Chapter 52 : Easy Tiger

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Today was the day, first game of the season

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Today was the day, first game of the season. Nothing happened in the past month just wedding planning and saying goodbye to Andrew.

We were going against Nashville. "Alina you have everything?" Jonathan asks. I nod and check the time. "Do you know if the kids landed safely?" Jonathan asks. "Yes they did, Alec just texted me." I say checking my phone. Jonathan nods and we walk to the car. This school year was Alec's turn to take care of the kids and next was mine, but we still had Douglas.

"Douglas is in the car already." Jonathan says as I turn to go back to the house. "Right." I say turning back around and getting into the car.


When we get to the arena in greeted by Adam. "Hello." I say smiling. "So Douglas will be hanging out with us today because I couldn't find a babysitter." I say. Adam nods and waves at Douglas.

"Your going to help out on Friday? The boys can be a bit crazy when it comes to taking pictures." I say. "Yes of course." Adam says smiling. I nod and we show Douglas around before going to the locker room.

I haven't been in the locker room for awhile so it was a bit weird not seeing the names of the LA Kings players.

"Hey Alina." Corey says. I smile and look at Andrews empty locker. I truly missed him. Corey follows my eyes and frowns. "You know he scored the winning goal." Corey says. I smile, "Good, I'm glad he's doing good out there."

Corey smiles and I turn to Jonathan was struggles to find his stick tape. I chuckle and bend down to reach in his bag. "Here." I say handing him the tape.  "Thank you." He says kissing me before looking down at Douglas.

"Hey buddy, you want a jersey?" Jonathan asks. Douglas nods and looks in his bag. He pulls out a Kane jersey and slips it on Douglas. "I would of got you a Toews one, but we all know your mom wants you to get a Kane jersey first." Jonathan says. I roll my eyes and Douglas looks down at the jersey.

"I like it." Douglas says smiling. Jonathan smiles and turns to me. "My dad and David ended up surprising me, do you mind saying hi to them?" Jonathan asks handing me a ticket. "What's this for?" I ask. "An extra ticket for you or Douglas." Jonathan says. "Okay thank you." I say leaning up to kiss him. He nods and I wave to the boys, "Good luck!" I yell. They all turn to me and smile before I leave.

When I reach the seats that David and Bryan have I say hi to them. "Hello Alina." Bryan says standing up to give me hug. "Hi." I say smiling. "Hey there Douglas." Bryan says smiling down at Douglas. Douglas smiles and walks over to David.

"Hi Alina." David says smiling. "Do you guys mind watching him? I have a lot of walking to do around the arena and I'm sure he wouldn't enjoy it." I say. David shakes his head and pats the seat next to him for Douglas to sit.

"Thank you so much." I say smiling. "Nice rock there." Bryan says pointing to my engagement. "Thank you." I say smiling. "Jonathan told us how he did it, how cute." David says. I nod in agreement. "Alina!" Adam yells. "Sorry you guys, hopefully we can have dinner after the game." I say.

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