Chapter 28 : Save My Love

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"And how do you know this?" I ask. "It was my wife who crashed into his car." Justin says.

My face drops and Alec grips my hand. "I'll go with you to the hospital." Alec says. "No it's fine, you stay here and enjoy your dinner." I say shaking my head. "Are you sure? I don't mind." He says.

"I'll be fine." I say nodding. "I'm going." Patrick says. "I'll be fine." I say. Patrick shakes his head and takes out the car keys from his pocket. "Let's go."

When we get to the hospital Justin shows us to his room. Amanda, Beatrice, and Natalie sit outside his room on the floor. "What the hell happened?" I ask as the three look beat up with bruises and cuts.

"Alina, I'm sorry." Amanda says standing up. "What happened?" I ask again. "We were on our way back from dinner with Jonathan and out of nowhere a car crashes into your dads side." She says. "You went out to dinner with Jonathan? are you sure you guys weren't bothering him?" I ask.

"Yes we went out with Jonathan and no we weren't bothering Michael. You surely doubt us." Amanda says. "So what's wrong with him?" I ask. "He just had brain surgery from a bleeder, and he also broke his leg." Beatrice says.

I sigh and walk into his room. My dad still looked good considering his condition. I walk over to his bedside and take ahold of his hand.

"You better get out of this mess you're in." I whisper before wiping the tears falling from my eyes.

"Or else you'll miss out on a lot of family and plus I can't loose you." I say smiling.

It has been a full 12 hours I have been here and not one single call from Alec asking if was my dad was okay. Not going to lie, I was getting curious about him.

Marina and the kids even stopped by to check up on me. Jonathan was here with Danise and also his two daughter, Alina and Annabelle. They were pretty wild up about being in LA and also having kids to play with.

Camila and Grace played with the two in the nursery while Frank and Douglas went back home with Marina.

I sat down on the floor with Patrick besides me. "You look like a hot mess." He says smiling. "I'll take that as a compliment." I say nodding.

"Cheer up Alina." Patrick says wrapping his arms around me. "Your Dad is going to be fine. The worst things that can happen shouldn't be in your mind right now. The only thing that matters is that none of those bad things have happened. Just know that you guys shared some years and you met your dad after all these years trying to search for him. He'll pass away knowing he meet his daughter and also go to see his grandchildren. Oh and even went to your wedding. Alina, in these times it's good to stay positive and not negative." Patrick says before kissing the top of my forehead. "Everything is going to be alright."

I nod and he wipes away my tears. "Now, you smell so I'm gonna get you some new clothes and I'm also going to take a shower since I smell like crap too." He says standing up.

I nod chuckling before standing up to give him one last hug before he leaves. I walk downstairs to the cafeteria to eat and get some coffee to wake myself up.

I haven't gotten any sleep since the last time I got sleep. Which was two days ago. I was absolutely tired and needed some rest. But of course I refused to get some.

"Hi." Beatrice says joining me. "Hello." I say picking up a ham and cheese sandwich. "You know we're planning on having the funeral in Chicago." She says smiling. I turn to her and my face drops. "He's not dead, he still has a chance." I say looking at her as if she was clueless.

"Alina, he's gone." She says frowning. "No, he's not." I say before leaving her alone in the cafeteria.


When I get back to my dad's room, Jonathan was inside with Danise. "Here honey." Natalie says handing me an envelope. "What is it?" I ask. "It's a letter from your dad." She says smiling. "Oh, thank you." I say nodding. "Of course." She says before leaving with her mom.

I look down at the envelope not sure if I should open it now, or wait until the doctors say something about my dad. Alina, Camila, Grace, and Annabelle run into the room with princess crowns and smiles on their faces.

"Sweetie what did I tell you about coming into Grandpa's room?" I ask. "Sorry mommy." Grace and Camila say. "Why that's their grandpa?" Danise says. "You raise your children how you want to raise them, and I'll raise mine how I want to raise them." I say as Danise glares at me.

Alina and Annabelle walk over to Danise and Danise smiles down at them. "Now go outside to Auntie Natalie." I say kissing them both on their foreheads. Camila and Grace both nod then leave the room.

"Save my love please!" Amanda yells outside making all of us rushing out the room to her. "He's all I have besides my children, he's my true love."

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