say smiling. He nods and leaves.

"What was that all about?" Jonathan asks walking into the living room. "Oh Danise is here." I say grabbing my purse. "What?" He asks. "She's here." I say turning to him. "We can't go out then." He says.

"Why not?" I ask as he grabs his phone. "Because Danise is here." He says. "Okay, Jonathan like I care. She's always going to be here, she's obsessed with you. Doesn't mean she has to ruin our plans with the kids." I say. "You don't understand Alina, you're pregnant. You don't know if she'll push you again." He says.

"Calm down Jonathan. I'm going. If you want to come along you can." I say. Jonathan sighs and nods grabbing his wallet. "Let's go." He says.

I nod and we all leave. "I wanna go back with daddy." Camila says. "He's at a meeting honey." I say. "Daddy! Daddy!" She says. I sigh and I pick her up. "He's busy Camila." I say. "He never has time for us." She says crossing her arms.

I sigh knowing there was nothing I could say. We wait for the elevator and once it reaches us we get on it and go to the lobby.

We exit the elevator and Alec is there. "Hey, I was just gonna go get them." He says. "Oh it's okay, Jeff told me you guys had interviews all day." I say. "No it's fine. I'm done." He says. "Oh okay." I say.

"I wanna stay." Frank says. "That's fine with me if its fine with your mom." He says. Frank looks at me and I nod. "Okay, thanks Alina." Alec says before leaving.

I nod and the three of us walk towards a small burger place. "Would you look at that." Jonathan says pointing behind him. I look and see Mark and Danise. "I've seen enough of him." I say turning. "Oh no." Frank says. I turn to him and see where he's staring. "Wow." I say as I see them kissing.

"What the hell Mark!" I hear someone yell. "Oh no is correct." I say as Patrick charges Mark. "Jonathan tell my stupid cousin of mine to stop." I say as I rub my stomach.

Jonathan runs towards the two and stops Patrick before he can lay a hand on him.

Frank and I walk towards them and I stare at Mark in surprise. "What don't act so surprise." He says. "You better not say anything or I'll ruin your relationship again." Danise threats. "Oh wow I'm so scared." I say.

"Alina don't push her." Jonathan whispers. "Yes, I agree." Danise says. "How do you live knowing your a bitch?" I ask.

"I wouldn't push me Alina." She says pointing her finger in the air. "And why not? Because you know I'm stronger than ever? Because I have what you can't? Or maybe it's because the people you always seem to care after are always on my side. Is that why you hate me? You hate me because your jealous." I say.

Danise turns red and I nod. "See here's the thing Alina, you think your perfect. But you aren't. Not one single thing." She says. "I don't care. I don't want to be perfect I want to be anything but perfect. Unlike you, wanna be." I say.

"Excuse me?" Danise asks as she runs after me. I move out the way just in time for her to fall on her face. Danise turns her head at me and I chuckle. "If I were you, I'd leave." I whisper as I see Christine walking to us.

"No way, I'm not done with you." She says getting up. "What's going on?" Christine asks as she sees Danise glaring at me.

"I don't know why don't you ask this dick." Patrick says pushing Mark towards Christine. "Is that lipstick?" Christine asks leaning towards Mark.

Mark stutters as he tries to find the right words to say. "Darling let's go." Jonathan says. "Hold on." I say as I see Mark struggle. "You know what and while your at it Mark, I'd remember what you also said to Alina about being a whore. I guess you were just describing yourself." Patrick says.

Mark turns and Patrick dodges Marks punch on time. "I'd thank me if I were you." Patrick says turning to Christine who has tears in her eyes.

I truly felt bad for her, but it was her fault for bringing in Danise in the first place. She knew how much trouble she was, yet she ignored it.

"Alina please." Christine begs as Jonathan, Frank, and I walk away. "What?" I ask. "Please you can't leave me like this." She says as her mascara falls down her face.

"You? You left me not the other way. You never said a word when Mark threw his hurtful words at me and now that he hurts you, you want me to protect you and tell you everything is fine? I'm sorry last time I checked we weren't family anymore. Maybe in the future we will be, but right now at this moment? No we aren't."

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