Chapter 17 : Your Gonna Regret This

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Day 1

My goal was for Danise to get the hell away from my family. Away from me and everyone she caused damaged too.

Her red lipstick was blinding and the sound of her voice was the sound of trouble. "Hello again Alina." Danise says. "Danise." I say nodding at her.

It was Chase's last day and I really didn't want to deal with Danise, but I couldn't back out. Chase was tired and was ready to go. It made me sad to see someone so weak. It reminded me of my mother. My poor mother, couldn't even fight the cancer though.

I walk into Chase's room and see him sound asleep. I take a seat in the chair next to Andrew and Keilani. "Hey." I say quietly. "Hey." They both say. I pass them some coffee before sitting mine down on the circular table besides Keilani.

"How's he doing?" I ask. "They've taking him off of the machines and they're just giving him some medicine so he can go in peace." Keilani whispers. I nod and begin to prepare for the tears I will shred.

"I can't believe it." I say looking at his pale skin. Keilani nods, "Me either. I really thought he could fight it." She says.

Chase opens his eyes slowly and looks around the room. "Good morning Chase." Danise says smiling. Chase stares at her for a second before turning to Jonathan. He wasn't able to speak and could barley move. Crazy, because he was doing just fine yesterday.

I grab ahold of his hand and he looks at me. His touch was weak and the beautiful eyes that I have grown to love was fading.

"We're all gonna be here for you Chase." I say smiling. He gives me the slightest smile before falling back asleep.

A tear falls down my cheek and Danise chuckles. "Oh no the princess crying." She says. Jonathan turns to me and look down. "Oh and now she's hurt by my words."

"Words really? Cause I can say a lot. Let's start here. I have three kids, they're lovely. Not to mention my hot husband that I love dearly. Yup he's the one that purposed to me, had the idea of it actually too. And also gave me a choice if I wanted children or not. Unlike you, you had to bribe others to get all that oh and threat people too. Ain't that something." I say smiling.

"Bitch!" Danise yells jumping up from her seat. She walks over to me and slaps me. "Danise I assure you. You do not want to start something now. You killed my child and that hurt me. You hurt me again and I will hurt you 10 times more." I say standing up and leaving.

Alina: 1 Danise: 0

About an hour I spot Danise leaving so I walked back up to Chase's room. It was already two in the afternoon.

"You okay?" Patrick asks, "Ya I'm fine." I say sitting down. Patrick nods and I look at Chase. I've spent most of my life in hospitals. My mom, myself, Keilani, and more.

The nurse walks in and looks at the clock. "It's time." She says. I stiffen and she begins to take out the needles in Chase. Once she's done she puts in another and injects a liquid.

"You can hold his hand, and talk to him. He can hear still." She says before leaving.

I grab ahold of his warm hands and gently squeeze them. Patrick stands up and looks at Chase. "Well buddy, we've been through a lot on the road and home. I don't think no one can ever fill your spot in my life." Patrick says placing his hand on Chase's other hand.

Tears begin to fall as I look at Chase. "You're the reason why I became the person I am today, how could I forget you? Especially when you were stubborn at times." I say chuckling and wiping my tears.

Keilani places her hand on my shoulder and smiles at me. "I'll always have you in my heart." I whisper as I hear him exhale his last breath.

My heart dropped. He was gone. No more smart remarks from Chase are the bright smile he had every time he greeted with you. The nurse walks back in and begins to prep Chase to leave.

Everyone says their goodbyes before she walks away with Chase. My best friend, boss, and most importantly role model.

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